Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Great Escape

Chapter 5

by little_miss_screamo 3 reviews

Mae forgives Frank but has a new problem

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama, Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Warnings: [?] [V] - Published: 2007-06-11 - Updated: 2007-06-12 - 548 words

I woke up and had no idea where I was. I knew I should have known, but I didn't. My wrist hurt like no other. I looked to see 2 scars. It all came back to me. Last night was so vivid. I could see every detail perfectly. The way Franks eyes shined with hunger, my wrist burning, the black venom, and Gerard. Sweet Gerard. He saved my life from living hell. I would be a vampire by now. But thanks to Gerard I wasn't. Speaking, or more like thinking, of Gerard, he wasn't next to me. I looked to find the whole bunk area empty. I climbed down and looked around the whole bus for any sign of life. Nothing, no one was here. I looked out the windows and spotted Frank outside smoking.

I ran out, went to him and shoved him. He looked at me and then hung his head in sorrow. "I FUCKING HATE YOU!" I yelled at him. He mumbled something I didn't catch. "What was that?!" I spat at him. "I said please don't make me mad" he repeated. "Why the hell not?" I screamed hitting the side of the bus in anger. "Because bad things happen" he said dropping his cigarette and snubbing it out. "Oh" was all I said. My anger towards him was totally gone. I was angry with an innocent man. It wasn't his fault. It was his anger that bit me, not the man that stood in front of me now. I hung my head in defeat. "So, where are the guys?" I asked staring at the ground. "Went to the grocery store" he said. "Okay, well then I think I'll go back inside, my body aches and it's freezing out here" I said shivering. "What!? It's 101 degrees out" said Frank. I looked at him confused. He reached over and felt my forehead. "Holy cow Mae! Your burning up!" said Frank leading me back inside. "What I am?" I asked Frank as he handed me a water. I gulped some dfown, but then ran to the bathroom and threw it back up. Damn, I think I had the flu. I was shaking and sweat was rolling down my face. I put my head back into the toilet and threw up again. I started to dry heave. Frank came in with a medic from the site. I looked at him and Frank helped me off the floor. Frank pulled me over his shoulder with no effort and we started toward the Medic Tent. We had to stop a couple times before we got there so I could throw-up. My body hurt all over especially my stomach. I felt horrible, throwing up in Frank. We arrived at the tent and Frank lowered me onto the bed. The medic from before checked all my vitals and took my temp. It was 102 degrees. He said I would have to stay a couple nights at the tent so I could get better. A couple nights! The band moved on in 3 days to L.A. Hopefully they could just give me some meds and let me go back to the bus. But then again it's probablly better to stay here, I didn't want to get the guys sick too. Ugh, I hate being sick.
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