Categories > Books > Cirque du Freak > Don't Say It


by Bex 2 reviews

This council would be one of the most exciting in years...First chapter is rubbish, it shoudl get better though.

Category: Cirque du Freak - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst, Drama, Erotica, Humor, Romance - Characters: Darren Shan, Other - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2007-05-06 - Updated: 2007-05-06 - 762 words

Title: Don't Say It
Disclaimer: I do not own anything, but Darren Shan does. So there.
Pairing: Kurda/Arra, Harkat/Darren, Larten/Arra, Kurda/Gavner, Darren/Vanez.
Description: Yes I KNOW it couldn't have and wouldn't have happened, but I couldn't help it. I got the idea stuck in my head. The pairings are... a little odd...

Part One

God, this was wrong. And they both knew it.

They couldn't abide each other most of the time. Her pride aggravated him more than he, being the laid-back kind of guy he was, would ever admit, and his views were always ridiculous to her, but no-one seemed to suspect that they perhaps hated each other a little too much for it to be true.

And besides, they cared far more about someone else than they did about each other. He liked the vampaneze, and she refused to even pretend. And, on the verge of becoming a Prince, he should have had something better to do with his time. And they always argued. But sometimes-very occasionally-they'd see each other, just because they both got so hopelessly lonely. It could never be anything serious, but both Gavner and Larten gone for now, but sometimes it was comforting to talk to someone lonely enough to understand.

The Hall of Khledon Lurt was empty this morning. Even the attendants were sleeping as Arra stared hopelessly up at the ceiling with a cold mug of coffee and a large pile of papers in front of her. Reluctantly, she forced herself to start reading.

Footsteps approached. He was humming tunefully, obviously in a good mood.

"Trouble sleeping?" asked Kurda cheerfully, hopping onto the bench opposite her and dropping an even larger pile of papers down in front of him. Arra raised two bloodshot eyes to glare at him.

"You're in a good mood," she croaked. "Especially for someone who has to look through piles of papers in the middle of the day while everyone else gets to sleep."

"Ah, well. It's nothing to complain about really." He picked up his first paper, scanning it quickly, and circling several phrases with a ballpoint pen. "Why are you up? You don't have another meeting for three nights. You've got ages to prepare."

"I can't sleep." Arra sighed. "So I decided to look at documents to see if they'd bore me into sleeping. But I can't even read them I'm so exhausted." She looked up again. "I saw Gavner a few weeks ago."

Kurda nearly dropped his pen along with his jaw. "And you didn't tell me???? Where was he????"

Arra smiled softly. "France. I only saw him as he was leaving some hotel. I just said hello." She sighed again. "He's a General, Kurda, and Council's only just started. He'll probably come, and he can tell you how proud he is of you." She grinned as Kurda went bright red and started puffing up.

Arra took a short sip of cold coffee and grimaced. "At least he comes to Council, Kurda. Imagine how I feel."

He couldn't, but he would try. 'You don't ever complain about people not being around,' he said.

'What good does complaining do?' she rubbed her forehead and closed her eyes a little. 'If he comes back he comes back. If not, waiting another twelve years is nothing to me anymore.'

He touched her cheek in a rare almost-public display of affection. Immediately she looked around fast. She smiled when she saw no-one, moving forwards a little, even if she was worried about being caught. She pressed her lips to his, once or twice, before she pulled back again to look down at her papers.

'There's nobody around,' he said, wanting another kiss if that was on offer.

'Nice try,' she laughed. 'But I still don't like you.'

'You do so,' he pushed her with a smile. 'You do really.'

He held her shoulder across the table, insistently kissing her as hard as she liked it. She pulled back as if she'd had enough, but she was flushed and smiling a bit at him, and he knew she'd enjoyed it. She picked up her things.

'Get on with your work,' she told him. 'I think I can sleep now.'

'Bored, already?' he laughed.

She smiled, and bent to kiss him once on the cheek. While she was there she whispered something into his ear.

'...Come to bed, later. I don't want to be on my own when all the council-goers come in.'

Little did they know, this council would be one of the most exciting in years.
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