Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Maybe I shouldn't


by Silvana 0 reviews

Recap of last time we saw them.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Action/Adventure, Drama - Characters: Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Published: 2007-06-10 - Updated: 2007-06-10 - 255 words

Two Years Later

They had been two weird years Jenny mused as she wandered along the beach. First Willow ended up going out with Ray, which in itself was weird because she'd moved to America, meaning that for the first time Willow wasn't constantly watching over her. And it was seriously weird cause that was the only boyfriend Jenny could ever remember Will having. But anyway now she was in at the end of sixth form after breaking up with Jay for reasons best known to herself and the cute emo dude at the café. Mikey had married Alicia. Willow had had an invitation but had diplomatically declined, and considering the video on Youtube it was easy to see why. But surprisingly Willow and Alicia now got on really well. Weird that. Jenny sighed as she trudged along the dunes. And almost went flying as someone walked into her.
"God I'm so sorry," the guy apologized quickly. Jenny clambered to her feet carefully. "It's okay," she replied, looking at him, taking in the brown hair and brown eyes, the lip ring and the tattoos. If he'd been about fifteen years younger she'd have been interested.
"Have I met you before?" he asked, not saying it like a sleazy pick up line, but as though he genuinely thought they had met before.
"No, but I'm Jenny," she said offering him her hand.
"Brian," he smiled, shaking the offered hand.

And what happened when father met daughter and she didn't know? Well that's a completely different story.
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