Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > My Heart Can't Take This Hurt

Chapter 17

by Rybekka 1 review


Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama, Romance - Published: 2007-06-12 - Updated: 2007-06-12 - 1536 words

I woke up from this far-away dream.

My dad, he was actually nice.

Wait, what am I doing in my own room? I sat up in my bed and looked around the medium sized, blue colored room. Familiar posters on the wall and stinky socks lying on the floor.

I stood up and walked out to the hall and looked both ways. The doors to Claire's room as my parents room were closed. I heard a low whistle coming from the kitchen. I walked down the hall until I reached the kitchen, there was my dad by the stove whistling. And, cooking?

No. My dad didn't cook.

I guess I had been standing there for a while cause my dad suddenly turned around looking surprised by my presence. "Ryan? I thought you were still asleep. Well, go get dressed, the pancakes will be ready in a few minutes."


I guess that dream was reality. Basically he was driving us home from the hospital and got us Ice Cream, rented a movie and made us spend the whole night with him. Acting like everything was... normal.

My life was never normal.

I got to school on time, my dad had given me a lift. He said that he was going to go and look for a job.

Good luck with finding one, better yet keeping one.

I didn't say that. I didn't want him to get mad at me and start being like he was before the accident. I was kind of relieved that I didn't have to deal with him being mad and drunk at me. I was kinda happy about it. Maybe I could allow myself to look on the bright side and hope he will keep this act up.

All school day I waited to talk to Sophia, I really needed to talk to someone about my fathers sudden 'niceness'. I hadn't gotten the chance at the hospital cause soon as I had finished talking to my father, Mrs. Urie left giving Sophia a lift home cause they were going to release my father and he took me and Claire home.

Finally at lunch I found her and pulled her into an empty classroom.

What? We couldn't use the bathroom again, the janitor would kill us if he caught us.

I was happy to see her and suddenly I didn't want to talk about my dad. He seemed happy. And now I had no need to worry about him.

I pushed her up against the wall and started kissing her. Her eyes widened and she tried to catch her breath.

"What? Ryan wait." She said breathlessly and pushed me away. No, I was not happy about that and tried to approach her again. But she pushed me away again.

"Ohh, what's wrong?" I whined and let her go.

"Well, I'm confused, I thought you wanted to talk to me?" She said seriously.

"About what?" I asked. She was wasting time talking with her lips. When I should be enjoying them. Stupid hormones.

"You know, about your dad..." she said and I backed over to one of the tables and sat down. I knew I was going to have to talk to her.

"I don't wanna talk about him" I said slightly annoyed.

"Ryan, you have to, was I the only one noticing that he was completely out of character yesterday, I mean from what you have told me about him." she said and approached me with a half-hearted smile on her face.

I sighed. "I don't wanna talk about him. He seems fine, he made pancakes this morning. There isn't really anything to worry about."

"But what if he starts yelling at you again? Or hurt you?" She said concerned and stood before me with her hands crossed.

"He won't."

"How can you know that? I mean he could be acting all nice now and then he will start being the same again. You can't trust him." I was starting to get mad. She didn't know my dad.

I stood up and stated walking towards the door. "You have no right to tell me if should trust my dad or not."

I slammed the door and walked out.

I didn't see Sophia for the rest of the school day. And I didn't want to.

I didn´t really know why I was so mad at her. I guess it was just that, my dad was nice and I was finally happy to be with my dad for once in my life. And she kept reminding me of the worst in him.

I didn't want to think about things going back to the way they were.

I just wanted to be happy.

I'm hopelessly hopeful.

and I knew it. But I didn't want to think that it was true. But she knew it was true and was just trying to protect me.

I'm a terrible person for reacting the way I did.

I was closing my locker at the end of the day, desperately searching the hall for Sophia to apologize to her when Brendon came running up to me.

"Hey, you coming to Spencer's grandma to practice after school?" he asked smiling and we started walking out of the school. With my eyes still looking for her.

"Yeah" I said. I had forgotten but it probably didn't matter since my dad had gone to find a job.


We arrived to practice about an hour later.

Jon and Spencer were setting everything up in the garage as we walked in.

"Great you're here."

Last time we had practiced we started on Time To Dance, it was a song I had written a while ago about a book I read. The book was just so good that I couldn't help myself. I wasn't ready to show Spencer and Jon the song I had written about my dad. I just wasn't ready.

We started playing what we had come up with and I started singing.

"Well she's not bleeding on the ballroom floor
just for the attention cause that's just ridiculously on

Well sh-"

I stop singing and coughed. My throat hurt but we had to work on this song so we couldn't afford to have no singing.

"I don't think I can sing. My throat hurts. Brendon, can you sing for now?" I asked and moved the microphone stand to his face. He looked awkwardly at the microphone and then nodded.

I moved away and we started the song again.

"Well she's not bleeding on the ballroom floor
just for the attention cause that's just ridiculously on"

I stared at him in shock, so did Jon and Spencer. He looked awkwardly at us and stopped singing.

"Is it that bad?" he said blushing.

I exchanged looks with Jon and Spencer then said, "Are you kidding? You're a great singer, why didn't you tell us you could sing?"

He shrugged and blushed a little more. "I didn't know I could."

"Well, I think you should be the singer. Guys?" Jon and Spencer nodded in agreement and then I looked at Brendon smiling.

"Okay, now that's official we should really start working on this song. I really want to record it cause I found this site where you can post your music for free so that'd be fun." I said and then started strumming on my guitar again, starting the song for the third time.


It was dark when I finally got home. We had finished the song and were planning on recording it this week. I still hadn't heard a word from Sophia and I was starting to feel guilty. I was going to call her later that night.

I walked up the doorsteps and opened the door to my house. I heard yelling coming from the living room. It was my dad alright.

My heart started beating faster as I ran into the living room.

Here's the setting: Empty beer bottle laid on the floor as was my little sister. At the time it looked like she was crying, and my father was standing over her yelling something about bunnies.

"What's going on here?" I yelled and picked Claire from the floor. She tried to push me away as I held her but I was not letting her go.

"Ryan, you're misunderstan-" my dad tried to explain but I cut him off.

"NO, I'm not listening to your stupid reasons. You promised to be good to us! And now you've emptied a beer bottle and are yelling at Claire, I won't take this!" I yelled and ran into my room and locked the door.

"Ryan!" Claire screamed and I let her go. She kicked me in the foot and crossed her hands. "He wasn't doing anything! We were playing spin the bottle and I dared him to scream 'I'm a bunny'" She cried out and tried to get out of the room. "I was just laughing."

I stared confused at Claire and then I started to feel horrible as I realized what I had done. I stared unlocking the door when I heard the front door slammed shut.

...and what happened next was a series of unfortunate events,

Please stay tuned to what happens next.
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