Categories > Cartoons > Class of the Titans > Seven Sins

I'm Not Emo

by Dessmonda 0 reviews

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" The goddess of gods asked worriedly. "Hera, we merely must give them a chance," Zeus tried to calm his wife, "after all what is the worse they could do?" "Give...

Category: Class of the Titans - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Action/Adventure - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2007-06-05 - Updated: 2007-08-12 - 1406 words

A/N: Okay so I decided to do another story because I lost the rough work of my other stories and can't remember what I wanted to do with them...Also I am bring in other characters from mythology I guess you could call it...but they aren't Greek.

Disclaimer: I don't own COTT, but I do own the personalities of the seven OC's

Warnings: um...none really in this chapter...

Parings: Jay/Theresa, Archie/Atlanta (maybe as the story does not center around parings but there will be hints I promise) also more that I don't want to ruin...

I'm Not Emo

A group of seven students stood outside of the principal's office to New Olympia High. The were all exchanging glances at one another but didn't speak. Finally the principal came out of her office holding seven pieces of paper. Smiling, she handed each of the new students one of the papers and told them to follow her.

The small group walked down the halls of the high school, being careful that they didn't lose their way. Finally the stopped in front of a door and the principal turned to the group. "This is Samuel, Zeal and George's homeroom." The three corresponding students stepped forward and entered the room.

The group of four now continued till they reached another room, "Lucy and Emily this is your room, and Isobel and Avery your room is across the hall." the four new students parted ways and entered the correct classrooms without speaking.

Samuel, Zeal and George ended up in math class with Jay, Odie and Herry. Jay, of course was a little suspicious of the new students but didn't really think anything of them as the boys took their seats behind Jay and his friends. Herry turned around half way through class to talk with the new students. Within a few minutes, Herry and George were arm-wrestling. Jay began to talk with the other two boys to find out information about them. They appeared normal enough; Samuel was dressed in black jeans with a black tee-shirt and violet button-up shirt. George was wearing black jeans, an orange tee-shirt with a black button-up shirt. Zeal, on the other hand, was wearing dark blue jeans, a lime green tee-shirt and a blue hoddie.

At lunch, Jay invited the three boys to come sit with the seven heroes at lunch. Samuel immediately agreed to it. Jay, Odie, Herry, Sam, Zeal and George were the first six people at the table. As they waited a tall girl with long dark brown/black hair, pulled back into a braid, came running into the room. She wore dark blue jeans with a pink tee-shirt that said "I'm not emo" and a jean jacket over top. Spotting her brothers she walked over and sat down.

Soon the others joined them and all 14 of them made introductions. As they talked about themselves, the seven heroes explained what there was to do at the school and in town. As the bell rang, signalling 5th period they all parted ways. After school the seven heroes all met up and walked back to the Brownstone.

"Is it just me or is it weird that there are seven new students?" Jay asked as they began to walk home.

"Relax Jay," Theresa answered the worried leader, "we defeated Cronus, there is no way they can be here because of him." A chorus of "I agree with Theresa" followed.

"I guess," Jay said slowly, "it's...did you see how they all seemed to have taken an interest in us so fast? I mean it's kind of creepy...they reminded me a lot of, well, us."

Odie pondered this for a moment before speaking. "I think Jay might be right...perhaps we should go talk to Hera?" At this suggestion everyone agreed and turned around. They all quickened their pace to the school. Upon their arrival, they hurried to the janitors closet, and entered the secret part of the school.

As they walked towards Hera's solarium they heard voices. Knowing it was wrong, all seven of them stopped anyways and listened.

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" The goddess of gods asked worriedly.

"Hera, we merely must give them a chance," Zeus tried to calm his wife, "after all what is the worse they could do?"

"Kill every single person in the school, give away who we are, try and take away the title of god of gods...again, start a world war, stab us in the back-"

"That's enough Ares," Zeus spoke firmly, "it was a rhetorical question."

"Ares brings up a good point," Hera said, "what if all of that does happen?"

"It won't, after all 'Jamie' said it would be fine. We must give them more credit then we are." Zues said, clearly implying that this was the end of the matter.

After waiting a few moments, trying to let all of the information sink in, Jay knocked softly of the door.

"Come in," Hera said as she saw who it was. "What are the seven of you doing back at the school?"

"Mrs. Hera we came to talk to you because we have some concerns about the seven new students."

"As you all should. Just be careful, and don't worry they are not here to harm you."

After talking with their mentors for a little while longer the seven of them let and headed back to the brownstone for the second time that day. Once they arrived, all of them went inside and sat down in the living room to discuss what they had over heard.

They did some brainstorming of what the seven new students could be, each hero coming up with a different theory, well Odie, Archie and Atlanta came up with the same theory as did Theresa and Herry. Everyone agreed that Neil's was the most unlikely.

Jay -- Perhaps they're some sort of gods/goddess from mythology?

Theresa & Herry-- The reason we can't come up with a good theory is because they are 100 mortal...we should just leave them alone and stop being suspicious of everyone.

Archie, Odie & Atlanta -- It's evident that they are probably here to train us...

Neil -- Their aliens, I think it's quit obvious. Did you see the way they some of them ate nothing at lunch and they way George practically ate everything? Aliens I tell you.

In the end they just agreed to just forget about the new students and see what happened. As it turned out it wasn't very difficult, they weren't in school for the next week. While they were, they just didn't go at all their classes. Apparently Isobel skipped everything except gym.

Herry became friends with George, the two of them bonded over eating. Neil became friends with Lucy, as she was just as vain as he was. Jay began to talk to Sam, and Odie discovered that Zeal and him had the same schedule. As the days passed it seemed as if they were normal after all. The seven heroes still went to training three times a week and every other Saturday. One Saturday, three weeks after the new students came, the seven heroes left to go train with Ares.

"I wonder what the surprise Ares has for us is?" Archie wondered out loud. Soon the other six were giving in input.

"It's probably no training today..." Neil said as he checked himself in his mirror. "I was planning on seeing Aphrodite anyways."

"Hercules and I were going to arm-wrestle then go out and eat...or something like that when training is over," Herry added.

Jay couldn't help but smile, ever since they defeated Cronus things had been better. In fact things were almost...normal. Him, Theresa, Odie, Herry, Neil and Archie would be leaving for university soon, and Atlanta might be going with them if she got enough credits. It was good that he no longer had to worry about an evil megalomaniac god trying to take over the world.

As they reached the school, they carefully made their way towards the gym located in the secret area. As they opened the gym doors and entered, all of them stood in silence and in shock. None of them could believe what they were seeing.

"It's about time you people/things got here, I was about to go insane or something."

"What?! You mean you aren't insane already Isobel?"
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