Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Black Parade


by PansyxLero 0 reviews

Words so softly spoken, death so forcefully placed

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Angst, Fantasy, Romance - Characters: Gerard Way - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2007-06-18 - Updated: 2007-06-19 - 1911 words

The following morning, was just dead. There was no one in the house, just a cold, quiet emptiness. One which Twiggy didn't really like. She lay in her bed for a while after she woke, staring at the ceiling and thinking.

Two months ago, she was planning on going on holiday for a month or two, to Milan. She was even planning on moving over there, and getting a job with a local magazine. Writing, or modeling; she didn't know. All she knew, that back then everything was perfect, and now... Now she just didn't know what to do.

Everything to her felt pointless and stupid. Life was so precious; hard to give, but so easy to take, it confused her. To her, it should have been hard to take and easy to give... But it wasn't. Life felt so pointless to her; she was alone, and her life just seemed to stand still. At an end.

Twiggy let out a shuddered breath, and pulled her covers around her tighter. Everything felt so cold, but she knew that may of just been her. The sun was shining, and the birds were singing... Outside, at least. Inside it was raining, and the birds had each dropped dead upon even trying to sing.

How was she supposed to live now? Especially with this. She had no one to go to, no one to cry on. It felt to her, that she may have had an easier time if, her heart just stopped beating. She had never fallen in love, and she couldn't see herself falling in love any time soon.

Deciding it was time to at least get out of bed, Twiggy slung her legs over the side and rubbed her eyes. She felt the warm sun hit her back through the window, but she still felt cold. Letting out another sigh, she pulled on her jumper and walked downstairs.

She paused on the bottom one, looking around. She half expected her mother and father to jump out of nowhere and tell her it had all been a dream. The other half of her knew that it was no dream, it was no nightmare. It was real, and they weren't coming back any time soon.

Dragging her feet into the kitchen, she went to pour herself some coffee; before realising, she had to make it herself. Usually her father was the first up, and made it before he went off to work. Twiggy's lip quivered, before she sat down at the table and held her face in her hands. They had never done anything wrong. They were good people, they always looked out for everyone. She didn't understand why it had to be them. As horrid was it was, she wished some other person had died and not them, she couldn't cope with it. At least not alone.

Twiggy dried her eyes, and looked up at the clock on the wall. It was coming up for lunch time, she had slept most of the morning. To be honest, she had no idea what to do. She could just sit around on her ass, wasting her days away. She knew, however, that she wouldn't. She needed someone to talk to; it was a shame, that the only person she thought she could talk to... well, she didn't know where to find him.

Gerard hadn't left her thoughts, even if he wasn't the main thought, he was still there... lingering in the back. She thought, maybe if she could find him... she would be able to talk things through. Something about him told her, that he would understand her completely.

The likeliness of finding him, however wasn't very high in New Jersey. For all she knew, he could have a family somewhere, for all she knew he couldn't care less if he saw her again or not.

Then it struck her; she was kind of surprised she didn't think of it sooner. If she moved away from here completely, maybe she'd be able to move on. Maybe she'd be able to cope better. The only problem was, she really didn't want to sell the house. It had been in the family for years, when she was a kid she had seen herself raising a family there herself. She just didn't know what to do.

He sat in a small coffee shop just off from one of the streets in Newark. He was sat by the window, watching the cars go past, the people walking- going about their daily lives. They were all oblivious to everything that was going on. In his mind, and out of it.

Gerard had gotten no sleep the previous night. He didn't understand why, he was on top of the world, everything was going good. Then again, maybe it was the girl who had kept him awake. Twiggy never left his thoughts; he didn't know whether it was infatuated with her, or whether he was just truly concerned about her. He knew she wouldn't be coping well; and everything told him to find her. But come on, what was the likelihood of finding her in a place like this? For all he knew, she couldn't care less if he never saw her again.

But still, he could not get her out of his mind. Her body was tiny, especially compared to most peoples. But her eyes were rather large and striking, but nevertheless he remembered them; even in the dark of the night. She was rather pale, but her lips and cheeks were both rose coloured, and just flattered her bone structure.

He was in awe of her, and he didn't know why. He never believed in love, and he defiantly didn't believe in love at first sight. It was such a cliché. Life wasn't some beautiful thing, to him it was horrid and bleak. People hated, people fought... No one ever talked things through these days. He hadn't remembered a day in the past few years, that something bad hadn't gone wrong. These days, all you heard about was Teenagers shooting each other, or dealing drugs. To be honest, it scared him. But, the last bit of hope that maybe he could make a difference kept him alive, and the last bit of hope he had, that maybe he would find one person who would make life beautiful; that kept him believing that life wasn't... so bad.

Gerard's life had however, once been perfect. He had a girlfriend, and his life couldn't of been more perfect. To him, she made everything that extra special. He caught her cheating on him, and he felt everything fall apart. Was this world so bad, that even those who you thought you knew best, just hurt you when you least expected it?

It led him to believe, that maybe life just was some kind of punishment.

Letting out a sigh, Gerard stared into his coffee as though there was something swimming in it. He studied it, analysed it, thought everything he could about it; until he realised, what he was doing was stupid. Coffee was coffee. Made from coffee beans and water. It didn't hold the answer to life, and it couldn't right the wrongs. It couldn't even make people feel better. All it did was allow people to wake up in the mornings, or keep people going through the day.

He picked up the salt shaker from the centre of the table, and shook it slightly, before putting it back. He traced his finger through the white crystals and stared absentmindedly out of the window. The weather had changed outside, and instead of the sun that was shining earlier; it was raining. People outside were running around, holding newspapers and other various items over their head. Each of them looking for shelter.

He turned his attention to the door as it opened, revealing and disheveled female. She was rather small, and she had blonde hair with blue undertones. It was all sopping wet, and stuck around her face as she scanned the area. Her eyes, stopped with his, and he felt his stomach tighten. Had it been fate that led her there?

Twiggy gave the biggest smile she could muster, of course that was only small. She hoped he didn't mind if she sat with him, and walked over. "Hey," she greeted softly.

Gerard smiled at her. "Hey."

"Do you mind if I join you?" she asked.

Gerard shook his head, before moving his sketch pad off the table. Twiggy smiled at him, and sat across from him. "Do you always come here?" he mused.

"No, not really," Twiggy answered, shaking her head. "I couldn't really be bothered to make coffee at home," she carried on. "So I came here."

Gerard nodded, not speaking. One of the waitress' had come over and asked for her order. He watched as she ordered; someones coffee drink could say a lot about them. Twiggy thought for a while, before the corners of her mouth turned up slightly. "I'll have a Caramel Latte please, a large one."

The waitress nodded, and walked back to get her order, while Gerard let out a small laugh. "I pictured you as a black kind of person."

"Really?" She asked. "I like any kind of coffee really," she paused. "You strike me as the latte kind of guy."

Gerard laughed slightly, holding up his mug, showing it to her. Showing her she was right, and indeed the traces of froth in his mug indicated he was more of a latte kind of guy. "Do you always do that?"

"Do what?" she asked, as the waitress returned with her coffee. Twiggy gave her a nod and a small smile, before returning back to Gerard for his answer.

"Analyse people by their coffee drink."

"I could ask you the same thing," she chuckled, putting her hands on the side of the mug. Her hands were rather cold; so she wasn't really fussed it was burning them.

"How are you doing, any way?" Gerard asked, as Twiggy raised the mug to her lips and took a sip of her latte. Although, he wished he never asked when the shine from her eyes disappeared.

"I don't know," she sighed, turning her mug around, while keeping her eyes on it. "To be honest, everything just seems pointless."

Gerard gave her a sympathetic look. "I'm sorry.. it gets easier though.. I promise it does."

"But when?!" she hissed; then sighed. "I-I'm sorry..."

"Don't worry," he answered, putting his hand on hers across the table. He felt his cheeks burn slightly, and went to remove his hands; however Twiggy held his hand, not allowing him to remove it. "S-So.." he stuttered, trying to avoid eye contact. "What is your real name."

Twiggy's cheeks turned more rosy than usual. "Uh.. I.. uh.." she started, before looking down at the table, where Gerard had drawn in the salt. "Janie Clements."

"It's not that bad," Gerard laughed. "It could be something like... I don't know; at least it doesn't rhyme?"

Twiggy let out a slight laugh at him, and gave him a slightly shy smile. She had no idea what had come over her; but she was suddenly shy, and she wanted to keep the world from Gerard; and she wanted to keep him from the world. All for herself. "At least it doesn't rhyme," she agreed.

Kudos to those of you who get the "At leats it doesn't rhyme". =D
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