Categories > Anime/Manga > Inuyasha > 30 Kisses

Our distance and that person that I love (kiss #4)

by kirayasha 0 reviews

A series of related short stories based on Live Journal's 30 Kisses

Category: Inuyasha - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Other - Published: 2005-11-26 - Updated: 2005-11-26 - 1079 words

Our distance and that person that I love (kiss #4)

By kira

Author's note: Another kiss in a series of thirty of them, based on Live Journal's 30 kisses challenge. This one was "our distance and that person" but that sounded funny as a title so I added "that I love" to the end. laughs Anyway this features my chosen couple, Inutaisho & Izayoi, and it can be thought of as a prequel to my story Moonlight...

FYI: "Ga-san" roughly translates as "Mr. Moth" in Japanese. "Domo arigatou gozaimasu" would be "thank you very much." Gomen nasai, means "I'm sorry, please forgive me."

Izayoi sighed softly and gazed out her opened window at the night sky. There was a beautiful full moon that night and it shone brightly as it softly lit the courtyard garden below. She felt lonely like she did every time Inutaisho left her behind. This time he was away on a training mission with his men and the women who normally kept her company were busy fussing over the okugata-sama.

She felt a stab of jealousy over her rival. She knew it was wrong to feel that way, since the okugata-sama was Inutaisho's wife and she a mere concubine, but she just could not help herself. Especially when she knew that her lord and lover spent the night in her rival's bed. A silent sob escaped her lips and she nearly turned to go when a tiny flash of movement caught her eye.

Holding out her hand, Izayoi caught the little moth on her open palm. "Ga-san, did you come to visit me to alleviate my sorrow?" she asked her tiny visitor who crawled across her hand, before settling down to rest. "Ga-san, would you mind if I told you a secret?" When the moth made no movement, the human woman took that as a sign of encouragement.

"Ga-san, I have done a terrible thing. I have fallen in love with a married man and not only that, I also share his bed when he is not with his wife. That is not so bad, since I am one of his concubines, but we have fallen in love. Ga-san, I try my hardest to push him into his wife's bed where he belongs, but I resent her for it. I know I shouldn't for she should be first in his heart, but I do." Izayoi carefully wiped away a tear, so as not to frighten her new little friend. "Ga-san, what should I do? He tells me we are mates and that he can never give me up."

The little moth started crawling around her palm. "Ga-san, please don't go. Gomen nasai, I didn't mean to bore you with my troubles. Instead, if I may be so bold as to ask, would you please be so kind, Ga-san, as to bring a kiss to the person I love? Inutaisho-dono-sama is the great lord of the western lands. He's what they call inuyoukai, Ga-san. He's tall and handsome, and he wears his long silky white hair pulled up away from his face so that it cascades down his back like moonlight. He also has these beautiful markings on his cheeks and his brow is fuzzy like yours," she laughed softly. "He is far away to eastern most part of his realm near the mountains. But you mustn't tell anyone that I told you where he is."

The moth stopped moving and as it was facing her, Izayoi hoped it was listening and would do her bidding. "Ga-san, please don't be frightened. I am going to give you my kiss now. Please hurry and bring it to that person I love with all my heart..." Slowly she brought a finger to her lips and kissed it. Then equally as slowly she placed the kiss on the moth's back. When she moved her finger away, the moth spread its wings and flew upwards and out the window. Izayoi sadly watched it leave before giving into her sorrow.

Somewhere, far to the east of the palace of the lord of the western lands, was a sleeping army of inuyoukai. They had settled down for a siege on a tiny settlement composed of inuyoukai as well as yamainu youkai. It was meant as a training exercise for the dog general's new recruits and so far everything was going as planned.

Inutaisho, the great lord of the western lands, slept badly that night. He missed his mate, Izayoi, and dreams were bombarded by thoughts of her in danger. At one point his dream was so vivid that he woke with a start. He lay there in the dim half light of his tent, trying to calm the rapid beating of his heart as he realized it was all a dream. Feeling as though he could not fall back asleep, Inutaisho got up and left the confines of his tent. He hoped some fresh night air would ease his mind and he breathed the crisp night air deeply. Stretching, he closed his eyes and imagined his beloved was at his side. When he opened them he caught a glimpse of movement close to his cheek. Smiling, he brought a hand gently to it and captured his tiny assailant.

Pulling his hand away he opened it to find a tiny white moth. "Why are you kissing my cheek in the moonlight, Ga-san? If I didn't know any better I'd say I was kissed by my beloved Izayoi." At the mention of her name the moth stirred in his open hand. "What's this? You know her? Is she not the most beautiful thing in all the lands? I have seen humans before; especially their women," he chuckled, "but none were as fair as she. But then you know this, ne?"

The little moth fluttered its wings in reply.

"Gomen nasai, Ga-san, I'm sure you're in a hurry to get home to your sweetheart, and here I am mannerless in keeping you here. But before you go I wish to say 'domo arigatou gozaimasu,' kind Ga-san, for bringing me that little gift. I appreciate it far more than you will ever know. Perhaps one day I can return the favor?" he asked as the tiny moth took flight. "Thank you again, Ga-san," he called out to the moth's retreating form. "Now I can sleep better knowing she's safe and that she misses me as much as I miss her..." and with that he headed back inside his tent.
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