Categories > Anime/Manga > Inuyasha > 30 Kisses

Jolt! (kiss #3)

by kirayasha 0 reviews

A series of related short stories based on Live Journal's 30 Kisses.

Category: Inuyasha - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Other - Published: 2005-11-26 - Updated: 2005-11-26 - 1518 words

Jolt! (kiss #3)

By kira

Author's note: This is yet another one of Live Journal's 30 kisses inspired fics! As usual, my pairing's Inutaisho & Izayoi.

It hit Izayoi like a jolt of lightening; she must be pregnant despite the little voice in her head that said otherwise. For the past few weeks, she woke every morning feeling dreadfully sick and all she barely managed to choke down was rice. Rice for breakfast, rice for lunch, rice for dinner, in fact had anyone asked her; she would have told them she was sick to death of rice. What she really wanted, craved even, was a bowl of soba noodles swimming in broth and vegetables. Unfortunately, none of the youkai that she now lived amongst had heard of the stuff, and most turned up their noses at the thought of even trying to prepare a dish that was so obviously human in origin. So she was stuck eating bowl after bowl of rice and when she could slip away unnoticed, she would quietly get sick in the large shed at the far end of the main courtyard that served as a privy.

Sighing, she set down the bowl of rice that served as the only meal she could keep down and wondered what she should do. She thought about telling her friend Tsuki-chan, but then nixed the idea when she realized her friend would probably in all innocence blurt out her little secret to Sesshomaru. The last thing Izayoi wanted was her own mate Inutaisho finding out that she was pregnant from his son. Some things are better kept a secret.../she reasoned. She also wondered if she should go see Baba-chan. She knew the old healer could keep a secret and she also knew no one in the women's quarters would think twice if she went to see her as well. Izayoi was happy to be only human amongst youkai as her comings and goings were pretty much ignored by everyone except when she visited the dono-sama. Then it would seem everyone in the palace /knew she was there from the okugata-sama on down and life had a way of becoming annoying not to mention lonely for days afterwards until he called his back to his bed again.

As she looked out her window at the darkening morning sky, Izayoi realized with another jolt, like the one that flashed across the heavens heralding the coming rain shower, that this was one secret that had to be kept from the okugata-sama at all costs. The dog queen was finally over yet another disappointing miscarriage and Izayoi was sure news of her own pregnancy would be just the thing to get the woman to really make her life a living hell. Gently patting her stomach, Izayoi said softly, "Gomen nasai, Little One, you are going to have to remain a secret for now, until I can find a way to tell your father about you. Then and only then, will we be safe..." She sadly pushed away her half eaten bowl of rice and got up to get dressed for the day.

It seemed the gods were smiling upon her a few days later, when an uproar occurred that caused her to be whisked away to the dog general's hunting lodge for an indeterminate amount of time. It seemed her friend Tsukikage and the waka-sama had become mates despites the orders of the dono-sama for them to stop seeing each other as the girl was promised to someone else. And so as she sat there, waiting for her beloved Inutaisho to finish making arrangements for their hasty departure, she decided to tell her friend Tsuki the news.

They had been pretending to wander off to relieve themselves in privacy, when Izayoi finally got up the nerve to tell her. Izayoi was happy she did too, for despite the girl's preoccupation with the waka-sama, she proved to be an excellent choice to tell her secret to, for Tsuki was genuinely happy for her friend. As they rode to the dono-sama's hunting lodge, they whispered about it amongst themselves whenever they had a moment or two of privacy. Tsuki had almost convinced Izayoi to let the dog general know next time they happened to ride off alone, but somehow she just could not seem to do it for the time never seemed right. After lunch, when they had finished making camp, and had everything set up for the night, Inutaisho announced he had found a hot spring to bathe in. Izayoi decided she would tell him that night when the others were asleep and they had some time alone. However, it seemed that the gods decided to make her wait a while longer, for Inutaisho had made it clear they would all go to sleep as quickly as possible as he wanted to get to his lodge by tomorrow. Not realizing she was that tired, Izayoi fell asleep in her beloved's arms before she even got a chance to tell him.

They arrived at the lodge later the next day and as luck would have it the human woman found herself separated from her lover just when she wanted to be with him the most. It was not as though she hated the lodge; in fact Izayoi loved being here as it meant time with Inutaisho without having to worry about his wife and just how she was going to push her mate back into the okugata's bed where he belonged. With a jolt of happiness tinged with sorrow, Izayoi reluctantly led her friend away towards the sleeping quarters, happy with the fact that this time both women would openly be sharing their lovers' beds. At least she could pass the time with her friend, discussing the best way to tell the dog general she was pregnant. It seemed the gods had decided to have a bit of fun with her and things conspired to keep her away from the very person she most wanted to be with.

Just as she was starting to think she would never have the chance to tell him, the gods took pity on her and provided an opportunity. Izayoi had gone to the hot spring with Tsuki to bathe after dinner, when they found themselves being joined by father and son. Izayoi noted with amusement that Sesshomaru seemed happy to soak away the cares of the day and she was happy he was giving her friend some peace, for there had been several times when he practically had to be forced away from the girl. Sighing softly, Izayoi thought back to the time when Inutaisho had taken her as his mate and with a sudden jolt, she realized he had also behaved during that time in a similar way to his son. And so when the young couple left, she seized her chance when Inutaisho let out a long sigh.
"What's wrong, Koishii?"
"Nothing, except I feel so damned old." He looked at his mate and smiled sadly. "He'll probably get her with pup soon and I can't imagine being a jiisan..."
"Can you imagine being a father instead?" Izayoi said softly as she laid her head on his chest and snuggled into him.
"That's easy," he laughed. "I'm already a father..." He heard her soft sigh and went on, "That's not what you meant, is it?"
"Iie...I had hoped to tell you later on, when I was more sure of it myself...but I believe you and I are going to have a baby."
"Gods...that's wonderful! I thought you were, but then I also thought maybe I was wrong as we never-"
"Ssshh...But we did, remember?" She smiled at the look of recollection that spread across his face. "And it would seem the gods have smiled on us." Izayoi paused and looked thoughtful before going on. "Then again, our child will be hanyou, and we both know how-"
"Ssshh...I am lord here and if I accept this pup, the others will too. There's no need for you to worry, my love."
"Hai...I suppose so..." she trailed off thoughtfully. "But what about the okugata-sama? She's not going to be happy about this."
"Don't worry about it. She knows what you are to me and she will accept this." He looked away, lost in thought.
"Hai..." Izayoi said softly, wishing she could share his confidence.
Looking back at her, and seeing the look of sadness on her face, jolted him out of his thoughts about his wife and back to the reality of the moment. His mate, who was the woman he loved so much he thought his heart would break from the joy and happiness she gave him just by being near him, was sad and he felt compelled to do something about it. As he sat there, he realized with another powerful jolt of love, exactly what would make her the happiest. Inutaisho reached up, and gently cupping her cheek, tilted his beloved Izayoi's face up, and leaning in, he kissed her long and hard until he could feel her sadness melting away...

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