Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > It's The Tearing Sound of Love Notes

Where's he going to get a potato anyway?

by nicole_ownsxxx 6 reviews

Roxie and Ray go shopping! XD. Roxie convinces Frank to bathe, then finds out something about Gerard.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama, Humor, Romance - Characters: Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Published: 2007-06-25 - Updated: 2007-06-25 - 1250 words

i'm bored..and's almost four in the morning..XD..

like i good, if not, oh well.)..they're neat. yes.


Gerard was mad for the rest of the day because we'd burned his DVD.

I called him a baby, he accused me of wanting to have his, I said they'd be mutated from his DNA, he told me my face is mutated, I told him to go headbutt a bullet, then he called me a six letter word and stormed out of the room. It was all so dramatic.

Ray and I snuck off and went shopping for Christmas presents while the others were talking about what they'd like for lunch.

I found Mary a book that she'd been wanted, and I was about to buy Gerard some Midol and a Hershey's bar, but Ray found out and wouldn't let me.

"I'd let you," he told me, "but he'd start screaming at you, and you'd start screaming back, and that would totally ruin Christmas."

Ray tried to make me buy Gerard some stupid comic book, but I refused and bought him a Something Corporate shirt. Frank got a potato gun, against Ray's wishes.

"Ray, it's fine. Where's he going to get a potato anyway? It's not like Donna will give him one. He'll just have a potato gun, with no potato."

"No! You don't understand! He'll find one, then kill Mikey with it!"

"He will not, Ray! You're such a drama queen! I'm getting it for him.

My phone started buzzing in my pocket, because I had a new text.

[Hey! I heard you're having boy troubles with one of mary's brothers! haha. love, katie.]

As Ray was telling me about the time Frank shot Bob in the arm, I texted Katie back.

[he's not really a boy at all, kay. i don't even think he's human. he's pure, concentrated evil.]

Ray got presents for everyone else, then got mine and hid it in the bottom of one bag so I couldn't see, then we went to the food court and ate pizza. My phone buzzed again.

[ah. are you around mary? if so, tell her i said hi, and i'll call her later.]

"Who are you talking to?" Ray asked as I began to text back.

"Katie, our guitarist. You'd like her. She's a blast."

[nah. i'm at the mall with ray. we're christmas shopping. hey, i've gotta go, i'll tell mary to call you. love you!]

"Is she good at guitar?"

"She's awesome. I want to hear My Chemical Romance play. Can you do that?"

"Bob isn't here, but I think Mary knows some of our old songs. She could fill in for him, and we could practice," Ray said.

We finished our pizza and headed back to the Way home. We were carrying what felt like fifty shopping bags into the house, and Gerard and Mary met us at the door.

"Where'd you guys go? We were worried," Mary told us.

"I wasn't," Gerard added.

"On a date," I giggled, making Ray laugh so hard he dropped his bags. Mary rolled her eyes at my obvious sarcasm.

"Well, you missed lunch," Gerard said. "Not that you needed to eat anyway, Roxie. You're getting a bit pudgy."

"Gerard Way!" yelled Donna, who had suddenly appeared at the door. "That girl is beautiful and slim! She is not in anyway fat! You say you're sorry!"

"Mom, I-"


"Fine! I will!" He turned to me, then got down on one knee. "Roxanne Knowens, I'm deeply, deeply sorry. Can you ever forgive me?" He took my hand and kissed it.

"Ew. Your icky lips touched my hand. I may need an amputation."

"Roxie," started Donna.

I sighed. "Gerard, stand up. I don't want to look down on you," I said, as if I was in a romance movie. "I accept!" I whispered.

Ray, Donna, and Mary clapped as Gerard stood up.

"Now I have to go wash my hands. It's got Gerard germs on it."

"And I've got to go brush my teeth. I kissed your hand."

Ray and I grabbed our shopping bags and carried them to our seperate rooms, went to the bathroom and scrubbed my hands (Gerard was in there brushing his teeth), then went back downstairs. I remembered the locket that Mary was in love with, and went to talk to Frank.

"Hey," I said, sitting next to him on the couch.

"Roxie, you know that 'bathing' thing you were talking about this morning?"


"How would I go about 'taking a bath'?" Frank asked. He did smell a bit.

"Well, first you have to get naked-"


"You just do, Frankie. Don't interrupt. Anyway, then you have to turn on the water on in the shower and get wet. After that, you use this thing called soap and scrub it all over your entire body. Then you rinse it off and put on clean clothes, and tada! You're clean!"

"Wow. I'm going to try that!" he said, getting off the couch and making his way to the downstairs bathroom.

"Frank, wait," I said, almost forgetting about the locket.

"Yes, Teacher?"

"There's a locket at the mall, it's silver and heart shaped. Mary was pratically drooling over it. I'm sure she'd love to have it for Christmas. You'd get major brownie points for getting it for her."

His eyes went wide. "But... I already have her present!"

"What'd you get her?"

"A Batman pajama set!"

"Dork. Go get her the locket."

He smiled. "Okay!" He started making his way to the door, but I grabbed his shirt.

"No, Frank. First, you take a shower."

Frank went into the bathroom, and I heard a thud, an "ow! my arm!" then an "I'm okay!", followed by water running.

Mary was on the phone with Katie, and Gerard was over in the corner drawing something, and Mikey was watching Invader Zim. Ray and his hair had went upstairs and they were wrapping Christmas presents. I watched Invader Zim with Mikey for a few minutes, but I'd already seen that episode, so I decided to bug Gerard for a bit.

"Whatcha doin'?" I asked.


"Drawing what?"

"A boy and a girl. Go away."

"No. Are they pretty?"


"Are they in love?"

"The boy is."

"Explain it to me," I said. I peeked over his shoulder to see what it looked like.

The man could draw.

The boy in the picture was down on his knees, and he looked terribly sad and hopeless, with a ring in hand, as if he were purposing, but the girl, who looked stunningly beautiful, yet completely heartbroken, was looking the other way, like she hadn't even noticed he was there at all. It was terribly sad, but spectacular at the same time. I had no idea how talented he was.

"Well, the boy is in love with this girl, right?" he explain. What little trace of a smile was on his face faded. "The girl, however, is completely oblivious. It's not that she won't give him a chance, it's just that she's too blind to realize he's in love with her. If she'd just open her eyes, she'd realize how much better things would be if she'd just love him back." He went back to drawing.

"It's dazzling, Gerard," I whispered, sitting next to him, watching him draw.

"You think so?" he asked somewhat insecurely.

And for the first time, I actually thought that maybe Gerard was human.
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