Categories > Anime/Manga > Yami no Matsuei > Little Things


by youkai_girl 0 reviews

Tsuzuki only needs his plushie occasionally. Slightly angsty.

Category: Yami no Matsuei - Rating: PG - Genres: Angst, Romance - Characters: Hisoka, Tsuzuki - Published: 2007-06-26 - Updated: 2007-06-27 - 315 words

Little Things
By: eternalsailorsolarwind AKA youkai_girl

Disclaimer: Yami/ no Matsuei/ and all characters belong to Matsushita Yoko, Viz, Hana to Yume, and several other legal entities whose name escape me at the moment. I just write fanfics for fun.

A/N: Another piece concerning Tsuzuki. A little bit angsty.


On those rare nights when Hisoka sentenced Tsuzuki to the couch for overly annoying him, Tsuzuki grabbed only one thing beside a blanket and his pillow. When the older shinigami was forced to sleep alone, only one thing would allow him to actually fall asleep. So before Hisoka completely kicked him out of the bedroom, Tsuzuki retreated to the closet to grab the one thing that would let him feel secure throughout the night.

A blonde mohair teddy bear with green glass eyes. There was something about the stitching around the eyes that made the bear look like it was frowning slightly, though its eyes shone brightly. He'd found it just before what happened in Kyoto, when wandering around the city aimlessly. The bear had reminded him of Hisoka, so he'd bought it immediately.

That was before he thought he'd ever have a chance with his young partner. For a long time, Tsuzuki had slept nightly with the bear, cuddling it just like he wanted to cuddle Hisoka. More than once, its fur had been dampened by his tears. More than once, it had silently listened to his joy over receiving a smile from Hisoka. But once he and Hisoka had finally admitted their feeling for each other, the bear had been relegated to the back of the closet.

Except for those rare nights when he had to sleep alone. On those nights, only the bear that reminded him of his lover could help him fall asleep; far away from those warm arms that usually held him so tightly.
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