Categories > Anime/Manga > Yami no Matsuei > Little Things


by youkai_girl 0 reviews

Tatsumi and secrets go hand in hand.

Category: Yami no Matsuei - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Romance - Characters: Tatsumi - Published: 2008-03-16 - Updated: 2008-03-16 - 497 words

Little Things17
By: eternalsailorsolarwind AKA youkai_girl

Disclaimer: Yami no Matsuei and all characters belong to Matsushita Yoko, Viz, Hana to Yume, and several other legal entities whose name escape me at the moment. I just write fanfics for fun.

A/N: I’m not dead, I promise (though with series, it might help)! Here’s a little bit of Tatsumi for your pleasure.


Tatsumi Seiichiro was well-known for being circumspect. During his lifetime, his employers rewarded him well for keeping their secrets. In his afterlife, it was more of the same. He watched, listened, and kept quiet about what he learned. And Enma rewarded him for it, even if the payment itself was not in a high salary or a promotion to high office, the reward that he did receive was exactly right for him.

The kagetsukai had his own secrets. No one at the office knew anything of his past; he hid all of the unseemly details of his life and death from them. Of course, now that he had (finally) taken a lover in the afterlife, the true reward for his work, some of his secrets were bound to become exposed. There was no way that he could hide every aspect of himself away when he lived with someone else.

Especially when that someone else was a highly inquisitive scientist like Watari Yutaka. Those shrewd eyes saw everything, and his piercing mind shot straight to the heart of everything – even if he was sometimes one of the most playful men Tatsumi had ever met. But those very qualities were what made Tatsumi fall for the blonde; they also annoyed him half the time.

There were two secrets in particular that the brunette wanted to be kept between the two of them. Not that the scientist was into using those specific secrets for blackmail, but the other man had a tendency to let his mouth run away with him sometimes. The first was that Tatsumi had a mischievous streak buried deep within him. It caused him to play the occasional practical joke on his co-workers. His role was never discovered, and Tatsumi preferred to keep it that way. Of course, his lover knew of a more .../practical/ outlet for that hidden mischievousness– the bedroom. Which led directly to his deeper, darker secret.

For no one would ever believe that the feared kagetsukai of the Shokan division was...ticklish. It was completely at odds with his reputation, not to mention his personality. He hated that he became a giggling fool when Watari got it into his head to torture him. Which his lover liked to do as often as possible, of course. No, this was a secret that needed to be kept, no matter what. So he would do what came naturally in an attempt to even the odds – watch, wait, and learn. Eventually, he'd find something that even Watari wanted kept quiet. And then his secrets would be safe.
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