Categories > Anime/Manga > Yami no Matsuei > Little Things


by youkai_girl 0 reviews

Hisoka has no love for alcohol.

Category: Yami no Matsuei - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst - Characters: Hisoka - Published: 2008-06-14 - Updated: 2008-06-14 - 230 words

Little Things
Chapter 18: Alcohol
by: eternalsailorsolarwind AKA youkai_girl

Disclaimer: Yami no Matsuei and all of its characters are owned by Matsushita Yoko, her Japanese publishers, and Viz. I only play with them for grins and giggles.

A/N: Time for another Hisoka drabble. Mentions of Tsuzuki/Hisoka. Slightly sad, angsty tone to this one.


Hisoka had no love for alcohol. As he had no tolerance for it at all, he couldn't enjoy it like Tsuzuki and Watari did. His partner's fondness for it – in all of its forms – sometimes worried him. The older shinigami used liquor to forget, and always drank himself nearly to oblivion when he managed to get his hands on enough of it.

Tsuzuki was a happy – though heavy – drunk, at least. Sloppy kisses and clumsy caresses were something Hisoka was used to by now. Even drunk off his ass, his lover knew who he was and what they were to each other. His empathy wasn't an issue either, since the violet-eyed man's emotions skipped around too fast for even he to follow. And Tsuzuki always passed out before things went too far anyway.

No, Hisoka considered alcohol to be as much a demon as Muraki. It, liked the hated doctor, stole a part of Tsuzuki from him. Hiding his partner/lover behind a glass wall: visible, but out of reach.
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