Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > the sun is ashamed of these vampires

painfully scary

by MEthePHANTOM 0 reviews

a vampire, cold lonley is helped by some very stange people (i suck at summeries)

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Drama, Fantasy, Horror, Humor, Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2007-06-24 - Updated: 2007-06-24 - 716 words

Shade hid behind her mother's skirts, daring not to peek out to see the man that was "examining" her. If she wasn't so scared she would have come right out and told the person "look I'm not a horse stop staring at me." She was interested in the also frightened boy, about her age that was staring directly at her. Her mother was crying and begging. Shade could hardly understand her words; they were so filled with heartbreak and terror, they were barely recognizable. The black haired boy was also with his mother. Tears streamed down her pretty face, Shad felt sympathy for her sadness. The begging had stopped and her mother crouched down to her level while the man turned to deal with the black haired boy who seemed so interested in her mother.
"Shade" her mother wiped away a lock of her glossy blonde hair.
"I'm so sorry" she said tearfully "Your brothers and sisters must eat." She collapsed crying next her. Her mother opened her mouth as if to say something else like "I love you" or "I'll miss you sweetheart" but instead a "be good" escaped her lips.

Gerard stared at the man rudely. He just made that woman cry. His young mind did the math. He must be mean. His mother was also crying and begging with the man who had just reveled himself to be called Doon. Gerard ran his fingers through his slightly long hair and thought.
"He must be taking me away from my mother, maybe she sold me like the other woman did." He sighed and continued to listen to her mother's tearful explanations and prissiest answers to Doon's questions. After about 10 minuets she too crouched down to his rather tall stature and burst out an explanation about how she gambled how all have their money and now she had to sell him to this man. Throughout the pitiful example of his mother's weakness he just nodded his head and said, "I understand." His mother smiled slightly and hugged him, unlike the girl's parent. "I love you," she whispered. His mother wiped away a small tear that was trickling down her face like a river. She stood up and slightly kind of pushed him towards the man. She turned and over her shoulder said, "don't hurt him." And walked away.

Shade smiled at her small mother and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek. She had always been the strong one, although tears were gathering in her blue eyes. "Mother" she said "I will see you again, its not good bye its just Au Renoir." Her mother stood and walked into the forest and within minuets was gone. Doon raised his hand and beckoned both of them to come towards him, when they hesitated he laughed and exclaimed, "I'm not poisonesses" both children inched to him and when shade was close enough he grabbed her roughly and exposed her neck. She screamed and Gerard hit the man with his tiny fists. With one hand Doon held Shades body close and with the other held onto Gerard to prevent escape. His eyes sank back into their sockets and when they came back instead of the blue they were. Black rested between the white and brown. His tongue licked the dry skin of the small Childs neck and he could no longer wait. His teeth plunged into her flesh with a sickening squash. He drank for a full minuet then took his fangs out and watched the young girl change. Shade felt and immense pain in her forehead and she watched it grow back into her skull. For a few terrifying seconds she was bald but slowly hair sprouted and snaked to the exact shape and form it had been before but instead of the glossy blonde so many and said was beautiful, it was raven black. Like death. Her eyes started to burn like they were on fire and she screamed. Fangs emerged while her blue eyes turned black. After she felt no more pain Doon brought her a mirror. Shade saw her reflection. And fainted.

Authors note: this is my first story so please review and help with anything I need to improve or help. I will probably write one chapter a day if I can
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