Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > the sun is ashamed of these vampires


by MEthePHANTOM 0 reviews

Secretly shade wants him to stay

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Fantasy, Horror - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Published: 2007-06-27 - Updated: 2007-06-28 - 1038 words

Authors note: this is my first story so please review and help with anything I need to improve or help. I will probably write one chapter a day if I can

Authors note: by the way this story is placed in the 1800s in England.

Five years later...

Shade stared at her reflection in the large mirror in her lavish room and though surrounded by pretty toys and things to play with she felt sad. Her dress felt itchy against her skin and walking in it felt awkward and weird. Everything about her new body seemed awkward and weird. Shade's skin was Pasty white, she felt clammy and cold all the time. Her newly grown in fangs hurt her when she ran her tongue over them again and again to see if they were real and this whole nightmare was not just a dream. She turned slowly to walk over to the ballroom to dance with every other young vampire boy. She held her head high, she was not a normal vampire child, and she was special. Gerard appeared in the doorway and she jumped. He grinned and so did she
"Gerard you might give me a heart attack," she laughed. He grinned evilly at her and showed his fangs. "I'm scary Shade." His face looked cheery but she frowned.
"Gerard..." she studied him closely "you're not wearing your suit." He frowned at her "its so itchy and uncomfortable, its just not me"
She did a little curtsy, "do you think I am very happy to wear this." Gerard remembered the exited girl who skinned her news falling down in the mud just a few days ago. He shrugged. "Why does Doon make us wear this, again?" She looked at him closely, she hated when he got all-secretive like he had a idea and wouldn't tell her. "If you don't get dressed this instance then I will tell Amanda and she will give you a sound whipping.
He crossed his arms. He hated it when she started to act like a girl. She wasn't a girl, she was normal. Shade suddenly got up and attacked him with tickles and through gaps of breath he managed to force out "ok, ok I'm getting dressed." She grinned and placed her hands on her hips, which Gerard had noticed were getting a little wider.

Throughout the ball Gerard sat on the couch and watched shade dance. "She's kind of pretty," he thought. He went up to the drinks table and poured him a little bit of wine. He caught his reflection in the huge mirror across the room. He thought he looked hardly different. His hair was still the same color black and his skin was just as pasty as it was before it became a vampire. He sighed and downed the alcohol.

"YOUR Not MY FATHER DOON! YOU CAN TELL ME WHAT TO DO!" shade put her face in her hands. Gerard and Doon were fighting again. Whenever they fought it scared her. "

"I TAKE CARE OF YOU I CAN TELL YOU WHAT DO YOU GERARD!" Gerard looked at Shade who was lying on the bed looking very frightened. " I hate you" Gerard walked out of the room and to his own rooms. Doon looked at shade "I'm sorry if out fighting upset you Shade." She nodded and slid of the bed. "I'm very sorry Doon but I don't think I could kill another child just to drink either." Doon got very red in the face but said nothing.

Gerard saw Shade enter her rooms with a big frown on her face. She slumped in a chair and looked him in the eye.
"You know, I told Doon without him getting angry." Gerard laughed. "He likes you better shade." She looked down.
"Its not a bad thing." Gerard said again. "I'm getting sick of fighting with him," he said without looking at her.
"What are you going to do about it Gerard?" Shade put on an even bigger frown.
Gerard shrugged "run away" he mumbled
Shade gasped "Gerard please don't leave me I need you, your me only friend"
He sighed "Shade I don't know if I can take this anymore, you know I love you but."
Gerard looked at her "come with me, Take me hand, never be afraid again shade"
She looked at him "what you are asking me is horrible, you have no idea what I have to do later on in life, go. Fine but remember me always.
Gerard winked "no one has black hair like vampires do. In the future look for me among the famous, I'll make it in the world and come back to get you"
Shade doubted this "please doesn't get hurt."
Gerard grinned, "Vampires will never hurt me" he ran out the door

Shade bit her fingernails, something she only did when extremely worried, Gerard was going to get hurt, and she knew it. "I can't control him," she said to herself. Her 12-year-old mind worked herself into a frenzy trying to figure out what to do. Secretly she liked Gerard. But only a little. He was like her big brother even though he was only about three years older than her. Even more secretly she wanted to go with him. Doon would be angry. He kept saying he had big plans for her. She still did not know who he really was and why he would buy children to adopt from mothers so poor when he himself is so wealthy. Shade spotted a rat scurry across the hall and crept towards it. Swiftly she grabbed it, used her sharp fingernails to slit its neck and sucked from its bleeding wound. Barbaric? Yes but she enjoyed it. Another thing she could never tell Gerard. He loved being a vampire, but not the part about killing people. Shade herself only killed animals because she was a girl. More was expected from a boy his age. Shade would not have to do that until she was much, much older. Another thing she was secretly glad about.

Authors notes: sorry I did not post yesterday but dam ficwad! Yea I know that it's kind of short but bear with me for this week.
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