Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > the sun is ashamed of these vampires

laceration gravity

by MEthePHANTOM 1 review

surprise surprise

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Angst - Characters: Gerard Way - Published: 2007-06-30 - Updated: 2007-06-30 - 1438 words

Review!!!! Authors note: by the way. They are 15 right now

I stomped back to my room in a huff. I might even bother going if she wasn't coming with me. I sighed and slumped in an armchair. Secretly he knew she was right. There was not telling that a boy, even a vampire was certain to get hurt. If she came with him then she might get hurt. The thought of anything bad happening to his little shade made his heart shudder. Gerard hated making decisions. Even ones he had thought about for more than two years. As he was thinking deeply he did no notice the swift coming in of Doon.
"What do you want?" Gerard said slightly annoyed at being interrupted.
"One of the maids told me about the little quarrel you had with Shade"
Gerard looked away, "dam maids" he thoughts
Doon rolled his eyes "I don't know what's wrong with you Gerard. You should be overwhelmed. Look at the place you live in. a warm bed at night. Clothes on your back. Food. You hardly have to do anything."
"Yea well..." Gerard knew he has lost his fight. He knew that he had no reason to be sulking all the time.
"The only thing you have to do is drink a little human blood from time to time, you don't have to be like me." Doon drank at least once a day, sometimes more than that"
Gerard sighed, "I don't want to kill for my own pleasures"
Doon slapped the table angrily "good god Gerard its not for pleasure! Its a basic neasesity, you like your powers and your looks but when the catch comes in you run away like a frightened dear."
Again Gerard felt bad. He did like the fact that one day in the future he would be able to sprout black furry wings like he saw Doon doing everyday.
Gerard sat up and walked towards the window. Doon rolled his eyes "Gerard stop your being a child."
Gerard opened it a crack and stuck a finger through. He heard it sizzle and burn, but he did not wince from the terrible pain. As he brought it out to show Doon the results of being a vampire, He noticed shade standing in the doorway looking horrified.

Shade gasped a little. "He is going to kill himself" Shade thought and she turned on Doon.
"Why did you let him do that?" she said quietly but angrily.
Doon fell under her angry glare. "I...I could not stop him shade, I'm sorry"
She turned to Gerard "First talk of running away and now this, what is the matter with you Gerard, you have changed so much in the space of two years I barley even know you anymore." Before Gerard could stop her she ran away to her rooms.
Doon stared at him "stop distressing her so much" Gerard stared at him coldly.
"Why do you care so much about her?" He practically screamed and the maid cleaning up the room jumped.
Doon glowered at him than walked away stubbornly.
Gerard sighed and rubbed his tongue over his sharp fangs again and again until they bled.

Shade picked up her skirts and ran, toppling over a tapestry or two. She got back in the room and sobbed. Why must the two most important men in her life act like such babies? Doon was like a father to her and Gerard was her best friend. She sighed thinking if she ever had to choose between them. Personally she thought Doon was right. Gerard has to drink even if he does not want to. She was also angry with Gerard for making her choose between Doon and him. "Why must my life be so difficult?" She thought.

Gerard called for wine and food to be brought up and when he was done with both he called for more wine. Soon he was drunk. He stumbled into shades room while she was reading a book and when she looked up to see him drunk. There was disappointment in her eyes. He grinned at her foolishly and collapsed. Shade, not knowing what to do edged towards him and attempted to pick him up onto his feet. He swung a fist at her and knocked the wind out of her stomach. Shade knew he did not mean to and the wine was making him act like a complete fool, but was still angry and kicked him slightly. She called a maid and got ready for bed. When she came back in her nightdress the maid was dragging him along the floor in quite comical way. For the first time that day. She smiled.

Gerard woke with a headache and rolled over. Onto something. With a yelp he scrambled out of bed. The bed had a lump in it. It was breathing and when he looked under the covers he groaned. A maid he recognized was half naked, sleeping in his bed. He poked her in the shoulder and she woke up grinning. "Your up" she smiled. Gerard panicked and looked around to room to find anything, anything that would distract her. Shade was standing in the doorway.

Shade was on the brink of tears. The maid from last night was in Gerard's bed. Her mind was racing trying to figure out any other explanation then the obvious truth. She looked at him disgusted and started to walk away. She turned and bumped into Doon.

Gerard saw Doon and groaned again. Bad enough Shade saw them but Doon? Doon walked into the room looking angry. The maid also saw him and blushed a deep scarlet and tumbled out of bed. Half naked she ran out the room carrying her clothes.
"What is the meaning of this Gerard? I could imagine you falling for a of your station but a kitchen maid?" Gerard grew angry
"AND WHAT EXACTLY IS MY SATATION DOON? YOU DID NOT OFFER AND EXPLANTION WHEN YOU BOUGHT US!" he cried knowing he should not be the one yelling right now.
Doon stared at him "You have upset your friend, your father and took advantage of a kitchen maid, you're not exactly in the position to be angry at me."

Shade threw herself on the bed crying. "I thought he liked me, I liked him," she thought. All the while he had been fooling around with some stupid maid. Gerard had never acted this way before. Before he was her best friend. They would play together and laugh at each other's jokes. He had changed in a way that she could not understand. She also felt fear. He might leave now. Shade was angry with him but still would be heartbroken if he ever left her. Doon might force him to leave. Anything could happen to a boy his age out in the world. Despite his powers. She rubbed her eyes tiredly. She did not even want to see Gerard now. Despite what ever his explanation for his actions might be. Her tears stained her hands for unlike a humans tears vampires had "evil hearts" so their tears came out like black ink. Leaving a mark on anything they fell on. Vampires did not cry much but when they did it was a disaster for the maids.

Gerard Felt horrible for taking advantage of a poor kitchen maid. Although at that moment the girl was telling her friends how she had slept with the master of the house. Gerard had to tell Shade that it had all been a horrible drunken mistake. That he was sorry for making her upset and even more important. He loved her. Memories came flooding back from last night. His groans of pleasure and lust. Him punching shade and her kicking him. He rolled over in bed wishing that he could just die, knowing he would never die. He thought of what he could ever do for shade that would make up for this horrible mistake. He came up with nothing. He got up feeling pathetic and useless and turned to the bookshelf. All of the books he had were on vampires and their history "right, that exactly what I want to read right now" he thought.
Sighing he picked a random book out the shelf and started reading from a random page. He could not get his mind set straight on the book. All he could think about was the disappointment in shades eyes when he saw her with the maid. Whom he did not even know the name of. "I am such a whore," he thought to himself. And groaned.
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