Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > the sun is ashamed of these vampires

last time

by MEthePHANTOM 0 reviews


Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Fantasy, Horror - Characters: Gerard Way - Published: 2007-07-03 - Updated: 2007-07-03 - 836 words

Shade, also was reading a book when Gerard stepped into the room. Shade did not even bother standing up.
"What do you want exactly" not even caring to to lift her eyes from the words
Uh...Gerard had trouble finding the words. Inside he kicked himself in the ass for not planning what to do
"I have come to explain" He said try to sound confident
Shade just raised her eyebrows
"I don't want to hear your explanation, it is obvious that you don't care about me the way I cared about you, go fuck your maid.... There's the door" She flicked her hand towards the exit.
"Shade...just let me explain" she looked at him and almost laughed. He eyes were wrinkled together and nose was scrunched up like a bunny. She waved her hand as on would address a servant.
Gerard told shade first off he was sorry for punching her. He was drunk and she was a little too and it just happened. Gerard thought the explanation was quite sincere
She smiled a little at him and brought out her arms. He hugged her and stayed in each other's embrace.

Gerard let go first.
Great, he thought now it's awkward.
"Uh I uh have to be going my uh lessons"
Shade smiled up at him. "Alright" she said. "Be back for dinner tonight with doon and me?"
He frowned at the prospect of Doon
"Uh yea I'll be there"

Gerard packed his bags. He did not know exactly where he was supposed to go but he knew he would find a way. Gerard felt no regret, other than leaving Shade with that man. He went to his dresser and picked up the small portrait of her they made for each other last year. He sighed and set aside an outfit for his last dinner with the man he hated and the girl he loved.

Shade smiled happily. Doon and Gerard were not fighting and all was right with the world. Though dinner was hours away she got dressed in her best gown. She thought she looked quite lovely in it.

Gerard walked silently into the kitchen hoping to find the maid. When they saw each other she smiled shyly. "This is not going to be easy," he thought.
"Uh hello..."
She smiled "kaitlyn"
"Kaitlyn...uh I am sorry about last night, I was very drunk and did not mean know"
She smiled radiantly and wagged a finger at him "Silly, I'm not a fool I knew you were drunk"
Gerard was puzzled "why did bed with me then"
She kept grinning, "You're the master of the house Sire, all of my friends are super jealous"
Gerard could not help but be a little hurt; she had used him so much.
"Uh...well I am glad it all worked out for you then...goodbye" He ran out of the kitchen as fast as he could. "She was creepy," he thought as he ran up the stairs to shades room.
He arrived at her door wondering what to say. Shade spotted him in the doorway. She greeted him warmly.
Gerard was going to tell her about his escape plan and beg for her to come with him, she seemed so happy right now with all her girlfriends and Doon.
"Why have you come?" she asked smiling
" see your dress, you look lovely Shade." He sat down awkwardly.
She smiled wider. "Oh he noticed!" she thought to herself.
"You look quite pretty yourself" she said before she could stop herself. Not pretty handsome!
He pouted "And here I was all this time thinking I was beautiful." Shade laughed. He was so funny.
They spent the next few hours laughing and talking about stupid things they had done in the past.
"Remember when I set fire to the dog when it bit you" shade said laughing. Gerard laughed "Oh I do remember then he ran right into the chef and set him on fire too" they both howled with laughter. Gerard wished this would never end. He wished Sally would never come in here telling them to come and get wash up for dinner with Doon. These were his last few hours with shade. He wanted to tell her how he felt about her and they would run away together. Live in a small house with lots of children" He frowned. No sunlight he reminded himself. He sighed and Shade hardly noticed. Too busy talking about funny things they laughed so much about their chest hurt. "I could never risk Her safety," he thought. Sally came in and announced dinner was ready. He stood up and offered his hand to Shade, which smiled and took it happily. They progressed to dinner hand in hand. Unhappy and joyful at the same time

Authors note: sorry I have not updated recently but its hardly motivating with 100 people reading your story and only on reviewing. I don't care if you say it sucks. REVIEW!
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