Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Not What You Expected

Like rabbits

by joey001 2 reviews

Anna and Bob have a little alone time and Bob meets Jamie

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Drama, Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero - Warnings: [!] [X] - Published: 2007-06-30 - Updated: 2007-07-01 - 1203 words

Like Rabbits

Anna's POV

When we left the restaurant we headed back to my place. I got there and called out for Jamie. I was guessing she was out. I turned around and looked at Bob. He had a smirk on his face.

"What would you like to do Mr. Bryar?" I asked
"I am up for anything you are Ms. Sawyer." He said and pulled me in for a kiss.
"Well I could think of a couple of things." I said into his ear as he kissed my neck.

He brought me in for another kiss as he picked me up. I wrapped my legs around his waist and he headed straight for my bed room. As soon as the door was closed Bob pushed me up against the back of the door and passionately kissed me. He reached up and pulled my shirt over my head and I did the same to him. He walked us to the bed and gently laid me down. He climbed on top of me and removed my jeans and panties. He immediately slid into me and I moaned with every thrust he pumped into me. I started to dig my nails into his back until he stops and takes my hands and place them over head lacing his fingers with mine. He started again with slower but longer thrusts. We both came at the same time. Before he got off of me I wrapped my hands around his neck to pull him down for a passionate kiss. He looked at me for a moment before lying down beside me.

I woke up to a knock at my door. I look over at the clock to see its 7pm. I got up and grabbed Bob's boxers and his button up tshirt that he had worn to lunch. I opened the door to no one. I walked into my roommate, Jamie's room. She was at her computer when she looked up at me.

"I thought you were just going to lay in bed and ignore my knocking. I would have walked in but I saw an extra set of keys on the coffee table so I was guessing Bob was here. And by the looks of your wardrobe he is still here and you two had a bit of fun." She said the last part with a bit of a smirk. I just laughed and lay down on her bed.
"So why were you trying to wake me up?" I asked
"Well, I haven't seen my best friend and roommate in four months... that and I want you go to out to a club with me tonight." She said
"Oh really! What club?" I asked
"Razors, there is this band playing tonight and the guys aren't too bad looking themselves. But Ive heard there music is really good too."
"Haha, ok ill go."
"Ok, but how about dinner?" she asked
"Yeah that too... ill be ready in a few minutes." I said getting up and walking into my room.

Bob was still asleep. I walked over to the bed and crawled up next to him and kissed him lightly on the cheek and then the lips. He returned the kiss and slowly opened his eyes.

"I love waking up this way." He said with a smile on his face. He pulled me close to him and kissed me again.
"Im going to go have dinner with my Jamie and then out to a club tonight." I told him
"Are you?" He asked. I laughed and nodded my head. "And what if I don't let you up from this bed?" Then we heard Jamie yell from her room.
"If you don't let her up Im going to come in there drag you out of that bed and kick your ass and then tie you up and put you in the closet so she can do. And I really don't want to do that considering you naked under those blankets." I laughed so hard and his eyes got really big.
"That is scary considering I still have yet to meet her personally." He said
"Now give me my clothes back." He said while unbuttoning the shirt.
"Ok, ok. I can take the close off myself." I said. He then got really close to my ear and whispered "I know but its more fun when I take them off." He smirked and climbed on top of me. Just then Jamie yelled.
"No sex, Im hungry Anna. I swear you two are a couple of rabbits." She said the last part more to herself. I laughed and Bob sighed.
I whispered to him "I think she has my room bugged." He laughed. We got up and I gave him his clothes back.

We walked into the living room to find a very impatient looking Jamie.
"It's about time." I laughed and turned to Bob.
"Bob this is my roommate and best friend Jamie. Jamie this is Bob, my boyfriend." They said their hellos, and nice to meet yous' then I turned to Bob.
"Are you going with us?" I asked him
"No, I think im going to go home. I need to unpack and do laundry." He said as we walked out the door.

"Call me later, when you guys get back from the club." He said and kissed me.
I got in the car and we headed to where ever Jamie wanted to eat.

"I like him." She said
"What?" I asked. I had not been paying attention to her at all.
"Bob, I think he is a great guy. He seems to treat you well. And the look in his eye when he looks at you is adorable." She said and I blushed. Just then my phone rang playing The Misfits. That could only mean one thing... Frank. But what could he want.

"Hey! What are you up to?" he ask
"Oh not much, just going to eat dinner with my roommate and then out to a club. What are you doing?"
"Just sitting here... I was in town and I thought I would give you a call. That and Bob is being lame and told me he had a lot to do."
"I see. So im just the consolation prize. Your just calling me cause Bob dosent want to hang out with you." I said trying not to laugh.
"NOOO! That is not what I meant and you know it."
"Well your more then welcome to come to the club with us if you want."
"Um, yeah I could do that. Should I meet you there?" He asked
"Why don't you just come to my place?" I said
"Ok. What's your address?" He asked

After I gave Frank my address I hung up the phone.

"Who was that?" Jamie asked
"Frank" I said as I watched her eyes widen. It was a widely known fact that Jamie had a huge crush on him.
"Your joking."
"Nope. He'll be at our place later to go to the club with us." I said. She just stared at me. "I knew there was a reason I kept you around." She said jokingly.

A/N: Review guys!!! They make me happy!
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