Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Not What You Expected

Meet The Parents

by joey001 2 reviews

Anna meets Bob's parents and sister.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Drama, Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar - Published: 2007-06-29 - Updated: 2007-06-30 - 1870 words

A/N: I am so so sorry for the wait. Life has been crazy. Im going to try to update more. But right now im in the middle of moving to another state, starting my job as well as getting ready to start grad school. Something that will help me out a bit will be if you guys have any ideas on where this story should go let me know... im losing inspiration and im running out of ideas, but i dont want to stop it just yet! And as always REVIEW, REVIEW, REVIEW!

Anna's POV

Before we got in the car I decided to apologize to Bob.

"Hey, Im sorry for snapping at you... I shouldn't have. Especially since I did the same thing to you earlier." I said while grabbing his hand. He looked at me as he leaned against the trunk of my car.

"It's ok...I just thought I did something wrong for you to snap at me." He said to me with a pout.

"Aww aren't you just so cute with that lip sticking out." I said in a baby voice making fun of him. He let go of my hand and said "Way to ruin the moment... you were suppose to be like 'aww, baby im sorry I hurt you feelings' and then you were suppose to kiss me... that's the way it works" I just started busting up laughing and mimicked him.

"AWW baby, im sorry I hurt your feelings." And then I went to kiss him and he quickly turned his face. I acted shocked. "No, I don't want you to make fun of me and then kiss me." I wrapped my arms around his neck and pull forcefully bring him in for a kiss. When I pulled away he said "Ok, you can make fun of me anytime you want as long as you kiss me like that in the end." I laughed hard and hand him my keys "you're driving to your place".

We pulled into his driveway and he turned off the car. We got out and I helped him take all of his stuff inside. As I was setting down a suitcase he came up behind me and grabbed my waist. I turned around in his grasp and kissed him. "Ok, now you go home and get some sleep." I pecked his lips with another kiss. "I'll call you in the morning." I pecked his lips again. "Don't forget about lunch with my parents at noon." I gave him another peck on the lips. "If you don't stop Im going to make you stay the night here." He then went in for a peck on the lips but I turned my face.

"Well I must be heading out." I looked at him with a smirk. "You are such a tease... you know that?" He stated. "Ok, well call me when you get home so I know you made it there safely." He told me. "Alright, bye... see you tomorrow."

I got in my car to head home. After I had gotten home and finally lugged all of my stuff into my apartment it hit me. I am meeting his parents tomorrow. What the hell am I going to do? Parents don't usually hate me. But for some reason I really want them to like me. I pulled out my phone and hit 3, which is Bob's speed dial number on my phone. "Hey!" He answered sounding half asleep. "Hey, you were sleeping weren't you." "Yeah but I was waiting for you call to." "Oh" I said. "Are you ok, you sound upset about something?" He asked. "What if your parents don't like me?" He started laughing. "Don't laugh at me; this is not funny, Im being serious." "They are going to love you baby. Don't worry about it." "Have they ever liked any other girlfriends they have met?" He got quite "Well, my mom has never liked a girlfriend I have had. But don't let that scare you. I love you and that is all that matters to me." He said as a matter of fact.

Holy Shit, he just said he loved me. "What?" "What do you mean what?" he asked and then Im betting it dawned on him what he had said. "O baby, im sorry if it is too early to say those three words. They kind of just slipped out. I mean I do love you, but if you don't there is no pressure, sorry, it just kind of slipped out." He kept rambling on so I interrupted him. "I am falling in love with you." "Wow" was all he said. "Ok well im going to get some sleep. I'll talk to you in the morning." "Ok, bye." I said and hung up. I left my luggage in the living room and went to my room and changed into a tank top and a pair of shorts and climbed into my oversized bed. As soon as my head hit the pillow I was out.

~The next morning~

'But there's a light on in Chicago
And I know I should be home'

I woke up to my phone ringing and I look over at the clock. "Are you fucking kidding me, its only 8am." Without even looking at who it was I answer it.

"This better fucking be good. Its 8am."
"Well I love you too. I told you I was calling you in the morning". It was Bob.
"Yeah well I thought morning meant after 10am".
"Nope, now get up Im on my way over."
"Can you at least wait until like 9:30 or something? Let me sleep a little longer." I said with a whiny voice.
"Fine, but I am going to head over around 10. Go back to sleep you big baby." He said with a laugh.
"Ok, bye bye" I said and hung up not waiting for a response..

At 10am I was lying in my bed when I felt the bed shift and a pair of familiar arms wrap around me. I turn around and look him in the eyes and smile sleepily.

"How did you get in?" I asked him
"Your roommate is awake." He said "Now be quite, im trying to sleep".
"Oh, Im so sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt your sleep." I cuddle up to him and fall asleep again.

"Anna wake up. Its 11. We need to be there my noon. Get in the shower." Bob practically yelled at me as he slapped my ass to make me move it.

We pulled up to the restaurant about 20 minutest late. I was kind of worried. What if his parents thought that I was the one keeping us behind, or that I am irresponsible? Im guessing that Bob saw how worried I looked so he grabbed my hand and squeezed it as he whispered "Its going to be fine, just relax." I took a breath kissed him lightly and walked into restaurant. As we walked over to a table that I was guessing where is parents and sister he let go of my hand and placed it on the small of my back.

"Hey guys! I would like you to meet my girlfriend Anna." I smiled and shook each persons hand as they introduced themselves. His dad's name was Richard, his mom was Betty and his sister was Amanda. We took as set and the waiter took our drink order.

"Why were you late honey?" His mother asked.
"I went over to make sure Anna was awake and then we both fell asleep and didn't have an alarm set... sorry." He told his mom.
"Oh well, things happen dear. So, Anna what do you do?" Betty asked me.
"Well, right now Im playing bass for my brothers band, as well as working as their tour manager." I said
"You said right now, as in your not going to be doing that for long?" His father, Richard, asked
"Well, I love playing bass and I love being on the road with my brother all the time but I would prefer to do something with my degree somewhere down the road."
"Oh, I see. What is your degree in?" He asked

'What is with the questions?' I asked myself. Bob then grabbed my hand under the table and tightly squeezed it.

"Well I have a bachelor's degree in Hospitality Management and a master's degree in Student development with an emphasis in counseling and advising. I eventually want to go back and get my doctorate in crisis management and student development." I said rather proud of myself. The looks on their face were like they were shocked.
"Oh wow, and what do you want to eventually do with that?" Amanda, his sister, asked.
"I want to eventually own an outreach center for underprivileged children and teenagers here in Chicago. I want to give them a place to go and help them to achieve any goals or dreams they may have. Whether it is finishing school and going to college or just to make friends or to become involved. The list of options for them is endless. I want to just be able to help them do what they want in life. And maybe also someday down the road open a group home or and orphanage, but that's just an idea."
"That is quite a goal you have on your plate." Betty said and I nodded.
"Yeah but its what I love."

Just then the waiter came up with our order and we started to eat. The rest of the lunch went rather smoothly. Bob's family asked him about the tour and what is the next project he will be working on. Richard paid for the meal and we all walked outside of the restaurant.

"Anna darling, it was great to meet you. I'm definitely looking forward to seeing you again very soon." Betty said. Bob had a very shocked look on his face. I heard his mom whisper to him when she hugged him to "not let this one get away". That comment made my day. We all said our goodbyes and headed in separate directions. I held onto Bob's hand and when we got in the car he kissed me. It was honestly more passionate then any kiss he has ever given me. I could definitely get used to this. When he pulled away he smiled and lightly kissed me again.

I let out a slight moan and said "What did I do and I will be sure to do it more if it means more kisses like that?" He laughed and started the car.
"I love you. I was serious when I said that my mother has never liked any of my girlfriends before. You defiantly impressed them."
"I love you too. How did I do that?"
"I think it's because of the fact that they realized you're not with me because of my status, or money. You have your own life and goals and what not. That is a lot more then I can say for the ex-girlfriends." He said. I just smiled at him and then turned the radio on. Im pretty sure this day turned out to be amazing.
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