Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Not What You Expected

What Is My Deal

by joey001 1 review

Last day of the tour. Bob and Anna have a bit of a fight.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Drama, Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2007-05-27 - Updated: 2007-05-28 - 1116 words

Four months later

The day of the last show (Chicago: House of Blues)

Anna's POV

Wow, the last four months have really flown by. Im very sad that this tour is ending. We have all had a great time. Bob and I are better then ever and still going strong. I can truly say that I am falling hard for that man. The thing I like most about our relationship is that my brother definitely approves of him. That is something that most of my ex's never accomplished.

Right now I am sitting on the edge of the stage tuning my bass, and waiting for our sound check to start. I am actually kind of ready for a break, to sleep in a real bed and to not worry about time commitments for the next couple of weeks. However, we are going on warped tour this year, which starts two weeks from tomorrow. After much deliberation I have decided to stay as bass players and my best friend Jaime has decided to come out and tour manage during warped, which I am more then happy about.

"Hey Anna! You ready to start sound check?" Jordan yelled over to me.
I nodded my head as I stood up.
"What's wrong? You're acting kind of out of it today." Anthony said
"Im fine, just ready for a break" I replied
"Well, be glad that you live in Chicago and are done after the show tonight. We have to get back on the bus and head the 12 hours back to Oklahoma." Michael said to me while laughing. He was right. I got to go back to my apartment after the show instead of cramming back on a bus with a ton of loud boys. I was also extremely glad that Bob was from Chicago as well, this will leave some very much needed alone time for the two of us.

When our set ended I handed my bass off to a guitar tech to put away safely and headed back to our dressing room. When I walked in the guys had already claimed both showers so I decided to go wish Bob and the boys luck before they played the last show of the tour.

I walked into the room and Bob was sitting on a couch in a daze. I walked quietly up behind him and wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him on the cheek. He turned and looked me in the eye and gave me a light kiss on the lips.

"Hey, what are you doing in here?" He asked
"All the showers were full, so I thought I would come see you guys." I said as I took a seat next to him on the couch.
"Are you still coming to stay at my place tonight?" He asked
"I don't know. My roommate was expecting me back tonight. That and I'm so exhausted and really need to get some sleep. And I have a slight suspicion that if I stay at your place, we will not be sleeping." I said the last part in a bit of a whisper with a smirk on my face.
He laughed and said "True, will you at least come to lunch tomorrow with me. I want you to meet my family. We are meeting for lunch at Ella's downtown at noon."
"I'll have to see if it fits in my excessively busy schedule, but im sure I can make it." I said with a smirk spread across my face.

'5 minutes guys. I need you walking toward the stage now." Steve, the stage manager yelled out.

"I gotta go babe. Don't leave, you have your car here and I need a ride home." Bob said as he kissed me and left the room. I nodded in response.
I told the rest of the guys' good luck and headed back to my bands dressing room. Everyone had already showered so I took this as the opportunity to jump in.

After I got out of the shower I walked to the side of the stage to catch the guys' show. They did the same thing every night, but it still put me in awe. Gerard is an all around performer, and watching Frank go crazy is what does it for me. I was watching Bob and realized for the first time that he does the weirdest faces when he is playing. It made me smile.

The show ended and I was talking to one for the roadies. They were supposed to keep my bass out instead of packing it up in the trailer. When he was telling me where he put it two very sweaty arms wrapped around my waist.

"Gross, get off me." I said with a disgust to my voice 'wow, im really being a bitch today' I thought to myself, and I'm pretty sure I did the same thing to him earlier. Bob really looked hurt and confused. "Um, ok... im going to shower. I'll meet you in our dressing room in about 20 minutes to get a ride home." With that he walked away. What was with me today? I turned to look at the roadie who looked very uncomfortable in the current situation. "Sorry, where did you say you put it?" I asked.
"It's in your dressing room." Then he to walked away.

I decided to take the twenty minutes it would take Bob to get ready to leave to say bye to my brother and the other guys. I walked onto the bus and they were all sitting around either playing guitar hero or on computers.

"Hey guys, thought I would come say bye before I head home." I said
"Bye sis, your coming home in a week to practice for warped right?" Michael asked. Crap I had totally forgot about that.
"Yeah, I'll be there. Make sure mom and dad know im going to stay at their place."
"Ok, love you." Michael said. "Call one of us when you get home." Jordan said. I nodded my head. I gave all the guys hugs and walked back inside of the venue. As I walked into the dressing room Bob was sitting there texting someone on his phone.

"Ready?" I asked. He didn't say anything he just got up and started walking. He was pissed. I knew I shouldn't have snapped at him, I don't even know what my deal is today. But I've noticed that Bob is the type of person that will just get really quite and not want to talk. I'll apologize on our way home. Hopefully he won't be stay mad at me.

A/N: Hey guys. Here is the next chapter
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