Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Not What You Expected


by joey001 0 reviews

Bob and Anna watch a movie and Bob asks her a question

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Drama, Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2007-05-26 - Updated: 2007-05-26 - 1249 words


Anna's POV

In a way I wanted the shower to be quick so I could head straight over to My Chem.'s bus. But I was also in desperate need of a relaxing steaming hot shower. I knew the buses would not be leaving for a couple of hours so I took my time. I got out of the shower and pulled on a pair of cut off sweats and a white tank top. As I went to look at myself in then mirror I realized it was fogged up so I picked up a towel with my hand I had hurt earlier and realized the amount of pain that shot through my arm. I really hope I didn't do too much damage to it I have a bass to play for the next few months. It was rather swollen and a bit black and blue on the side. However, with my luck though I did something pretty serious. "Fuck" I say out loud. I decided to leave my hair curly (less use of the hand) and no make up. I felt comfortable around Bob, or at least I had the feeling that I didn't need to impress him.

I grab a pillow and a blanket and head to the front of the bus. All the guys were all glued to their lap tops. I decide not to interrupt them and head off the bus, but was stopped by Anthony's voice.

"Anna, do we need to have a talk." He asks with a serious look on his face. I just roll my eyes and continued to walking as he starts busting up laughing.
"No seriously don't do anything I wouldn't do, or better yet don't do anything Jordan wouldn't do." Anthony says with a laugh
"Don't start." Jordan says with a very monotone and serious voice. As they continue to argue I slip off the bus are walk over to the other bus and knock.

The door opened and I stood staring at the most amazing eyes.

"Hey!" Bob said quietly with a slight smile.
"Hi" I said back in an equally quite tone.
He stepped aside and let me in. As I walked into the front part of the bus I saw most of the guys sitting around. Frank was the first one to notice me walk in.
"ANNA!!" He screamed then started laughing. The rest of the guys looked up and said their hellos.
"Hey guys we are going to go in the back and watch a movie, anyone else want to join?" Bob asked everyone in ear shot. Ray and Frank shook their heads no and we heard a muffled yell from the bunk area from Gerard saying no.
"What movie are you guys going to watch?" asked an unusually hyper Mikey asked
As Bob went to answer, Mikey got a swift elbow to the side from Frank and very aggressive look from Ray.
"Never mind, I just remembered that I have a ton to do" Mikey said not making eye contact with either of us. I quickly shoot Frank a look and he returned my look with a wink. I just rolled my eyes. Just then the bus started moving.
"Well, let's go pick a movie to watch." Bob said as we headed to the back lounge of the bus.
As we walked into the back room I decided to make myself comfortable on the couch.

"Well, anything in particular that you wanna watch?" He asked as I sat there looking at the wide range of movies that they had.
"I honestly don't care... how about a scary one?"
"Ok, um let's see. How about Psycho, it's a classic." He offers
"Works for me."

Half way through the movie we had managed to get a lot closer, mainly due to the fact that I was scared shitless. I forgot how jumpy I get during scary movies. I ended up with my legs over Bob's lap while he had his legs propped up on the coffee table. He had grabbed my hand and laced our fingers together. When the movie ended we just sat there in a comfortable silence. About 5 minutes into the silence Bob noticed my swollen wrist.

"Fuck, what happened?" He said as he carefully took my arm into his hands and looked at it.
"I tripped on stage tonight. It will be fine, it doesn't hurt that bad." I said not being very convincing. He softly touched the worst part of the wrist and I winced in pain.
"It doesn't hurt that bad huh?" He said in a very sarcastic tone.
"Whatever" I replied with a slight laugh.
"Im going to get you some ice, ill be right back." He said as he got up.
He came back a few seconds later.
"So we don't have any ice, but we are getting ready to stop so I'll grab some then." He said.
We sat in yet another comfortable silence and we listened to the guys in the front of the bus. Frank was gripping about a game he was playing, and my guess was that he was not playing very well.

"Thanks for coming over and watch a movie with me. I really enjoyed spending time with you." He said
"Well, thanks for inviting me, I had fun." I said as I looked at him.
"Um, so... ok, well... I know I said that I would wait to ask you out until you're ready. But I just really like you... and I was wondering if you wanted to be my girlfriend. If not...or if it's too soon then..." he stuttered out as I cut him off by putting my fingers to his lips to quite him.
Smiling I said "I really like you too, like a lot... and I would love to be your girlfriend."
We both looked at each other and slowly started leaning in. Our lips pressed together. It was the sweetest kiss I think that I have ever had. It was very sensual and... ok so I can't describe it in words other then 'wow'. I could have stayed right were I was a lot longer, however it didn't end up that way. We heard a gasp and what sounded like a little girl giggle.
"OH MY GOD THERE MAKING OUT BACK THERE." Frank yelled through the bus.
Bob and I started laughing and pulled away when Gerard popped his head in and said that we were stopping so that I could get some ice on my hand.

Bob and got up and started making our way to the front of the bus. But before we made it passed the bunks he grabbed my waist and turned me towards him and placed a light kiss on my lips and smiled and then started walking out of the bus.
'Man, I could get used to this.' I thought to myself while walking off the bus and into the store.

A/N: Im am terribly sorry about the lack of attention to this story. I have been crazy busy. BUT now I have a lot of free time on my hands. My goal is to post once a day (or pretty close to it) until the story is finished. In the next couple of chapters the time is going to go by a lot faster, by skipping a few months. Thanks guys for sticking with the story. Hope you enjoyed... and review away and let me know what you think!!
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