Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Best Kept Disaster


by hotty7791 1 review

How do you go from wanting to be an engineer to being the lead singer of a band? Two words for you. Careers Class. That class scared the living shit out of me. I went from having everything planned...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Crossover, Drama, Humor, Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Warnings: [?] [X] - Published: 2007-06-30 - Updated: 2007-06-30 - 1088 words

Disclaimer - Yes yes I know I dont own anything in this except the original characters. That goes for the whole thing...

"You know what? I want you out of this house. I divorced your father for a reason and I will be damned if you follow in his footsteps. I cannot take this anymore. Get the fuck out! GET OUT! LEAVE" My mother screamed at my brother.

"You know what? Fine. I'll go! Don't expect me to fucking call!"

I hated when they did this but they never got it. My mother and father have been 'at war' in a sense for the past 10 years and they're still as bitter as they were the first day they separated. As we got older my brother, Brad and my mom fought more and more often. It was just a matter of time before she kicked him out I guess. The least she could have done was do it quietly. The neighbours didn't need to hear it.

Turning my music up louder I tried to concentrate on my homework. I couldn't keep doing this. My boss is a dick and has me working 28 hours a week and my mom still expects me to be principles list, so here I am at 11 pm just starting on my four hours of careers homework. And my mother wonders why I'm addicted to caffeine.

I read the assignment, "Choose a profession that you want to become or that interests you and create a 10 minute speech along with other assignments that have to do with your career. This project is worth 30% of your final mark..." OK, fair enough I can do this. I already know what I want to be so this should be simple. I began to look up information on engineering on the internet for my project. As I read the page though, I began to second-guess myself. Did I really want to be this? It didn't sound like very much fun. Sure, I was extremely smart but I didn't have to work hard for it and I didn't want to, it just came naturally. Becoming less and less sure, I looked up other careers which scared me further. All of the courses at university take courses that I'm not taking next year. Fully terrified by that point, I ignored all of that, finished my project, and shut down my computer. I had enough stuff to be worrying about with not seeing my dad and my brother and mom that I didn't want to even think that far into the future. Lying down in bed, I drifted off into an uneasy sleep. My life was so much easier when I was six.

~next day~

Half asleep, I rushed out of my bed and threw on some clothes. I had slept in again. It had become a habit ever since all my family problems flared up once again. Rushing into the bathroom, I looked at my reflection. Even with the slight bags under my brown eyes, I still thought myself as pretty. Sure, there were other girls that were prettier but I was happy with myself. I quickly straightened by long dark brown hair and put on some eyeliner and mascara, not that I needed it according to my friend Alex. She was right, my eyelashes were quite long. Deciding I looked decent, I grabbed my bag, ran out the door, and off to school.

I walked into Math just as the bell rang and collapsed with relief at my desk trying to ignore the smirk and giggles coming from my friends. "Yes, yes I know. I'm not late this morning, just not early," I said with a laugh.

"Oh Lindsey, you know we love you anyways, but what's up with you anyways, you never used to be late or tired for that matter, you know you can talk to us right?" Alex said with a concerned look on her face.

I knew I had been acting differently but I didn't want to tell them why. They didn't need my problems on top of their own." Haha, it's just my job my boss has me working almost every night now."Ok, not a complete lie.

"Well tell your boss he's a fruit cup and don't go!" Daryan chimed in. We all laughed. This is what kept me going and not breaking down. I knew my friends would always be there for me and support me in what ever I did. The four of us couldn't be any different from each other. I was about 5' 4 with long brown hair and dark brown eyes. Daryan was 5'11 with shoulder length brown hair with red streaks and straight cut bangs. Miranda had shoulder length blonde hair and green eyes and was constantly bubbly. To round us off was Alex. She constantly died her hair and was slightly taller than I was. The four of us were smart and pretty and to the rest of the girl's displeasure, we ruled our school and our teachers. We could get away with murder if we wanted to.

I just rolled my eyes at Daryan "You know I can't do that, my mom works with him and I don't really need her yelling at me thanks. I'll just drink more coffee!" The others just rolled their eyes at me. They knew all about my coffee addiction. "Have you guys finished that careers project yet?" I asked. They all nodded. "Did it scare you as much as it scared me then?" Yet again, I got nods back at me.

"Oh thank god. I thought I was the only one that felt like that." Miranda piped up.

"Excuse me girls, am I interrupting your conversation? I'll let you off if you can factor that question up on the board." I looked up and smirked.

"5x+69yx(89y-2xy) = 78. Did you want it factored further? I can do fractions."

With a slight smile on her face, she shook her head and continued with the lesson. Zoning out I fingered the book that was sitting on top of my textbook. It was where I wrote all my problems that were happening with my family in. No one read it. No one was allowed. When the bell rang, we all headed to our lockers, put away our books and made our way to music class. Our favourite.


Yeah, I am totally expecting reviews. The more reviews the faster the updates and the faster I bring MCR into the story...mwa haha I am evil.. I know :D
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