Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Famous Last Words


by my_famous_last_words 1 review

Life is a one time thing, no second chances right? Well what if the one you loved died? You wouldn't see them again would you? What if something happened where they came back? Okay enough questions...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama, Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Published: 2007-07-01 - Updated: 2007-07-02 - 293 words

Gerard woke up early one morning and looked at the calander, July 1st. He than looked at his girlfriend, Blair. If only he had the courage to ask her to marry him. Chances are she'd say yes, but Gerard had a feeling of doubt. Blair stirred and woke, she rubbed her eyes and looked at him,
"See anything intresting?" she asked as he stared at her in a daze.

"Only a beautiful woman" he replied, she sat up and scratched her head.

"Hmmm I don't see a beautiful woman anywhere." she said, Gerard wrapped his arm around her and kissed her,

"You're too modest" he said

"Can we do something today?" she asked

"Yeah what do you wanna do?" he asked, she cuddled next to him

"Anything with you, I miss not having you to myself anymore" she said,

"Alright we'll just go walking and see where we end up" he said

They walked around everywhere and they were unnoticed until they unluckily bumped into a fan. Immediately Blair was shunted aside, Gerard gave her an apologetic look and she just shrugged.
"I'll be across the street!" she yelled, she wasn't even sure if he heard her. The light said she could go ahead and she started making her way across the street when a car hit her out of no where. She died instantly. Gerard watched in horror as Blair hit the ground, he pushed the fans away and made his way to her, there was no need to call 911 all the fans and passerbys had their cell phones out.

"Blair, Blair come on sweetie wake up" Gerard pleaded, she was gone. Gerard held Blair close to him and cried. It was all his fault, if he hadn't wasted time signing autographs.
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