Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > Love, Serenity, and Sacrifice

An innocent beginning

by babablacksheep232 2 reviews

Michelle is head over heals about her longtime crush, Matt. But will things change when new student Brendon Urie joins the class? PLZ REVIEW!!!

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst, Drama, Romance - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2007-03-29 - Updated: 2007-03-29 - 545 words

~Chapter 1~

I stared at him constantly. His messy blonde hair, glasses, smartness, and cuteness were just some of his wonderful features. I felt a tap on my shoulder.

"Are you staring at him again, Michelle?" Nikii asked.

"Sorry! I just can't help it. He's adorable and smart and-"

"You don't need to go into great detail!"

"Fine. Sorry." I shot my focus back into my great stack of homework that my science teacher had given us. Every few minutes I could hear kids moaning, "I hate science." And "I wish Mr. Speck wasn't our science teacher." I never had a problem with Mr. Speck, my science teacher, at all this year. He just thought that he was some god or something. Everybody hated his attitude. (including me)

My eyes trailed back to my crush, Matt. He was practically done with all our science work and buried himself into a book. He was a straight A student. You can always count on him to Ace anything. I too indeed did get straight A's but he got way more A+'s than me. That's one of the reasons why I like him. He's the first person I've met that's smarter than me and is friendly. He's cute and self-confident. He's definitely funny; he can always make me laugh. He's the guy of my dreams! The only flaw is that he's kinda short. I'm like a foot taller then he is. That's the only reason why my parents won't let me date him. The other flaw is that he sits by the same two people at lunch: Mitch and Sarah. He and Mitch are like best friends. So is he and Sarah, but the way he's always talked to her seems like he liker her more than in a friendly way. It always bugged me. But Mitch always talks to her and stands by her constantly. He seems to be showing all the signs of liking her. Could both Mitch and Matt like her? I would surely be pissed if Matt did.

Matt looked at me noticing that I was staring at him for like 5minutes straight! I immediately had turned away hoping that he wouldn't have noticed that I was staring at him. I knew that I had to quit this habit of staring at him. Staring at him too much is a bad think. But I couldn't resist against that adorable face and stubby nose! I had stared at him for a few more seconds until I was startled by the opening of the door.
"We have a new student, Mr. Speck." Said our principal. A boy walked in with brown hair and was about my size. He had the biggest lips I've ever seen! [obvious giveaway to who it is...] He looked pretty gorgeous too.

"Our new student today is Brendon Urie. Pleas help him keep comfort here." Mr. Speck assigned him a seat next to...Matt! Brendon carried his binder next to Matt. Uh oh, I could already see what was going to happen...
My friend Nikii made this to go along with it. U may have to copy and paste the link if it screws with me...grr...I will update a chapter soon!
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