Categories > Original > Mystery > The Paradox of Elaine

Chapter 3

by qt314 0 reviews

Next chapter. :)

Category: Mystery - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Published: 2007-07-03 - Updated: 2007-07-03 - 1130 words

She was vulnerable now, and she knew it. Elaine sat down on the leather sofa turned on the TV. Carefully she flipped through the channels seeing if anything about last night was being mentioned. So far there was nothing. Elaine sighed with worry and wondered if she was safe anymore.
Her black Nokia cell phone buzzed as it scattered along the wooden table. She groaned and picked it up off of the table and answered. She recognized that number, and didn't want anything to do with him anymore.
"What do you want?" she snapped.
"And hello to you too." Sam replied.
"What'd you call me for? Need another hot date?"
"Geez Elaine, I just wanted to talk to you. Why so irritable?"
"I got threatened last night." Elaine scowled. "A man completely dressed in black came up to me with a knife and almost slit my neck. I swear he could've come straight out of a horror movie."
"Oh wow. Are you ok?"
"That depends. Did you have anything to do with it?"
"Elaine, I love you. Why in the world would I have a guy threaten you?"
"Good question and one that I would love to find out. Maybe it's because -"
There was a long pause of silence before Sam spoke.
"Nothing." Elaine replied.
"It sounds like you need a drink."
"Yes, surely that'll take away the pain." Elaine replied sarcastically.
"It's always calmed you down before."
"That's true. Or maybe we can just talk."
"Fine. Shoot."
"You never told me what happened the day of the murder."
"Elaine, you've already had enough to worry about!"
"Listen Sam," Elaine started in a low voice, "whoever threatened me last night might be connected with the murder scene."
Sam groaned.
"I had nothing, absolutely nothing to do with you being threatened. Do you understand?"
"Ok Sam."
"I love you."
"Love you too."
And with that Elaine hung up the phone and dialed another number. She just had to get this feeling off her chest.
"Hey Amy, it's me. Got a sec?"
"Yeah, I'm just about to head home. What's up?"
"Other than me being so stressed that I almost gave my secret away to Sam? Absolutely nothing."
"Elaine, you need to be extra careful now with this stalker."
"I'm stuck," Elaine said as she threw her arms with frustration, "I couldn't see his face and I have no idea who he was."
"You still have height to go by, and possibly eye color."
"I'm screwed."
"You need a drink."
"Maybe later, and why does everyone think I need a drink?"
"Because you're stressed to no end."
Elaine smiled. Amy always knew how to make her feel better.
"Fine, I'll come with you. But I'm not drinking any alcohol."
"Ok party pooper." Amy chuckled, "I'll see you at 7."
"Bye Amy. And thanks."
Later that night, Amy and Elaine were sat in the furthest corner of the bar room. It was dark, they couldn't see more than the other's face. Elaine rubbed the rim of her glass of water while Amy sipped on her large glass of beer with a half scowl.
"Elaine, you just had to pick this spot didn't you?"
"What do you mean?"
"It feels so distant."
"That's the point. I don't want to be seen." Elaine whispered as she rolled her eyes.
"I thought we were here to take your mind off of this, not make you more worried about it."
"Look, all I know is that this whole thing is suspicious. And I also think that Sam is behind this."
"Sam? Your 'project' that you've been working on for the past two months? The mass murder guy?"
"Yep, that would be the one."
"Oh God Elaine." Amy said worriedly. She leaned inward towards Elaine and stared at her. "How much do you know, and how much does he know?"
Elaine sighed and bit her lip.
"I don't know what he knows about me. All of the details of my life I've kept a secret from him. The only thing he knows is my name."
"That can get him pretty far, especially if he knows how to work the system."
"Oh crap. I'm so freaking screwed. How well do you think he knows how to work the system?"
"If he has anything to do with the stalker, if he's the one who committed the mass murder all those years ago, then he probably knows it very well."
"Especially if he did it and got away with it."
Elaine's could feel her face become pale. All of the heat ran through her cheeks and out through her body, making Elaine tremble. She really didn't want to have anything to do with this stalker, but it was becoming clearer that she didn't have a choice.
"Don't worry Elaine. I'm sure you'll be ok." Amy said with a reassuring smile.
Elaine just nodded and stared at her water glass.
"Elaine! What in the world are you doing here?" a voice called out.
She turned and to her dismay, saw Sam walking towards her.
"Speaking of the devil, there he is now." Elaine groaned.
Sam walked over to the table and pounded his martini glass on the table. The vodka splashed on the table, some getting into Elaine's face.
"So - I - I'm not good enough to - take you here - but she is? Since -wh-when did this happen?" he said through slurred words.
"Sam, this is my colleague Amy. And you're drunk."
"You bet you I am. You - want a drink?"
"No, believe me, I appreciate your offer. But no."
"No worries - you."
Sam looked at Amy and smiled.
"And what - about you - sweet thing?"
"I already have a drink." Amy said in an all knowing tone as she tapped her beer glass.
"Oh, my m - mistake."
Sam took his now half filled martini glass and stumbled as he walked away.
"Now that was just pitiful." Amy remarked.
"Did you see that? Tell me that's not a coincidence. He's here where we just randomly decided to go."
"Elaine, that's a slim chance."
"I certainly hope so."
Suddenly Elaine felt lightheaded, as if her head were filled with helium and would float away. She could hardly see Amy's face anymore. It was all one big blur, her mouth blending in with her nose and her eyes.
"Elaine, are you ok?"
Amy's voice seemed so far away, almost undetectable. Each syllable of her words mushed together into a blob of sounds.
"I, I don't feel so good." Elaine replied.
"Oh no. Hang on Elaine, I'll call for help!"
Elaine felt her body becoming stiff. She tried to lift her leg, but it didn't move. She was paralyzed! She felt her head bang on the table and everything around her became black and silent.
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