Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > It's The Tearing Sound of Love Notes

Don't make fun of my obsession.

by nicole_ownsxxx 6 reviews

Erm. It's really more of a filler, really. Roxie has to tell her story to the boys.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Humor, Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Published: 2007-07-04 - Updated: 2007-07-04 - 1334 words

The bus was moving. Mary was getting motion sickness, and so was Mikey. Ray and Bob were talking about pest control, and Frank and Jenny and Katie were sleeping in the room with the bunks. Gerard was eating a stupid apple and talking on the stupid phone to stupid slutface.

That left one really bored Roxie.

And one really bored Roxie meant one soon to be annoyed Gerard.

Because that's how I roll.

I found a notebook and a marker, and I was drawing random pictures and phrases, then showing Gerard. So far, here's what I had:

=one picture of slutface being eaten alive by alligators.
=one picture of slutface and Gerard being dropped out of an airplane.
=one picture of me using slutface as a dartboard
=the phrase: SHE'S A WHORE! HANG UP!
=the phrase: SHE'LL GIVE YOU AIDS, GEE!
=one picture of Donna hitting slutface in the head with a frying pan.

"Roxie, if you don't fucking quit it-" he started.

"Watch your language, Gerard!" I screamed.

He groaned loudly, then threw a half-eaten apple at me. I stuck my tongue out at him.

"No, baby, I have to go. I love you, too. Bye!" He flipped the phone shut angrily. Gerard glared at me. "Do you always have to be such a pain!?"

"Do you always have to whore around with her?!"


"Well, there you have it!"

"SHUT UP!" Ray screamed. We'd interrupted his lovely conversation with Bob about the best kind of fly traps. "You guys were getting along on Roxie's birthday. Roxanne, quit provoking him."

"But, Ray! I'm bored!"

"What do you want me to do? Make the driver pull over so you can play in the park?" he asked sarcastically.

My eyes lit up. "Cou-"


I stuck my tongue out at him. "Fun killer."

"You're like a little kid, Roxie!"

"You're all...responsible and stuff."

"Some one on this bus has to be besides Mary!"


Ray rolled his eyes and started talking to Bob again. I could hear Mary puking in the bathroom. I wondered if she was alright. She'd been getting sick a lot lately. She probably had the flu or something.

I started watching The Nightmare Before Christmas again for the 185th time since we started the tour.

I counted. I was quoting the entire movie when Mary came in and sat beside me, pale(r) and sickly.

"What's up Mary?"

"Nothing. Just carsick. The Nightmare Before Christmas /again/?"

"Heyheyhey..This is the greatest movie on earth. Don't make fun of my obsession."

She smiled. "You're a weird one, Rox."

"Thank you."

Harold, the driver, called to us from the front of the bus. "HEY!"

"WHAT?" I called back, mocking his southern accent, which wasn't that hard because of my accent.


"O-Wait, did you say Texarkana?"

"Yeah, you got family near there or somethin'?"

I paused. "Erm. You could say that." I looked at the ground, and tried blinking back tears. "HEY! WE'RE STOPPING AT THE MAGNOLIA CAFE BEFORE WE GET TO TEXARKANA!" I called, my voice cracking.

Frank rushed out of the bedroom when he heard "cafe".

"FOOD!" he cried like a wild animal, tackling me. He howled, then sniffed me. "Where is this food you speak of?"

"It's still in the restraunt, retard."

He got off of me, then sat down beside me, looking defeated. "Oh...Okay."

"But you can tackle the waiter!"

He instantly perked up, but then frowned as Ray screamed, "NO YOU CAN'T!"

Mary looked ill again at the thought of food, and Gerard was calling slutface to tell her the name of the cafe.

"Hey baby!...We're stopping at a cafe...Eh, I don't know...Hey, guys, what's the name of the cafe we're staying at?" Gerard stopped and asked.

I grinned maniacally. "Skyline Cafe."

"Okay! Babe, it's the Skyline Cafe... You know where that is?.. Okay! Love you! Bye!"

Mary tried not to giggle, because she knew what I'd done, but Frank didn't get it, and thought nothing about it.

Ray and Bob heard, and they were smiling, but Gerard was still completely oblivious.

He's really gullible. That's why he's dating slutface, I suppose.

Two of the buses were stopping here, and all the other buses were going to different places.

We were here with Speakersound, and the cafe looked like the place old men hang out and drink coffee and talk about the war.

We sat down and a waitress looked at us skeptically before taking our orders. Frank tried to order coffee, but Ray threw a fork at him and made him get chocolate milk instead.

The waitress was about to take my order, when she looked me over, then said, "You know, you look like Amber Knowens's daughter."

I flinched. "Yeah, I get that a lot."

"She even dressed like you and everything. I never knew what happened to Roxanne, though. I heard she ran away from home 'cause she got pregnant from a one-night stand with a rockstar from Nevada."

"I highly doubt that's what happened," I spat.


"I've got a feeling she wouldn't like you, Cindy," I said.

"You are Roxanne!"

"Nope. I'm not."

"Then how'd you know my name?"

"It's on your nametag."

She looked down. "Oh. What would you like to eat?"

"Erm. Just a cheeseburger and fries. And a Coke."

She wrote it down and walked away, leaving everyone at the table looking at me.

"Roxie?" asked Ray.

"Yes, dear?" I said, forcing a smile.

"What was that about?"

"What?" I questioned innocently.

"The fact that a waitress just asked you if you were Roxanne and you said no!" Gerard screamed.

"Erm.. Did that just happen?"

"Yeah..." Bob said.

"I don't remember it." The waitress came back and brought our drinks to us. Frank sipped his chocolate milk.

"So, Roxie, who's this Amber Knowens lady?"

"My mother."

Gerard grabbed my shoulders and brought me close to him. "Were you really pregnant?" he whispered.

"No, you idiot! Do I look like the kind of girl that would have a one night stand with a rockstar from Nevada?" I hissed.

He let me go. "No."

Mikey threw a package of sugar at me. "Tell us what happened, Roxie."

"Erm. Okay. Neither of my parents went to college, okay? So when I got accepted and a full ride, they were more than happy. I had this huge going away party and everything-"

"What happend?" Bob asked, getting in my face.

"Well, if you'll shut up, she'll finish the story!" Jenny yelled.

"But when I got to college, I was horribly depressed and started failing classes because I'd stay in bed all day. I dropped out before I lost my scholarship and tried to go back home, but my parents wouldn't let me come home. So I knew Katie already, she was my best friend back in high school, so I moved in with her and Jenny for about two years before we met Mary and started the band."

"You haven't seen your parents since?" Mikey asked, wide-eyed.

"Erm. No-"

"Let's go see them!" Frankie exclaimed.

"Yeah!" Ray actually agreed with Frank.

"By the way, where's Anna?"

I giggled, but we got our food, so Gerard was too distracted to yell at me.

Ray made everyone eat quickly so we could go "meet the 'rents." Mary, Katie and Jenny didn't want to go, so they stayed on the bus.

Since my old home was in walking distance of the cafe, we made our way straight from there. As My Chemical Romance and I made our way up the gravel drive way, I knew something big was about to happen.

I just didn't know if it was going to be good or not.
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