Categories > Anime/Manga > Inuyasha > Red, Black, Silver: The 3 sons of the Dog Lord


by InuYashasBitch 0 reviews

The third sequel of Primal Scream and Shatterd Glass. Inutashio's world is upside down-- the jewel is shatterd again-- and he just found his third son.. Nar/Iy/FF/ and more crossovers..

Category: Inuyasha - Rating: PG - Genres: Action/Adventure, Angst, Crossover, Drama, Erotica, Humor, Romance - Characters: Inuyasha, Koga, Sesshoumaru, Other - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2007-07-04 - Updated: 2007-07-05 - 2445 words

Chapter One

Inutashio was not a happy demon.

There were several reasons for this, and one being that Jaken had served him Decaffienated coffee this morning of all mornings. He'd been up all night after the ordeal he'd been through, trying to figure out what to do from here. If he was to be a father to teenagers again, he had to steel himself for what was too come. Certain arrangements had to be made, such as schooling and ground rules to set-- just like before.

Myoga had suggested he call the school and see if either of them were registered there; it was a long shot but the time change might have dropped them into a life that was, for lack of a better term, preset. Totousai had advised against trying to explain the situation to anyone, it would only alienate them. And so Inutashio was forced to re-raise his two boys-- and it hadn't been fun the first time around. By the time the sun had come up, Inutashio and his two youkai vassles had worked out the rought details. Now sitting here at this kitchen table staring into this horribly weak coffee, Inutashio lamented to Jaken.

"My grandchildren were un-concieved, and thats not even a word! I could deal with that, ya know? I know they'll see me again in the not so distant future, and that their safe until then! It still botheres me, I admit, but there's nothing I can really do about it! But then theres the jewel! All those years spent chasing it, hundreds of thousands of dollars in work and labor only to have it shatter! Now I have to chase the fucking thing down again, only this time I get to do it with a million pieces of the damned thing that have had five hundred years to scatter and be moved around in all directions! And that--- that isn't even the worst part. The worst part is that I now have to re-raise my sons! Gods, without Izayoi to keep him in line, Inuyasha will be unbearable!" He ranted, taking a drink of the coffe and snarling. He decided to get the boys in line for the morning then head out to Starbucks.

"I know it will be difficult, Master. But I have utmost faith in you-- that you will be able to pulll this off." Jaken, as usual, was sucking up.

"I hear humans say having a teenager in the house is like living with a demon. They should try raising demon teenagers!" Inutashio exclaimed. "Talk about emotional and unpredicatable.."

He had vivid memories of the younger years with Sesshomaru and Inuyasha. Neither had been easy to raise or deal with after they reached a certain age. While smaller they had played together with no incidence of violence, but the day Sesshomaru turned 12 (Inuyasha was 10) he had turned on his little brother. It was common, Myoga explained to Inutashio, for the older pup to bully a smaller one as way of making a pecking order for later. But Inuyasha insisted on fightning back until Sesshomaru went into a rage and Inutashio had to step in, or he had no doubt Sesshomaru would have killed his younger sibling. The whole problem could have been avoided if Inuyasha had only assumed the role of little brother and submitted some what-- but that was not in his nature. The elder demon Lord already had a headache thinking about it when Inuyasha appeared in the kitchen.

"Good morning, Inuyasha." Inutashio looked up at his son. He went right for the coffee pot as if everything was completely normal.

"Morning, dad." He yawned and took a sip of the weak coffee, wrinkling his nose. "Damn it, Jaken, your coffee tastes like shit!"

"Inuyasha!" Inutashio snapped, surprised by the ease with which the reprimand came. "You will watch your language! I will not have you spewing filth in my presence like some uneducated welp."

Inuyasha blushed lightly, he hated being scolded and especially in front of someone. Even if that someone was Jaken. "Sorry, dad."

"Are you off to school?" Inutashio asked, looking down at the paper in front of him.

"It's Saturday." Inuyasha yawned, "Kouga's coming over, we got stuff to rehearse."

"Rehearse?" Inutashio raised an eyebrow, his memory jogged at that. He'd almost forgotten Inuyasha had been in a band at this age. "You'll be home for dinner, right?"

"I should hope so." Inuyasha gave him a weird look. "Since we're doing it in the basement."

He groaned, he had hoped for some peace and quiet today, but he supposed not. Inuyasha suddenly slammed his hand down on the table. "Hey! Ol' man! You listenin'?"

"I beg your pardon!" Inutashio glared at him, "What are you raving about?"

"Don't you dare come barging into the basement like you did last time! Gods, I was so embarrassed!" Inuyasha narrowed his eyes at Inutashio.

"I'll have you know this is my damned house and I'll storm into any room I damn well please! And if you weren't up to no good, you wouldn't mind me walking in!" Inutashio grinned evily at the pouty look on his son's face. Silently he congratulated himself, "Inutashio one-- Inuyasha zero!"

The phone's ringing brought the fatherly demon's mental victory dance to an end.

Sesshomaru entered the room with a scowl at the nerve of the person on the other end for speaking to him, even though he was the first to grab the phone. He tossed the portable handset at Inutashio, "It's for you, dad."

Inutashio grabbed the object hurling at his head and spoke with a firm tone. "Hello?"

He was greeted with silence, and then mumbling. "Hello? Who is this? You have to speak up, I can't hear you!" He yelled.

"Dad!" Inuyasha pointed, "Its upside down."

"I knew that!" Inutashio righted the phone. "I just wanted to see if you did. Hello?"

"Good morning," giggled Tsunade, having heard the whole thing. "How are you?"

"Eh, I guess this has just been a weird morning. You have no idea-- what can I do for you, dear?" The suddenly jovial sound of his voice made Sesshomaru and Inuyasha look at each other.

"It is a woman." Sesshomaru pushed his wave of silky white hair back over his shoulder. He, like his brother, was still in his pajama's which consisted of a tee shirt and boxers.

Inuyasha sulked even more at that. "Geez, dad is a total man-whore."

"As if you could talk!" Sesshomaru smirked over the rim of his orange juice. "So how is your girl these days?"

"Which one?" Inuyasha raised an eyebrow in amusement.

"See what I mean?" Sesshomaru replied, his face void of emotion.

Inutashio hung up the phone, his fair skin white as a ghost. "Boy's I have to go out. I don't know when I'll be back. I don't wanna find a house full of teenagers when i get back, I'll want to talk to you alone."

"Is Inuyasha in trouble?" Sesshomaru asked, not being able to conceive what he might have done.

"You asshole!" Inuyasha threw a piece of fruit from the bowl beside him on the counter where he was sitting, dangling his feet off the side.

"Stop it! Both of you!" He snapped, eyes narrowed. "Neither of you are in trouble, yet. I'll just be back soon as I can."

"You're still an asshole." Inuyasha stated after the front door shut behind his father's retreating figure.

"And you're still a halfbreed." Sesshomaru gave him a twisted smirk then stood.


Inutashio sat on the black leather couch in Tsuande's living room, looking a bit like a landed fish. He'd barely been able to absorb the events of the past twenty four hours, and now Tsunade had dropped the cherry on top of his sundae.

"Why didn't you just tell me I had a son?" Inutashio rubbed his face in frustration.

"You were married, I wasn't a homewrecker. I will not have people saying I'm a whore or a gold digger!" She replied. "I didn't mean to blurt it out over the phone like that, but as you heard, he is in need of a serious attitude adjustment. I can't do it alone, I have to work to pay the bills and put food on the table and--"

"Tsunade," he pulled her against his chest and stroked her hair. "I would have helped and no one would have said a word. Or I'd have gutted them. Yes, yes, I will do whatever you want me to."

"I want you to take him, take custody of him, and try and straighten him out." She spoke calmly but he could smell that she was perturbed.

"What of you? Where will you go? I had hoped to see you more often.."

"And you can." She cut him off. "But lets take it slow, okay? I need to learn to trust you again."

Inutashio nodded, pulling her chin upwards and planting a reassuring kiss on her lips. "Can I meet my son?"

A minute later a boy stood before Inutashio that literally made his jaw drop slightly, he recognized his own scent coming from the boy-- confirming that he was indeed his son-- but if he had not had the sense of scent, the kids appearance was enough. He was tall, silver hair just a shade darker than Sesshomaru's fell to his waist, his ears slightly pointed at the tip like his father's, and his eyes were like twin blazing emeralds, exactly like Tsunade's had been before she'd been changed. The two stared at each other for a time, sizing each other up before Tsunade spoke, shattering the icy barrier between them.

"Inutashio, this is your son, Sephiroth." She forced a smile and then stepped back, fearing what might happen next.

Sephiroth raised an eyebrow, he refused to unlock eyes with his new-found father and Inutashio did likewise by never allowing his piercing golden gaze to waver. He could tell right away, this one was going to be trouble if he was already challenging his authority. But there was something in his scent, something slightly fearful. Sephiroth had been used to his unusually petite soft-hearted mother, whom he could bully around to a certain extent till he got his way, but this man before him was a clear authority figure who commanded and probably got respect. He could hear the sound of a jail cell slamming behind him, his days of running wild and roughshod over anyone in his path were over.

"S--so you're my father?" Sephiroth began nervously, hating the shake in his voice.

"I am. I apologize for not being here for you the past fourteen years but I was only now made privvy to your existence." Inutashio motioned to the couch. "Let us sit."

For once he didn't argue, he sat down in an armchair across from where his mother and father took a seat on the couch. Tsunade looked down at her feet and studied her red painted toenails. "Sephiroth has been kicked out of two schools for fighting, he's currently suspended for skipping nearly a week of class, and well as you see-- he's in need of a change while he can still be saved."

"I don't fucking need saving!" The teen's voice rang out angrily as he jumped to his feet, the move a threatning gesture that sent Tsunade ducking, having been struck by the boy more than once. Inutashio was on his feet as well- prepared fully to intervene. "In fact, the last goddamned thing I need is my long absent father showing up and trying to run my life! It's not my fault you're a spinless whore who can't do your damned job as a mother!"

Inutashio bared a fang. "You will not speak to your mother like that. I may not have been around for most of your life, but I'm here now and you WILL respect your mother in my presence, am I clear?"

Sephiroth had never had anyone lay down law like that before, and do it all without really raising his voice and he backed up involuntarily.

"Apologize," Inutashio said calmly, although he was fighting an urge to backhand the brat.

"And if I don't want to?" The boy asked, testing the proverbial waters.

"It wasn't a request, son. I'm telling you that you will."

"Well, I don't please!" Sephiroth snapped and turned from them with a 'hmmph'. A small 'eep' escaped him when he was yanked forcefully back around to face Tsunade, who was watching scaredly. She wasn't sure who she was scared for-- Inutashio or Sephiroth.

"Well, as I tell Inuyasha, you'll find the back of my hand even less pleasing." He stated, still eerily calm.

Sephiroth looked at his father, weighing his options. He had none. "I-- I'm sorry."

"You're absolutely right, Tsunade." Inutashio released his sons arm. "This one is going to take a firm hand, and I think he'd benefit from living with me for a while."

"What?" Sephiroth exlaimed. "You're giving me away!?"

"Not at all," Tsunade stood up and took a deep breath. "Your father and I are dating, and while I can't gaurantee that will turn into anymore than that, I will continue to stay in contact with you and maybe soon I shall live there too. You are way out of line here, and you need a father figure now more than ever."

Green eyes burned with hate at his mother, then at his father. "I hate you both."

"Well, aren't you just a ray of sunshine?" Inutashio spoke with an unfailing calm. "I can see you're going to get along fine with your brothers. Get yourself a bag packed, just what you need for a couple days. I'll send movers for the rest later."

"You're serious?" Sephiroth looked disbelieving at the man he'd learned was his father.

"Yes I am. Come on it won't be so bad. I live in a mansion, you'll have your own room, a pool, everything!" The Demon Lord smiled, almost brightly.

"We'll see about that..." Sephiroth left the room with a huff.

"You have your work cut out for you," Tsunade said lightly. "I do not envy you. I'm sorry I was a failure.."

"You weren't. You just need a little help. I wish you'd come to me fourteen years ago and we wouldn't be here now." He wrapped an arm around Tsunade and rubbed the bridge of his nose. "Sesshomaru and Inuyasha are going to be thrilled. I don't see how this day could get any better!"

"Sarcastic much?" Tsunade chuckled.

"Always my dear!" He smiled brightly. "Wanna do dinner at eight?"
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