Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > AA Boys and Junkie Girls

and i MIND that HE keeps me on pins and needles.

by WynonaKing90 3 reviews

lolol...gerard and anna get off to a bad start.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Drama, Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Published: 2007-07-04 - Updated: 2007-07-05 - 763 words

After group theropy was over, John was running a bit late picking me up, so i waited outside.
Soon after Gerard came out to join me. He light a cigarette and took a puff before speaking.
'So...have fun?'
I laughed at his question as i sat down on the steps.
'Had a ball,' i replied. I noticed gerard checking out my chest as he took another puff from his cigarette. I looked down and realized my tits were standing straight up and poking through my thin shirt. i forgot to wear a bra and it was like 30degrees out. fuck. where was my jacket?
'Your a perv,' i chuckled. i would have let him get away with it, but he looked a little longer than i would have liked.
'Thats how how i get when i havn't had a good fuck in a while,' he smiled than stubbed out his cigarette, finally looking away.
'Wanna go somewhere?'
'Can't. My brother should be here soon and i dont think he'd like me going off with a guy wearing more make-up than our mother,'
he nodded and laughed.
There was than a silence between us. At that moment i felt like i needed a really good fix. I could feel my stomach acting up cause of the lack of heroine in my body. The need of relief was starting to make me sweat. even in this cold weather.
'...shows' he said, breaking the silence.
'What?' i asked. i only caught the last part.
'I said may-be you could go to one of our shows. we're playing in maryland two times before we take a break from touring,' he repeated.
' you're in a band?' i asked.
'yeah...didn't you hear me say i was in a band called "my chemical romance" when Gwen asked us to introduce ourselves?'
'uhhh no' i answered. truthfully, durring the whole session, all i could think about was getting another fix. i was seriously horrible.
'oh you know. we're playing at merriweather post pavillion next thursady at 6:00. If you want, i could probably get you tickets for free. And afterwards you could hang out with us,' Gerard answered, sitting down beside me.
'Yeah sure...'i replied, i turned my head to face him and suddenly regretted it. damn his eyes were killer. one look into those hazel orbs and i was done for. There was another silence as we just starred at each other. I couldn't help but smile at the akwardness, but gerard's face remained perfectly straight.
'Your eyes are too big,' he said before looking away. he broke the stare. i frowned, all of a sudden, self concious about my looks.
'Thats bad cause it makes you look younger than you already are...' he said, moving closer to me. ', when im about to kiss makes me feel a bit...' he didn't finish. Instead, he leaned his face closer to mine, to the point where are lips were so close to touching. I closed my eyes, expecting to feel his perfectly pink lips press against mine...but instead, all i felt was his warm breath pounding against my willing lips. i opened my eyes slowly to find Gerards eyes wide open...looking at me.
'You didn't think i was gonna kiss you, did you?' he asked, smirking at me. I blushed 5 shades of red, and pulled my face away from him.
'N-no,' i replied, trying to hide my violent blush.
He laughed. 'May-be if you were a little older...'he said, patting me on the back. I shifted away from him, angry. Ho DARE he lead me on and then treat me like a child.
Just then my brother's car pulled up infront of the hospital.
'Seee ya at one of my shows?' he called to me as i got in to the car.
I glarred at him, then slammed the car door.
'Whats up?' my brother asked, wondering about my sudden burst of rage.
'Nothing' i said, flatly.
'Did the group theropy session not go well?' my brother asked, as usual, concerned.
'No. It was horrible and i might die if i don't get another fix in the next hour,' i say truthfully.
He looks at me in horror as we drive out onto the highway.
'Anna...just think about everything you learned in group theropy. That should help,'
Yeah...i learned Gerard Way was a fuckin teaser, and another fix would probably make my rage towards him comb down a bit. How DARE he humiliate me.
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