Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > early sunsets

chapter 1

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Gerard falls for Mikey's best friend in high school, but does she love him? And will she be able to tell him before the vampires get her. P.S. the vampires are a metaphor. Gerard is reunited with h...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst, Humor, Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro, Other - Published: 2007-07-05 - Updated: 2007-07-05 - 527 words

Summary: Gerard falls for Mikey's best friend in high school, but does she love him? And will she be able to tell him before the vampires get her. P.S. the vampires are a metaphor. Gerard is reunited with her. I know every one says this but I really do suck at summaries. Please R&R first story I have posted.

Back ground info Ashleigh: 17 but only just so more like 16/17 in high school.
Bestfriend: Mikey Way.
Artist, 5,6 in height, dark brown hair and very dark brown eyes.
Goes to school with Mikey best friends, same year. Frank, ray, bob and Gerard are friends. Enemy: jocks (Parker!)

right enjoy and read and review!

"Ashleigh Portman! Will u pay attention!" 'Whoops' I thought as my head flu up from the desk and my former pillow.
"Back to this planet yet? Or are we still in the land of nod?"
"Well as my eyes are open and I'm talking, I'm gonna go with... no?" as soon as i had said it I knew it was a mistake.
"Alright, keep your wig on, I'm not deaf."
"Yeah, yeah" I mumbled to myself, while collecting my stuff.
"Parker Pritchard, you're responsible, could you please take Miss Portman to student services?"
"Yes miss" he said sweetly.
"Great" I mouthed at my friend Mikey Way at the back of the classroom. I grabbed my stuff and dragged my feet out the door, but before I could make a run for it Parker had me pinned against a wall not again."So then, Portman, you know the drill empty your pockets and then there is no need to get physical. " Parker stated lazily as if it was boring, even a chore."Fuck you," I was angry at this same situation day in, day out and getting the continuous rants from my mom. Parker's reaction was firstly slightly shocked for about a millionth of a second (this was the first time I had said no since it started 2 years ago). Then his expression changed into malice and as soon as this face took hold I felt the sharp pain of Parker's well tanned fist hit my pale face. It was the first time I had ever been hit and it took me in surprise, all I expected was another threat, followed by some taunting in the hallways. I fought back the tears and mustard up the most hateful glare I could manage without showing my pain. I met his cold blue eyes with my own deep brown ones. "If you ever say no to me again, it wont just be another light slap across the face, you got that?" Parker voice whispered in my ear.
"Yes," I said in a low voice dripping in venom. He drew back then slammed his hand into the wall, making me flinch, then he walked away and went back to the lesson.

Well that's chapter one hope you enjoyed SOS that there isn't much of MCR.In it yet but there will be. R&R please it is my first fanfic I have posted so reviews are good!
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