Categories > Original > Fantasy > Virtual Reality

Secrets of the Soul

by darks00 2 reviews

Secrets of the soul and the Bloodhounds are revealed...

Category: Fantasy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Action/Adventure, Drama, Fantasy - Published: 2007-07-05 - Updated: 2007-07-06 - 1900 words - Complete

It may not always be that way
You can't take nothing for granted
You gotta live life today
I turn around
I can see what's behind me
I turn back around...

"I Turn Around" sung by Matt Ishida from the show "Digimon"

Everyone has a soul, someone told Jake before. A soul is what makes you who you are.

Jake remembered when he first became a Bloodhound. Myst and him were at a playground, swinging. It was a nice cool day.

"Jake," Myst whispered quietly, "My brother found a way to take away a soul."

Jake was confused. This has come out of nowhere. He laughed. "Yeah, right."

"No, seriously," Myst said, her eyebrows arching up, "he found this spell book one day that told him how."

"...Right," Jake said, nodding his head sarcasticly.

"I'm going to do it."

"Do what?"

"I'm going to let him take my soul."

Jake laughed. "That's impossible! You can't be alive without a soul."

"That's why only a part of the soul can be taken away. You still need at least twenty five percent of your soul to still be living."

"Why the hell would you like your soul taken away from you?"

"Because. My brother Marcus asked me to help lead the Bloodhounds, who are children without souls. We could resurate the dead with their souls. Of people who deserve it!"

"That's insane, Myst. I mean, come on! I mean, the prophacy...You are the holder of Darkness and I am the holder of Nature. We have to protect the world."

"Yeah. From itself."

Jake was quiet, then sighed. "This is a mistake. You are an element holder! They said you have a pure heart, mind and soul! Why would you give that up?"

"I DID have a pure heart, mind and soul," Myst said quietly, "but soon, I won't have any soul left."

"What about your element partner, Shadow?" Asked Jake. "She's attached to your soul..."

Myst sighed in annoyance. "I will still have a part of my soul left, Jake. And that part of the soul is pure. We need at least twenty five percent of our soul or we will die."

"But...I don't understand. Why, Myst? Why kill innocent people? The only reason why we aren't like zombies but the others are are because we're the Chosen Children."

"Beause we are all sinners."

Silence. Then Jake said, "but we learn from our sins."

"Will you follow me, Jake?" Myst asked, ignoring Jake's reply.

Jake wanted to be there for his friend. Would he really give up most of his soul? Jake was acting as if Myst offered him drugs. He wanted to protect Myst. How could he when they were apart? He had to save Myst. "Fine."

Her it still pure? Jake's thoughts were racing: Was my soul...Is it still pure?...How can it be pure after what I've done? These bloody hands of mine...I don't desearve to live. Essence, my element partner...I don't deserve you. I am a sinner. I deserve to die...

"Jake, wake up!"

Myst was panicking. She was losing him. She tilted his chin up, opened his mouth, and blowed into his mouth. One...Two blows. Then she went to his chest. She balled her hands together into one big fist. One, two, up to thirdy times. She had to help Jake breathe again. After the third time of this rotation, she put her head on Jake's heart. Thank God. He was breathing. She was a little surprise when her head was almost thrown off when Jake coughed. He tried to sit up. Jake thought he was going to sufficate when Myst embraced him in a hug. Jake put his head on her shoulder, his eyes closed.

"That posion's still affecting him," Myst said to Shadow, who she just remembered was still here. "I better give him the antitode my bro gave me an extra copy of."

She left the room, only to come back with a cup of pink water and a pail. She tapped Jake on the shoulder. "Jake, wake-up."

It took a lot of encouragement for Jake to finally wake up. She helped him into a sitting position.

"Wha-..." He muttered, confused.

"Drink this," she said, shoving the pink liquid into his hands. "It will help get the posion out of your body. I'm warning you, though, it is going to make you throw up to..."

Jake half coughed half laughed. "To help get the posion out of my system, I know. I'm the healer around here, remember?"

They both laughed, but Jake's was more like a cough. Jake then drank the sour liquid. He coughed as it burned down his throat. "It takes like Pepto Bismal on fire!"

When Myst saw Jake's face get really pale, she passed him the bucket/pail, then turned her face away as Jake threw up into the pail. When he was done, Myst got him some kleenex to wipe the puke off his face.

"Thanks," he said.

"Jake..." She said, ignoring Jake's thanks, "why did you become a Bloodhound?"

This took Jake by surprise. He thought she knew.

Myst continued. "I know you don't want to be a Bloodhound. You were always rebelling against us. So why did you join? You joined on your own free will..."

Jake wasn't expecting this question. He put the pail of puke down, and sighed. "For you."

"For me?"

"I got to protect you, Myst. I know you want to impress your brother, but is it worth it? You use to be this sweet, innocent girl, now you're taking other peoples souls, killing them in the progress, just to help raise the dead? That's insane! I don't know why you want to reserect the dead."

"The world would be better without death. We are just trying to help out the world." Myst tried to defend herself.

"But to make other people zombies in the process? If there's no death, how are we ever going to gain relationships? Death brings us closer together. What if the world gets over populated, huh? People would starve to death or dehydrate from not enough food nor water! And besides, are you willing to take another life just to bring back another who's time on Earth is up? You can't just take a soul away! And I know the Bloodhounds are planning to take the whole soul, just because their soul isn't "pure" .We're not in charge of who has the right to live, and who doesn't have the right to live.."

Myst paused, and chewed on the thought.

"You can not defeat death, Myst," Jake said, putting his hand on hers, "it's appart of life."

"But...But I'm scared of death," she whispered. "People die when their soul dies. If we give them a new one, they could come back to life..."

"Everyone is scared of death," Jake agreed, "for it's something we have to do alone. We don't know what's on the other side."

"Aren't you scared of leaving the others behind. Jake?" Myst asked. "What about Josh, Kalvin, Sky...-then she whispered-"what about me?"

Jake closed his eyes to think of what to say. "Of course I'm scared. But I believe...I believe there is life after death. Another type of life. A better one."

"What's wrong with the life on Earth?"

"Nothing's wrong with it. But...You must admit, there is lots of pain on Earth. But let's not think about it till that time comes, okay?"

"Okay," she agreed.

Jake then decided to change the topic. "Where are my friends?"

Whoops. Myst forgot about that one. "I'll go bring them here. Accourding to my memory, my brother said they were somewhere in the forest by the river. That's about a five minute walk from here."

Myst noticed Jake's eyes were getting droopy. The posion was still affecting him.

"I'll see you in a bit," Myst told Jake. "I'll go get them. You just rest."


"You're welcome. I don't want to leave you alone, so Shadow will look after you, okay?"

"Okay." Jake agreed.

Kalvin, Sky and Josh all took turns swearing in-appropriate words. They were all brainstorming on what to do for the last ten minutes . For fifty minutes they were walking, but they realized it was pointless. They were lost, and they were getting no where of finding Jake.

"Why do we even want him back?" Sky snapped after Josh suggested they go looking for him, "he's a Bloodhound. He's on there team!"

"People change, Sky," Josh said siliently.

Sky make a fake, sarcastic laugh. "Right."

"They do!" Josh said stubbornly, "I mean, I use to be a cut-..."

Josh stopped. He didn't want to continue, it just slipped out.

"You use to be a what?" Kalvin asked.

Josh rolled his eyes, and sighed. "A...A cutter, okay? I use to be so dark and gloomy in my basement. Don't get me wrong, I still love my room in the basement, but, I changed my attitude. I changed. And I believe Jake changed, to. We have to believe in Jake."

"I have troubles trusting people," Sky spat out. "He's a traitor."

"Look, let's not talk about him behind his back, okay?" Kalvin suggested.

Neither Sky nor Josh had a chance to reply when they saw Myst appeared.

"Get lost, you no good Bloodhound!" Cried out Kalvin.

"No, please...Help!" Myst cried out.

"Help? Did she just said help?" Kalvin asked, wondering if he heard wrong.

"Jake is seriously injured," explained Myst.

"Lemme guess," said Kalvin, his arms tucked across his chest, "you did it to him."

"No, Marcus did. He asked me to gaurd the new prisoner, which happened to be Jake." Myst tried to get them to understand.

"Who's Marcus?" Josh asked.

"The Bloodhound leader." Answered Myst.

"Why did you save Jake?" Sky asked with cursiousity.

"'Cause we use to be friends...That was until he left the Bloodhounds about a week ago." Said Myst. "He said he couldn't do this to people anymore."

"Do what?" Asked Kalvin.

"Take their souls away from them." Said Myst.

"Why take away their souls?" Kalvin fired another question.

"For they don't deserve to live. They are sinners. So we would give the soul to someone dead, who deserves it."

"...Does it work?" Sky asked cusious.

"We haven't tried it out yet. It takes a couple of souls to reserect a body," answered Myst. "My brother Marcus is still working on how this will work."

"That's sick and wrong," commented Kalvin, "you can't mess with life and death like that!"

"Watch us," snapped Myst. "Now, listen to me, Jake needs your guys support. He's been posioned by Marcus' snake."

"We know," Josh said impatintly. "Where is he now?"

"He's at my cabin. Marcus has no clue about it, so we'll be safe there. Are you coming?"

They didn't have a chance to answer, for Myst fainted. Kalvin caught her just in time.

"Sorry," Myst apologized, "Shadow, my element partner is out, looking out for Jake. You know how your element partner is connect to your soul and takes a lot of energy out of you."

"Yeah. Let's hurry," Sky said.

Without a soul
My spirit sleeping somewhere cold
Unti you find it there in deep
And bring it back-
Wake me up,
Wake me up inside

"Bring Me To Life" By Evanescence
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