Categories > Original > Fantasy > Virtual Reality

Internal Bleeding

by darks00 2 reviews

Did you ever feel like you're bleeding from the inside, even though you're not? That's how Josh and everyone in the gang feels...(I think this is my favorite chapter so far...)

Category: Fantasy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Action/Adventure, Drama, Fantasy - Published: 2007-06-30 - Updated: 2007-07-01 - 2225 words - Complete

It's a damn cold night
Trying to figure out this life
Won't you-
Take me by the hand,
Take me somewhere new
I don't know who you are, but I'm-
I'm with you

"With You" By Avril Lavigne


Night fell, and so did Jake's anger of Josh crushing his metal necklace to heal others. The only reason why Jake forgave him was because it saved Sky. Everyone was asleep...Besides Sky.

Sky's thoughts were driving her insane! I mean, how Josh was acting towards her after he broke Jake's necklace was kind of weird to her. Her thoughts were confusing her. Sky then realized it wasn't her thoughts keeping her awake. It was her heart. It hurt for she felt love.

Meanwhile, in the bushes, was a man. He smirked. There was something in his hand.

"A little something I made myself," he whispered under his breath, smirking.

He let go of the figure in his hand. It went towards the camp. It looked like it was going for Kalvin. Then it looked like it was going to Sky. Then Josh, but it ended up going to Jake. The "thing" opened it's mouth to reveal sharp fangs. It bit Jake's ankle.

Jake felt pain, and screamed. Everyone woke up and gasped in surprise. Josh had tears in his eyes, clutching his ankle.

"Jake?" Sky cried out, walking up to him slowly.

Kalvin and Josh followed.

"What happened?" Demanded Josh.

"S-something...Something bit m-me..." He said in a weak voice.

Kalvin looked by Jake's right ankle. By it, there was a black, long, slimy thing with red dots. "It looks like a snake..."

"A snake?" Josh asked.

Kalvin quickly grabbed a long stick, and stabbed the snake with it right in the middle. The snake hissed and gave its last breath. A voice in the bushes laugh.

"Was...Was the snake poisonous?" Wondered Kalvin.

"Show yourself, coward!" Yelled Sky.

A man stepped out. He had spiky black hair and black cape. He had a black outfit and bags under his eyes to match his outfit. "Of course that snake's poisonous. I created it.

"You're sick," muttered Josh.

The man laughed. "I consider myself smart. The name's Kai. Remember it."

When Kai noticed the gang get their muscles tensed, ready to fight, he said, "relax. I just want Jake, that's what you call him, right?"

"Well you can't have him," decided Josh confidently.

Kai frowned, and his eyes turned cold as ice. "Too bad."

Kai lifted up his hand. A huge chain like rope appeared. He spun around Jake's chest area. Jake gasped in surprise and the chains were tight cutting off his air. The chains pulled Jake quickly towards Kai. Kai kept Jake chained with one hand, while putting his other hand on Jake's mouth.

"What do you want with him?" Cried out Kalvin.

"Oh, he didn't tell you, did he?" Kai said with a smirk. "Of course not. Jake was always weak."

"He's not weak," Josh said in a confident voice, "he's a good friend and a great healer."

"A good friend, huh?" Smirked Kai. "That's why he kept a secret from you."

Jake tried to say something under Kai's mouth, but it came out as muffles. He closed his eyes in announce.

Jake looked at them, with satisfaction in his eyes. He then loosened Jake's chains so that he could remove Jake's cape. On Jake's shoulder, in Japanese writing, read "Bloodhound."

Jake finally opened his eyes. His eyes read, "I'm sorry" to Josh and the others. He had tears in his eyes. Not because he was scared, but because he was dishonest.

"So that's why he so scared of the Bloodhounds, even more than us..." Muttered Kalvin under his breath.

Jake gave up struggling. He just stayed limp in despair. Kai then took out a cloth from his pocket, and put it to Jake's mouth and nose. Jake moaned as his head fell down and his eyes closed.

"What did you do to him?" Sky gasped.

"Another thing I created. It just knocks him unconscious for awhile." Kai said as if it was of no importance.

"Oh, that's it, you pissed me off," Josh said in an angry, cold voice.

"You're read my mind," Kalvin agreed.

Kai noticed Kalvin and Sky put their hands on their watches, ready to call on their element partners. But Kai had another plan up his sleeve. He took out a gun from his cape, and pulled the safety trigger off. He then pointed it to Jake's head.

"One sudden move," warned Kai, "and it will cost Jake his life."

Kalvin and Sky took their hands off the watch in defeat.

No, thought Josh. This can't be happening. I have to do something! Jake saved MY life, now I have to save HIS. But...How?

Kai laughed that he had the upper hand. "Time to say bye to Jake, guys."

And with that, Kai put Jake on his shoulder, as if Jake was some prize, and ran off into the bushes again. After Kai left with Jake, Josh fell to the ground, pounding his fists into the ground.

"NO! He saved my life, and this is how I repay him!" He shouted.

Sky picked up Josh put the collar, and slapped him across the face- hard. "Snap out of it, Josh, freaking out isn't going to save Jake."

Josh let out a big breath of fresh air. "You're right. But how are we going to save him?"

Now it was Sky's turn to sigh. "I don't know, but we will save him. One way, or another."


Kai walked in with the unconscious Jake in the dungeon room of the castle of the Bloodhounds. He put him to the side of the cold, damp wall made out of stone. He then took Jake's wrists, up to the stone wall, and put them in shackles so he wouldn't be able to move or escape. By now, Jake was starting to come to. He moaned, and slowly opened his eyes.

"W-What?" Jake muttered, confused where he was. "Why do I feel so bad?"

Josh tried to move, but he realized he was shackle to the wall. He swore under his breath, and swore again when he saw Kai's face.

"Hey, traitor," Kai said with a laugh. "You finally woke up, huh?

Jake couldn't look at his face. He looked down, and closed his eyes. Maybe when he open them again, maybe it would just be a dream. Maybe he would wake up. Yeah, that must be it. But when he opened his eyes, he was still trapped and Kai was still in front of him.

"I wish I could stay and chat with you," said Kai sarcastically, "but Marcus gave me orders that as soon as you woke up, he wanted to see you."

Jake flinched at Marcus' name.

Kai gave his famous laugh. "So you remember him, huh? Well, see you later. Have the time of your life!"

Kai exited the dungeon. He opened the steal gates that reminded Jake of a jail. He heard footsteps coming closer and closer to him, making Jake sweat and his heart beat faster. At first, Jake could only see Marcus' silhouette.

Then the silhouette came up to Jake, revealing Marcus. Marcus was a tall man, with black hair up to his shoulders. He was wearing a black cape and a black outfit, the famous Bloodhound look. He had a scar on his left eye with deep blue eyes.

Jake began to feel weak, hopeless and small as Marcus came up to him. He was sweating, and could hardly keep his eyes open. He was panting. It was hard to breath and he was so hot.

"Ah, I see the poison is kicking in already," said Marcus.

Jake didn't reply.

"You know why you're here, right, Jake?" Marcus asked slowly, as if Jake was a mere child.

When Jake didn't answer, Marcus slapped him across the cheek. "You betrayed the Bloodhounds by joining in this "Chosen Children" little fan club! Who the hell you think you are?"

When Jake didn't answer for the third time, Marcus began to get impatient. He sighed, grabbed Jake's chin to force him to look him in the eyes, then said, "join us, Jake, and we will forgive you."

"Never," spat out Jake, his first words to his old leader.

"Too bad, Jake," tisked Marcus sarcastically, "I may have spared you."

Marcus then undid Jake's shackles with a key. Jake fell into Marcus' arms that he was so weak.

He saw a few other Bloodhounds around the dungeon. "You two, take little Jake here to the torture chamber."


The Bloodhounds threw Jake back into the dungeon about an hour later. His clothes were torn, almost raped off him, and were replaced by new wounds with his blood pouring onto the floor. He was panting, sweating, and crying. He never felt so much pain in his life.

The Bloodhounds then chained him back to the wall. Jake felt his head fall down, as if it weighed a million pounds. He then moaned, slowly closed his eyes, and then, all he saw was black.


Marcus found Myst walking around the hallways. He stopped her by placing a hand on her shoulder.

"What?" She asked annoyed.

"I want you to guard our new prisoner," ordered Marcus.

Myst sighed, and rolled her eyes. She thought Marcus and herself were both leaders of the Bloodhounds, not just Marcus. Just because he's her older brother doesn't mean he can boss her around.

Myst was in shock when she saw it was Jake in the dungeon. She quickly unlocked the gate, walked by Jake. He looked like he was thrown into a blender. She patted his cheek, not hard, but not light, either. "Jake? That's what they call you, right? Wake-up, please, wake-up!"

Even though Myst and Jake were best friends, not even she knew his real name.

When Jake showed no sign of re-gaining consciousness, Myst was almost in tears. She let out a breath of anger.

"How could they do this to him?" She muttered to no one in particular, "Marcus knows Jake's my best friend."

She grabbed a key from her cape and undid Jake's shackles. Every Bloodhound leader had a key to the dungeon. Jake's limp body fell into her arms. She realized how cold Jake felt. She put a hand on his forehead. He had a fever, and was burning up. Bad. He was pale. So pale. That pissed off Myst even more.

"They poisoned him, didn't they?" She asked herself.

She checked his body, but found no snake bites. But, when she checked his right ankle, she saw to red dots, with a big purple bruise around them. It was still bleeding. "Those bastards...They did poison him!"

She then picked up Jake, as a groom would do to a bride, and quietly, yet quickly, ran out of the castle, AKA Jake's own living hell.

She then put Jake down for a second, and put a hand on her midnight black watch, and chanted, "Shadow, holder of the element darkness, come forth and reveal to me your true form!"

A fallen-angel like form came out of her watch with broken-like wings. It made a sound that made it sound like she was crying. She wore a torn-up purple dress, had lost blue eyes full of tears, and long, wet, black hair.

Then Myst picked up Jake, and went onto of Shadow's back. "Take me to my house, Shadow."

Shadow made another crying noise, and flew into the air. Even though it's wings were broken, it could still fly. It took about five minutes in the air before they got to Myst's "house". It looked like it was a cabin out on a lake. It was a little house made out of wood. She took Josh into the house. It was a small, simple house. She put Jake onto the ripped brown couch as gently as she could. She then got a white, fuzzy blanket and put it on top of Jake. She then grabbed a white body pillow. She folded it in half, lifted Jake's head gently, then put the pillow under his head.

"You're safe now," Myst whispered, brushing his blond bangs out of Jake's eyes.

Myst blushed as red as a tomato when she thought how cute Jake looked. Looking so helpless. His cute little frekles on his face. His little button nose. His beautiful blond hair. Now only if she could see his amazing emerald green eyes.

As Myst was about to go away to get a wash cloth to clean up Jake, she noticed she couldn't hear Jake gasping, struggling for breath anymore. Curious, she took off the blanket off of Jake's cold, pale body. She then put her ear to Jake's chest. She realized his chest was going up and down.

Then it hit her like a ton of bricks.

In panic, she screamed to herself, "he's not breathing!"


Wake up, are you alive
Will you listen to me
I'm gonna talk about some freaky shit now
Someone is gonna die
When you listen to me
Let the living die, Let the living die

"Voices" By Disturbed



xxDarkness' Kidxx

HA HA HA I love the ending lyrics. I thought it ended it well.
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