Categories > Theatre > We Will Rock You > Only The Dreamer

Bottoms Up

by Ryder 0 reviews

Meat/Oz: The classic end to those who rocked. Rated PG-13 for Drug References.

Category: We Will Rock You - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst, Drama, Romance, Sci-fi - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2007-07-07 - Updated: 2007-07-08 - 100 words

She downed another shot.

It was fitting. The classic end to those who rocked. Drowning your former fame in booze and drugs.

One would think that after rock had been resurrected, she would have returned to her normal, slightly mad self. But they would be wrong.

There was no one else left in all of Planet Mall, aside from the Dreamer, who truly understood how she felt. There was no one left but her, and the man across the bar in the gray suit. And she liked to keep it that way.

She raised her glass to him.

"Bottoms up."
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