Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Immortality Meant Never Dying

Chapter 14

by frankxgerard 4 reviews

Gerard gripped Frank by the shoulders and pinned him back to the counter, slapping him hard on the side of the face.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Fantasy,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2007-07-08 - Updated: 2007-10-03 - 315 words


Frank skipped dinner saying his stomach hurt. He could hear the sounds of his family watching TV and talking downstairs from his position on his bed.
His mom was cleaning the dinner dishes while half watching the football game on the TV in the other room. Jason got up to collect the glasses from the coffee table. As soon as he got into the kitchen, he dropped them, sending them to the floor. Thankfully they were plastic. There, in the middle of the kitchen were Gerard and Frank, looking younger and dressed in older style clothes.

"No. I don't." he stated simply, his earlier accent still present.

"You did. Don't lie to me." Gerard said, his arms crossed over his chest and his Italian slur detectible.

"It's none of your business, leave me alone." Frank yelled, shoving Gerard away from him.

Gerard gripped Frank by the shoulders and pinned him back to the counter, slapping him hard on the side of the face. Frank bit his lip and looked down.

"Okay, I did..." Frank admitted shakily, close to tears.

"Good. I'm sorry I had to hit you, but you promised you wouldn't lie to me. Will you keep your promise?"

"Yes, I will..." Frank said, reaching up to hug Gerard, tears flowing silently and his cheek reddening.

Gerard looked sullen; regretful. He brushed the hair out of Frank's eyes and looked ashamedly at the bruise forming on Frank's face.

"You should leave me." He said, keeping his arms tight around Frank's back.

"No." Frank refused, "I deserved it... that was horrible for mw to do, so hit me all you like."

Both Jason's and his mother's heads snapped up as the real Frank appeared from the shadows in the doorway.

"That's the last one." He noted plainly, and walked back toward the stairs to let his family stare at the middle of the now-empty kitchen.
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