Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Way Curse

Mid-day delusions are pushing me out of my head

by MyChemPrincess77 1 review

be sure to look at my profile.. i added pictures and stuff.. sory this one is short too..

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama, Romance - Characters: Mikey Way - Published: 2007-07-08 - Updated: 2007-07-08 - 230 words

I sat there through the morning, thinking about Siena the whole time. Occasionally I would play around with the bracelet, thinking about who probably gave it to her. I hoped she didn't have a boyfriend from where she lived before. Maybe Frank gave it to her... Oh god. What would I do if he did? I guess there always-
my thoughts were interrupted by the bell. I grinned. It was now lunch time.
My headache started to come back. It was throbbing into my head. I leaned up against the locker and gripped my head. I closed my eyes tight, wishing my headache would go away.

Teeth glistening in the moonlight flashed, showing a smile. Seconds later they were covered in fresh blood, but quickly hidden by a shadow.

I shot my eyes open at what I just saw.
"Gerard, are you okay?" I heard Siena ask. I looked into her crystal eyes seriously and her smile melted into a frown. The words she said to me the other day waved through my head. Just pay attention to your visions.
"Siena... I had another vision," I told her.

god this one is short!! hmm.. i have to go to a birthday party today... im leaving around noon, though. but i want to write u guys a longer chapter!!
and my profle has a pic of the bracelet that siena has.
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