Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Almost

Chapter Four- I Almost Held Up A Grocery Store

by Silvana 4 reviews

In Which Gerard Trips Over Her Feet.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama, Romance - Characters: Gerard Way - Published: 2007-07-09 - Updated: 2007-07-09 - 680 words - Complete

Chapter Four- I Almost Held Up A Grocery Store

"You when to Art school, yeah?"
"Well, yeah. I wanted to make comic books. You can't just get by on luck you know. You've gotta have the qualifications as well."

Flashback- 4th September 1995

Her fingers hovered over the chocolate, itching just to take it. She stole a glance at the surly shopkeeper. He wasn't looking. It would be so easy. With a massive effort she let her hand drop back to her side, hitting against her jean covered leg, and she turned and walked out of the shop. She leant against the outside wall, the faded and peeling music posters scraping against her back. Her breathing was heavy as she contemplated what she was doing. She was trying to stop stealing, she knew that much. She closed here eyes for a second and that was when some jerk decided to trip over her feet. Her eyes snapped open. "Watch where you're-" She began to snap but stopped, her eyes widening. "Way?"
"Huh?" the eighteen year old asked as he recovered from the fall but stayed on the floor. "What?"
She smiled and for once the cheerfulness reached her blue eyes. "Gerard Way. Definitely attended Belleville High in the year of 1991 and 1992. Was teased by the school, and ignored by Leah Watkins."
His brow furrowed, then his hazel eyes sparked with recognition." Fuck."
She shrugged. "Sorry."
He clambered to his feet, brushing the dirt off his dark jeans. "What for? For tripping me up, or for ignoring me?"
She began to protest at that, but he just grimaced at her. "Sheesh, you've become considerably less hard."
She rolled her eyes; her hands in her pockets, causing her jeans to slip about half an inch lower, exposing her tanned, flat stomach underneath a fluorescent pink polo top. "Maybe I'm just pleased to see someone I sort of know."
"Yeah well, Lee? Get stuffed." And he turned and walked away, hunched over like he was trying to hide away from the world. She watched him go with an open mouth. He had not just done that. He had not.
"Way!" she yelled after him. "You still the outcast? Cause you sure look like it."
When he turned, a look of disbelief etched on his face. She just stared back then with one last almost apologetic shrug walked off.


"I'm Leah, Lee for short," she introduced herself. She smiled friendlily at the group. They were a pretty mixed group. There was the pretty black girl with her hair in long braids smiling back at her; the white girl with mousy brown hair too busy staring at the Asian boy who's introduced himself as Ben Singh, to be listening to what Leah was saying. And then there was Gerard Way glaring at her. "I want to be an illustrator so here I am." She grinned. "Any questions?" No one replied. "I guess that's it then."
The black girl called Naomi started to talk to her and during the ten minute conversation and phone number swap that followed she could feel Gerard's stare boring holes in her back. When Naomi turned away, Leah turned to face Gerard; her hands on her hips, the threadbare friendship bracelet sliding down to dangle form her wrist. "What exactly is your damage Way?" He didn't reply, just went on staring. She nodded thoughtfully then before he could react she leaned in and softly kissed him. As they both had their eyes open, she saw the shock in his eyes. She pulled away and just looked at him before saying, "I see." Leah turned and grinning to herself began to walk away; her hands in her pockets once more. There was a pause before Gerard called, "Lee!" in a strangled voice. She made her face blank, turning to face him and arching an eyebrow. "Yeah?"
"Do you wanna get a coffee or summot?" Although he mumbled his eyes met hers. She rolled her dark blue eyes. "I guess I could spare some time." Her tone was sarcastic but her grin was genuine.
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