Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Revenge

Ray's House

by DemonGuitar 5 reviews

Three years after Ray's family falls apart he comes after all of the people that were involved, including Frankie. I know its a little weird but I thought I'd give you guys something since I hav...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Horror - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2007-07-09 - Updated: 2007-07-09 - 573 words


I only own the plot and a few of the characters, none of this happened so you'll be fine.

So this story may be a little confusing, so I'll explain. Five years ago Ray met a girl named Katie and they had a kid. No one knew but Frank and Ray, two years into the relationship Katie met Mark and left Ray for him, and all along Frank was supportive of Katie and the child, Max, going with Mark and Katie left Ray, now, three years later, Ray is out for revenge.

Oh yeah, and Frank and Gerard are together, go figure.

" Mm... Gerard... I... ooooh... No.. I have to go soon" I whined, me and Gerard were in the shower, and he was making it beyond difficult to actually get clean and get to Ray's house to record. I moaned, his hand going down my thigh, " I know" he whispered, turning off the water and grabbing a towel, handing it to me and smiling, " Fucking tease" I hissed getting out and looking for my clothes.

" I honestly would stay longer, but you know how Ray hates it when I'm late" I said, getting dressed and watching Gerard lay ontop of the covers, in the nude of course. I was avoiding looking at him because I really didn't want to be late for Ray's, " We can have fun when you get back though, right?" He asked. I came over to the bed and nodded, kissing him, " Of course, whatever you want" I laughed. I stood up fully and found my keys, " Call me if you need me!" Gerard called out as I shut the door.

" Come on Ray, a man can only stand out in the cold for so long" I whined to myself while waiting for his door to open. I jiggled the doorknob and noticed it was unlocked, well then, I'll just go in then. I walked in and set my keys and jackets on the side table and continued though the house looking for Ray. I heard a set of footsteps, but turned around and saw no one, " Ray?" I called out, the only response was a body ramming me into the wall, my head taking most of the impact and knocking me out.

" Motherfucker" I hissed, walking up holding my head in my hands, " Franklin Iero, watch your language!" A woman, young I would guess, growled at me. I opened my eyes to see one of my best friends, Katie... tied to a chair, with a little kid next to her. " Katie.. what.. What's going on?" I asked, sitting up. " Shh, You're at Ray's house, he's gone crazy and kidnapped me, Max and Mark, and now apparently you." She said. I looked around, and sure enough, Mark was in the corner, asleep or knocked out. " But Why?" I asked, " But Why he asks!" boomed Ray's voice, sadness showing up in it no matter how hard he tried. He slammed the door and kicked Mark, jolting him awake and almost a mile into the air. " I have a long story and a big reason why" He laughed, going to the center of the room and pulling out a hand gun and smiling.

The next one will very well explain this, and why he's so pissed at the four people in the room.. And I assure you two of the hostages will die. And I know its short, live with it.
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