Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Revenge

Story Time

by DemonGuitar 3 reviews

Ray tells the four why he has them hostage in his house.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Horror - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2007-07-09 - Updated: 2007-07-10 - 600 words

So, Ray tells the story, and one of the hostages dies in this one, and the others get hurt, but not dead, and Ray tells everyone who will just suffer and who will die for sure. And the two who suffer start suffering in the chapter too.

" You all remember five years ago, and Frank does for sure. Your best friend, Katie came to a show right?" Ray asked, coming over to me and pushing me over with the threat of the gun in my face. I nodded and moved closer to Katie. Ray walked over and sat down close to Max and smiled at him, scaring the poor boy to death almost.

" We hit it off that night, love at first sight, some might say. And two months later, Katie tells me she was pregnant. The only person I could think to tell was you, Frank, and you were happy, but for her. You were always on her side, but I was still so happy I finally had a family." Ray said, continuously looking over at Max and smiling. " When Max was born everything was perfect, no one knew I had a life like this, we were off tour, and I could tell you about anything. Until you met Mark, Katie" Ray said, kicked Mark sharply in the stomach, watching him double over in pain. " You always cared more about Katie than me, Frank." He hissed grabbed my collar and slamming my head against the wall, " Ooooow bitch!" I hissed at him. He jerked away from me and continued walking around, continuing his story. " You told her that Mark was a good friend, and you knew that she might leave me for him, you little bitch, you ruined my life, and I'm back to ruin all of yours" He laughed, pointing the gun at Max and turning off the safety and shooting him in the head. " Oh my God!" Katie yelled, tears instantly coming to her eyes.

" Ray, please" Katie whined, looking at her dead son and then to Ray who was walking towards Mark, " He didn't have to die Katie, if you had never left me none of this would've happened!!" He yelled. Turning the gun on me, " Hey now Ray! I haven't done anything, don't shot me!" I yelled. He sighed heavily and turned to Katie and put his hand on her face, smiling sadly, pressing the gun to her chest, " I do love you, Katie." He said, sighing and pulling away, tucking the gun in the back of his pants. " Which is why I'm gonna let you watch me hurt these two." He smiled, turning to me.

" Come on Frank, nothing to say?" Ray growled punching me in the face again. I was zoning in and out, my chest hurt and I was sure a few bones in my face were broken. I shook my head slowly, " Nothing" I slurred. I felt the cool metal on my stomach and then remember what Gerard had said, call him if I needed anything, " Gerard" I whispered. I looked up at Ray and he smiled, " I'll call" He said laughing, letting me know it was fake as I felt the gun click and the pain rip though my stomach. I fell to my side laying limply on the floor, trying to stay awake. I heard another gun shot and a cry of pain, it must've been Mark. Sounds started to fade out as I heard the punching and hitting and then completely zoned out.

xDDDD You guys know you love me. So... Do you all know who's dying yet?
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