Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Yours To Hold

The Dream Begins

by stephanee 0 reviews

Ok... in this chapter the girls finally get to Sydney, where their adventure is about to begin Its a lil short, but is while i Write the next chapter ^^

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama, Romance - Characters: Frank Iero, Gerard Way - Published: 2007-07-10 - Updated: 2007-07-11 - 345 words

"Dude! Wake up! Stephanie! WAKE UP!! SHEFY!!" Someone' shaking me awake, screaming at the top of their lungs.
"What the heck?! Why are you waking me... oh my god!! it's 8 in the frigging morning!!" I said, looking at my cell phone's clock.
"Why am I waking you up this early?! Because we finally landed dude!" Silvana replied as she grabbed her backpack. Silvana has been my best friend since we were 13 yrs old. We've been through everything together, I love her more than word could ever mean, I can not imagine my life without her. She is the most amazing girl ever and the cutest and kinkiest girl in the entire world ^-^I can tell you that,
"OMG! Are we here already?!" I asked sounding so dumb
"Duh, yeah Stephanie, the girls have already left, they are in the airport waiting for our luggage, c'mon! Get up!" she said getting a little frustrated.
As she said that, I was already on my feet, so I grabbed my things and both of us started walking to where the other girls were.
O yeah, my best friends ever and I were in Sydney Australia, we were so exited, cuz we were finally traveling by our selves for the first time ever, we decided to go there and spend a well deserved 6 months vacation. We had already finished high school, so we decided that our present would be go to Australia, can you imagine! At our 18's and 17's and we are all alone in other side of the world... wow.
well, where was I... o yeah...We all grabbed our luggage and when we were already outside we started looking for a cab, I was still sleepy, so I didn't really paid attention to what my best friend said, something about the other girls taking another cab or something... I don't know...

Ok Plz! review!!
i need to know if I'm doing okay or what!
I'll post tomorrow the next chapter... as long as there reviews telling me what you would lilke in the story okay? ^-^

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