Categories > Anime/Manga > Inuyasha > Band of seven's little sister

Chapter 12

by kristinia 0 reviews

Inuyasha, his friends and the Band of Seven continually have run in's with Sesshomaru, Rin and Jaken also with Naraku who is always trying to get Sesshomaru to kill Inuyasha by using Rin as bait.

Category: Inuyasha - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Action/Adventure, Angst, Fantasy - Characters: Ayame, Bankotsu, Inuyasha, Jakotsu, Kagome, Kanna, Kikyo, Kirara, Koga, Miroku, Naraku, Rin, Sango, Sesshoumaru, Shippo - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2007-07-11 - Updated: 2007-07-11 - 1538 words

Inuyasha sniffed the air before stiffening which caught everyone's attention and Miroku asked," Inuyasha, what's wrong?" "I smell, Sesshomaru and Naraku, he has that brat again." Inuyasha answered simply before taking off and Bankotsu picked Kagome up and put her on Genkotsu before jumping on after her. Kryn bent down and helped Kizuma up as Jakotsu steadied her with his hands on her waist. Once everyone was up and Kryn was settled did Jakotsu release Kryn's waist.

"Why does he go after them? Is he going after Sesshomaru or is it Naraku?" Jakotsu mused aloud and Kryn, surprisingly, was the one who answered," It's Naraku. He knows what it is like to be on the receiving end of Naraku's vile and dirty tricks." Bankotsu glanced at her suddenly worried and tense but Kryn didn't do anything or say anything more as Jakotsu tried to make her relax by massaging her shoulders. "Little sister, calm down, nothing bad will happen. We'll make sure of it." Jakotsu said suddenly worried.

Kryn looked up at him, eyes strangely cold and blank, before they warmed and worry tinted her cobalt blue eyes. "I know.. yet...." She trailed off and Jakotsu wrapped his arms around her waist and put his chin on her shoulder. It would have been romantic if not for the reason that they considered each other as siblings. Kryn closed her eyes partially before putting her hands on his arms and leaned into his chest. "Thank you big brother Jakotsu." Kryn muttered softly and Jakotsu just nodded his head but kept still.

Bankotsu sent the others a look saying he would explain at a later time when it was convienant for him and the rest of the Band of Seven, including Kryn and now Kizuma.


When the others caught up, they kept still as Inuyasha insulted Naraku and Sesshomaru in the same breath. Sesshomaru's eyes narrowed slightly before he turned to the others acknowledging that they were there. "Inuyasha, if you dare insult this Sesshomaru one more time, I will not have any regrets in finishing you off at this moment." Sesshomaru said before turning towards Rin and nodding his head. Rin fell into step behind Sesshomaru as he started walking away.

"Rin, can I ask you something in privat real quick?" Kagome asked jumping off of Genkotsu who grunted and the others grumbled their concern and worry. Bankotsu watched Sesshomaru carefully who had stopped and turned around to watch Rin who looked at Kagome blankly before looking up at Sesshomaru with worry and a questioning look. Sesshomaru stared at Kagome eyes narrowed before he stated," Make it quick, miko."

Rin looked at her fearfully and Sesshomaru put a clawed hand on her head before kneeling down beside her and murmured something not even Inuyasha could hear. Her eyes brightened and she nodded her head and walked over to Kagome still slightly fearful. Kagome smiled at her kindly before sending her friends and boyfriend a look saying she would explain later. She walked off with Rin following until she was certain Sesshomaru couldn't hear them, even though he could and she knew that.

"Rin, I have to ask you a important question, can you answer it truthfully?" Kagome asked kneeling before Rin who looked at her confused before she answered," Yes..." "Why do you still travel with Sesshomaru? Why not just go live in a human village with a human family?" Kagome asked kindly and Rin froze at the questions.


Sesshomaru's ears seemed to twitch as he turned burning with intensity golden amber eyes in the direction, Inuyasha's wench had taken Rin. He suddenly felt a bone cold chill settle over his body as Rin screamed," LORD SESSHOMARU, HELP RIN!!" Sesshomaru took off and seemed to disappear from sight. The others shared concerned and alarmed looks before taking after the daiyoukai.


When Bankotsu and the Band of Seven along with Inuyasha and his friends appeared where Kagome and the other two were, they looked at the scene with horror. Sesshomaru had lifted Kagome in the air by her throat with his one hand and Rin was behind him clutching his hakama in her hands with her face buried in it. They noticed that the white's of Sesshomaru's eyes were red and his pupils were purple. He was starting to transform and it was all because the human girl had called for his help.

"Sesshomaru put Kagome down!" Inuyasha barked as he pulled out Tetsusaiga and it transformed only to realize in horror that not even, he, could get his half brother's attention. "Sesshomaru, you bastard!" Inuyasha yelled as he watched Bankotsu and the rest of the Band of Seven get ready to attack Sesshomaru into letting Kagome go. Sesshomaru turned to them hissing and growling deep in his throat as he dropped Kagome roughly.

He lifted his hand up readying himself to attack them if they made a move towards Rin at all. "Lord Sesshomaru.." Rin whimpered out and they watched in shocked amazement at the effect her voice had on Sesshomaru. His eyes returned to normal and he lowered his hand and looked over his shoulder and down to look at her. Rin looked up at him teary eyed and he seemed to know what she wanted as he started walking off and Rin followed, leaving confused people behind them.

"What is Rin to Sesshomaru? A child? A waiting lover?" Kagome asked confused even as her heartbeat started to settle down and she pressed a hand to her chest. She realized frightened, that she was totally afraid of Sesshomaru, she feared what he could do to her and her friends and her family. Bankotsu slammed his Banryu into the ground before running over to Kagome and kneeling beside her. "Kagome, what happened? What did you ask that human girl?"

"I asked her... why she still traveled with Sesshomaru and why she didn't go to a human village and live with a human village. She then tensed and then screamed for Sesshomaru." Kagome answered as she put her head in Bankotsu's shoulder.


Bankotsu suddenly said," Genkotsu, go that way. Naraku is that way." Inuyasha cracked a eye open before he jumped up and said," Not again... Does Naraku never learn that making Sesshomaru angry is a bad thing?!" They appeared on the scene but this time they watched as Sesshomaru cut through Naraku and they watched with wide eyes as pink red demonic aura started swirling around Sesshomaru and spreading outwards slowly getting bigger.

"Inuyasha, do you know what's going on?" Kagome aksed grabbing Bankotsu's arm as she watched with wide fear filled eyes as it started surrounding the area around all of them. "Yeah... it's a rare ability that i've only known Sesshomaru to have... his demonic aura traps everyone near him in the area and no one can leave once they are trapped inside. It could be a bad thing or a good thing depending on the person. Right now it could be bad for us like it is for Naraku." Inuyasha answered grimly.

Sesshomaru growled as the whites of his eyes turned red and the pupils turned purple. He lifted his hand up in the air with Tokijin in his hand before striking downwards and Naraku tried to leave by sky only to find out he couldn't leave. "You know, Lord Sesshomaru, if you don't hurry, Rin will die because of the miasma I injected her with." Naraku said easily and that seemed to make Sesshomaru pause before he growled and said," You will pay, Naraku."

Miroku put his arms around Sango and covered their face with his robe sleeve as Bankotsu stood in front of Kagome Banryu in his hand. Suddenly a arrow was flying towards Naraku, a blue white aura surrounding it. Naraku looked over just as it hit his chest and the top part of his body was sent flying off. Jakotsu whispered softly," Little sister..." They looked over at Kryn who for a brief moment reminded Inuyasha and his friends including Kagome of Kikyo.

Kryn's eyes saddened as she turned to look at Rin with bruises around her neck and she said softly," You poor child, he must have hurt you so badly." "You wench." Naraku hissed as he started to mold his body back together. Kryn turned now burning cobalt blue eyes towards Naraku as she knocked another arrow and fired this time destroying the head. The pink red aura slowly grew smaller before disappearing and the pieces of Naraku seemed to disappear as Sesshomaru's eyes turned to normal.

He turned to Rin and kneeled down beside her and gently forced her hands down as he looked at her bruises. Kryn watched from a distance before turning away and said," I'm sorry, big brothers, I let Naraku live." "It's alright, we'll get him at a later time." Bankotsu said before watching Sesshomaru pick Rin up in his arms and start walking away. Bankotsu suddenly blinked.... wait... arms? "Hey Inuyasha? Doesn't Sesshomaru only have one arm?" Bankotsu asked casually.

Inuyasha looked at him confused and angry as he answered," Of cou..." He suddenly understood what Bankotsu was getting at before he asked angrily and shocked," How the h* did he regrow his arm?!"
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