Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > You're Just Living Proof That The Camera's Lying
I haven't seen Frank in 6 months. He was pretty sure that Gerard, Mikey, Ray, Bob (who I had never met before, but I had heard lots about them) and him all wanted to spend a three month break in New Zealand.
I don't think I could have more then a friendship with Frank. He's one of my best friends, more like a brother.
I see someone who looks like Frank walk through the arrival's and stand up.
But it's not him.
"They're taking ages!" I say to Jess, my other best friend.
"Probably got swamped by fangirls somewhere. They will be here soon."
"Okay well I'm going to go get some skittles, I'm hungry. If they come ring me."
I come back. Still no Frank.
"Kendrea, look at that guys scor..."
"It's Frank. Come on."
I don't think I could have more then a friendship with Frank. He's one of my best friends, more like a brother.
I see someone who looks like Frank walk through the arrival's and stand up.
But it's not him.
"They're taking ages!" I say to Jess, my other best friend.
"Probably got swamped by fangirls somewhere. They will be here soon."
"Okay well I'm going to go get some skittles, I'm hungry. If they come ring me."
I come back. Still no Frank.
"Kendrea, look at that guys scor..."
"It's Frank. Come on."
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