Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Mysical Highschool?

Chapter Five.

by deaths-destruction 4 reviews

hey, look history! lol.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Action/Adventure, Fantasy, Humor - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Published: 2007-07-11 - Updated: 2007-07-12 - 356 words

Hi guys! Sorry for the wait, here's the next chapter. Hope you love it! Lol. :]
I only own Cheyenne. Nothing more nothing less. :]
And remember, thoughts = italics. :)

"Oh. My. God. History. Is. SO. Boring." Cheyenne sat there, half asleep trying to listen to the teacher lecture something about history. Mikey was also in that class. He, however, was paying the utmost attention. Cheyenne sighed and ended up falling asleep.


Ray was mixing chemicals. Bob was trying to figure out which to add to his little lab he had going on. "I am so confused. This periodic table is not helping. AT ALL." Bob eventually gave up. "I like band better anyways." Ray chuckled as he mixed a few more chemicals together, knowing what he was doing.


"YES! FINALLY! FIFTH PERIOD!!", Frank jumped up and down. Cheyenne chuckled, "Yes Frank we know you love fifth period." "It's the best of the day!!", Frank couldn't stand still as they made their way down to the gym. Gerard, Mikey, Ray and Bob weren't far behind.

As they walked into the dimly lit gym a blast of cool air hit them. There was a voice on the loudspeaker as they walked over to grab their guns. They put on their protective gear and walked into the middle of the gym. A siren noise came forth as the gym transformed into a dark forest.

Bob disappeared, his gun disappearing with him. As he disappeared he had a smirk on his face. Frank bolted off, weaving his way through the trees. Gerard was gone with the blink of an eye, as was Mikey. Ray transformed into a jaguar and disappeared among the undergrowth. Cheyenne chuckled, "Oh come on boys! You know I always win!" She made her way through the trees to see who she would get first...

Yes, a very short update. I am so sorry guys! I really thank you all who have reviewed. I love you for it! :] hands out virtual cookies If you don't like cookies, then pick something else. smiles holding out a basket of treats Yummy! Hehe, reviews are very much appreciated. :D
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