Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Mysical Highschool?

Chapter Four.

by deaths-destruction 2 reviews

still on the way to school...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Action/Adventure, Fantasy - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Published: 2007-07-03 - Updated: 2007-07-04 - 652 words

Yes! Finally ONE review. Come on guys! You can SO do better than that! :] I know you can. :] And yes, I promise I haven't forgotten my other stories, I will update those too. But I'm just having a little fun with this idea, ya know? Okay, I'll shut up.

Remember I OWN NOTHING. Well, I own Cheyenne & the plot & shit like that. :]


Frank was leaning against the house by the door, waiting. Cheyenne, Gerard, Mikey and Ray finally joined him. Frank looked up, "Took you guys long enough!" Cheyenne replied sarcastically, "Oh I'm terribly sorry we can't run at the damn speed of light." Frank mocked her somewhat and went back to waiting. Cheyenne glared at him and he rose in the air. Frank protested, "Hey, hey come on! I was only playing! Lemme down!"

The others were laughing. Frank whined, "Come on guys help me!!" He was struggling against the invisible force. After five minutes Cheyenne broke her stare and laughed as Frank fell to the ground. He let out a sharp cry as he landed on his side, "OW!" Everyone laughed more.

Bob opened the door and walked out. "What's all the noise?" Everyone looked in his direction. Frank sat up, "I'm being picked on again." Bob contained his laughter.

"Dude where are you this time?" Ray looked around for him. Bob smiled some, now standing at the bottom of the steps to his porch, "Come on, you can follow my voice."

Gerard said, slightly annoyed, "Come on Bob, don't make us go through this routine AGAIN." Bob sighed, "Fine." He sounded disappointed as he appeared a few feet away from the steps.

Frank got up rubbing his arm. "This hurts, you're mean Cheyenne." Cheyenne just shrugged and walked down the steps with the others. Frank grumbled and followed them.


They were all waiting outside the school for the doors to open. Mikey whined, "Man we left late and we're still early. I hate waiting." Gerard said, "Mikey you're too whiney." Mikey replied, "Yeah, I know. But I don't care. Stupid cold weather, stupid rain, stupid everything!" He kicked the door. "OW!" He hopped on one foot for a few seconds. "That hurt."

Frank replied sarcastically, "No dip. Actually it probably felt really good." Mikey glared at him. Cheyenne sighed and leaned against the wall.


Frank was writing a note to Gerard. They were in english class together. After a few minutes he got done with the note, he folded it up and threw it behind him. It landed on Gerard's desk.

Gerard looked up from the book they were supposed to be reading. "It figures..." He picked up the note, unfolding it and reading it. It read:

Hey Gerard! I'm bored, there's nothing to do. I don't feel like reading this dumbass book. I hate our teacher. What are you doing?

Gerard picked up his pencil and wrote back. "If the teacher catches us again, we're really screwed." He folded it back once he was done and tossed it back. It landed under Frank's chair. He picked it up and read it:

Uh, nothing. Reading. You should be too, oh and if the stupid teacher catches us again, you know we're screwed right?

Frank looked up at the teacher momentarily before writing back. Once done, he folded it back and threw it behind him again. The note hit Gerard on the head as he was reading again. Gerard picked it up and unfolded it. He read it once again:

Yeah, I know. But who cares?

Gerard sighed.


Yeah, sorry guys! I'll update tomorrow. I'm really out of focus, and I also need to update another story. So please bear with me, I know it's kinda boring at the moment. But just wait until fifth period, it'll get better. :]
Review maybe?? Pweaseeeeee?? :D
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