Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Mysical Highschool?

Chapter Three.

by deaths-destruction 1 review

off to school we go!

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Action/Adventure, Fantasy - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Published: 2007-07-03 - Updated: 2007-07-03 - 542 words

Hey here's # three. And I haven't gotten ANY reviews, so does that mean this story isn't worth reading? Come on people, I need some feedback here! :]

Cheyenne looked up as Gerard joined them. "Took you long enough." She smiled.
They all heard a door slam upstairs, Frank laughed a little bit. Gerard sat down in the middle of Frank and Cheyenne. "Well, my eyeliner kept screwing up." Frank chuckled and looked at him funny, "You're usually done within ten minutes, not a half hour." Gerard said, "Yeah, I know. Today was a late get up day."


Mikey finally ambled down the steps and into the living room. "Are we ready to go yet?" They had been listening to music videos, but Gerard quickly turned off the TV standing up. Cheyenne protested, "Hey! That was my favorite song!" Gerard stuck his tongue out at her, "Oh well." She hissed playfully. Frank asked breaking their play-fight, "Seriously, can we go now?"

Cheyenne got up, "Why not?" She grabbed her bag, putting it over her shoulder and walking to the door. Gerard and Mikey quickly grabbed their bags and walked over to the door as well. Frank follow suit.

As they got outside Mikey started complaining, "Come on, it's raining. I don't wanna walk in the rain!" Gerard dully stated, "Sissy." Mikey growled at him, "Don't call me a sissy! I just don't want to be in the rain!"

Cheyenne quickly broke up their fight, "Come on we don't need a head to head werewolf versus vampire match right before school. Now are we going to Ray's or Bob's?" Frank quickly said, "Ray's!" Cheyenne nodded. Mikey and Gerard walked quietly.

After a few moments of silence Frank quickly broke it with a whine. "You guys are walking too slow!" Gerard said with a yawn, "Well we can't help it that you're a speed demon and we walk a normal pace." His fangs showed as he yawned.


Ray bounded out, as a kitten. He mewed looking up at Frank, Gerard, Cheyenne and Mikey. They were quite a ways down the sidewalk still. Frank shouted, "Aw look at the kitty! Let's chase it!" He ran after the cat. Ray quickly transformed into himself, "Hey! Hey! Whoa! It's me you idiot!!" Frank stopped running, a few feet short of tackling the kitten, which was now Ray. "Dammit! You always ruin my fun!" Ray sighed, "You're nothing but a damn speed demon."

Cheyenne, Mikey and Gerard joined Ray and Frank five minutes later after finally catching up. Cheyenne said, " more...running...please..." Mikey asked, "What you don't like to run?" She replied, "Not...usually..."

Frank shouted, pointing into the dark sky, "TO BOB'S AWAY!!" He sped off. Ray complained, "I hate rain." Ray, Cheyenne, Gerard and Mikey followed Frank, who was far ahead of them. The drizzle still didn't seem to let up. The thunder and lightening seemed to get louder.

Still in the whole, setting up the plot and mood type thing. So yeah, obviously the guys aren't NORMAL as one would say. So yeah, this is obviously not real. Hopefully you like? Review so I can see wether or not to continue. :] Hehe, okay BYE!
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