Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Slip into the Tragedy


by my_famous_last_words 0 reviews

So yeah there's a girl named Angela. Her parents died and now she's seperated from her sister in New Jersey with her drug addict brother and sister.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama, Humor - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Published: 2007-07-11 - Updated: 2007-07-11 - 719 words

How the hell did this happen? There was no way my parents wanted this to happen to me! It was unethical! Yes I was in New Jersey the place I wanted to live in, but if living here meant living with my drug addict sister and brother than I wanted to go back to Virginia. Basically it was like living on my own. They were too high to know what the hell I was doing, I didn't dare go into the house cuz I was not going to second hand smoke what ever the hell they were smoking. I just walked around thinking about my old life.
"Honey shouldn't you be in school?" A blonde woman asked, I snapped out of a trance

"No, I want to go so I don't turn into the brainless idiots I live with but they are my legal guardians and they didn't enroll me into school so yeah" I said, realization hit me and I was crying. The woman was kind.

"What's your name sweetie?"

"Angela" I managed.

"Well Angela I'm Donna. Come inside and tell me everything." she led me inside, "So tell me what's going on"

"Well first both my parents mysteriously die, then the next thing I know me and my sister are in a foster home till they sorted out where we'd go. I don't know why but they sent me to two incapable, druggies and they sent my sister and our dog to California to live with my uncle."

"Are they related to you?" she asked

"They're my half siblings from my dad's first marriage. I don't know how they got me but I know why, they got some money to help take care of me but they bought drugs and alcohol and what not" I said

"How old are you?" the woman asked,

"15. I'm turning 16 in April." I said

"Well Angela I really don't want you to go back to that house. I've seen what happens to kids when they get addicted to drugs and you look like a good kid who never even had a drink in your life."

"Yes" I replied.

"You can stay here"

"Oh no, I don't want to impose-"

"Nonsense, it's just me. You can have my son's old room and I'll get all this straightened out" said Donna

"Thank you so much"

"It's really no problem, I want you to get your things and come back alright?" I nodded and quickly ran back to that hell house and pulled on a gas mask. I walked in and they were passed out on the floor. Thank God I never unpacked my bookbag. I made sure I had everything: Laptop and iPod were the most important. Also, I made sure I still had the private stash of money I took. It was rightfully mine and I'll be damned if they get their hands on it. I got back and knocked on the door. Donna answered and she was on the phone;most likely with someone that was there to 'help' me. Psh I didn't think they helped me much when they sent me to those idiots. Donna hung up and smiled,
"Well i's all sorted out that you're staying with me from now on"

"What are you serious?" I was suprised.

"Yes" she smiled,

"Thank you so much. I really-"

"Calm down we still have to go to a hearing but for now you're staying here, and I'm allowed to enroll you into school"

"Thank God" I said

"Yes, you're really lucky it just started so you won't be far behind"

"My mom wouldn't be to happy if she were here. She hated me mising half a day of school" I started to tear up.

"It's unbelievable. I mean just a month ago me and my mom were having fun at a concert, and now I've been so close blowing my brains out, oh sorry" I said noticing the look on Donna's face.

"No, no it's just that you remind me somewhat of my son."

"Except I can't draw" I laughed slightly, she smiled

"You figured it out have you?" she asked, I nodded

"My Chemical Romance has always saved my life. I'm mildly depressed, well probably more now after what's happened but I know things will get better"

"It will" Donna said
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