Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Slip into the Tragedy


by my_famous_last_words 0 reviews


Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama, Humor - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Published: 2007-07-12 - Updated: 2007-07-12 - 747 words

It had been a few months and Donna was granted custody. I started school not as well as I hoped but my grades never went past C I made sure of it. My mom would have killed me if I ever got a failing grade. I kept my parents in mind all the time. Well it was a day before Thanksgiving and I was snuggled up in my MCR hoodie, lying on Gerard's old bed talking to my best friend Ashley, who was telling me everything that was going on in Virginia.
"Angela can you come up there's someone I want you to meet" Donna called

"I'll be up in a minute" I said quickly telling Ashley I'll talk to her later. I walked upstairs and had butterflies, Gerard and Mikey were by Donna.

"Still in your pajamas? Oh Angela" Donna laughed, "Well don't be shy and come meet my sons!" she said, I hesitantly walked over to them.

"You look familiar" said Mikey thinking hard

"Do I?" I asked suprised

"You're Angela! You and your friend raced me and Frank" said Gerard smiling

"Oh uh you remember that" I said

"Yeah, you raced me and ummm Ashley raced Frank" said Gerard, I laughed slightly

"Yeah we planned that for a while, we just didn't think you guys would actually agree."

"Wait why'd you wanna race me and Frank in particular?" he asked

"Well we thought it'd be interesting, cuz Frank is Ashley's height and I'm your height"

"Except I think you've grown some" said Mikey

"Well you guys saw my mom" I muttered

"Yeah what happened to her?" Mikey asked, Gerard elbowed him

"She died along with my dad"

"I'm sorry, she was a really nice woman" said Gerard,

"Yeah" I said, "I'm going to change into something else" they nodded and I slipped back downstairs. I changed out of my pajamas and pulled on a nice shirt and jeans. She debated weather or not she should go back upstairs. There was a knock on thr door. "Come in" she expected Donna to walk in, not Gerard.

"Mom says lunch is ready" he said

"I'm not hungry" I replied, Gerard surveyed me

"Ang, Mom told me everything. She also said you hardly eat."

"Yeah well last time you saw me I was a fat ass" I said

"No you were healthy, now this, starving yourself it's not" said Gerard.

"What do you care?" I asked a little more rudely than I wanted it to sound

"A lot actually, Mom considers you like a daughter which makes you my sister so quit the bull shit! Because sooner or later you're going to have to get over this!" he said

"Yeah yeah because we're all Gerard Way right? We can all make beautiful music to cope with our losses right? Wrong. I'm not nor will I ever be as talanted as you."

"Oh yeah yeah cuz I'm such a wonderful motherfucker right?"

"Ha! Man you've got teenage girls around the world wrapped around your finger! Have you seen the websites!?" I asked going to a website then handing him my laptop, his eyes scanned it.

"Fuck is that all they care about?" he asked

"Well you should know! Not all the fans are in love with your music, they're in love with you"

"Why are you showing me this shit I came down here to talk to you!" he said

"Me? What about me? You don't know me." I said

"Psh I know you're a goody goody with problems she doesn't want to deal with" he said

"Yeah, and I'm a headstrong little bitch" I said

"Dude I can't deal with this you're too much like-" he stopped

"Like who? Or what?" I asked

"Nevermind" he said

"Tell me!"

"Like ME!" he said, I screamed


"Oh yes you are! You think no one understands you and you keep things bottled up. Well Angela face the fact you're a younger female version of me! Right now I think we both need eachother"

"Why would I need you? I'm doing fine talking to Ash over the internet."

"Okay well I need you! Because chances are you won't judge me and you'll actually understand"

"Psh yeah right. I won't judge you but as for understanding" She shook her head

"Whatever, just know that if you need to talk I'm a phone call away"

"Right, well I'm glad we had this conversation" I said.
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