Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Slip into the Tragedy


by my_famous_last_words 1 review

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama, Humor - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Published: 2007-07-13 - Updated: 2007-07-13 - 1775 words

I was sleeping peacefully and someone poked me. I groaned and rolled against the wall and the poking continued. Then I heard giggling and the poking continued
"Leave me alone" I groaned,

"Time to wake up" came a voice

"Noooo" I was shaken violently. I opened my eyes and Gerard and Mikey were over me, "Go away!"

"Hey this is my old room I can be in here as much as I want" Gerard said,

"Terrorizing a 15 year old pretty lame for a 30 year old" I muttered,


"Oh yeah? Well I just won't tell her the secret to life"

"Yeah? Well I know the Buddah's last words" I said

"What is it!?" Mikey asked, I looked at him

"Who the fuck stole my big mac bitch"

"OHH! I didn't know you cussed!" said Gerard

"Psh I just don't cuss around adults."

"Oh really then what are we?" Gerard asked

"Well you don't act like adults"

"That hurts" said Gerard

"It was meant to, maybe now you'll grow up Peter Pan"

"Damn you're awesome" Mikey said

"Hey Mikey where's Alicia?"

"She's spending Thanksgiving with her family" he said

"Can't you guys ignore me?" I asked

"No way kiddo you're our entertainment while we're home"

"Great" I said sarcastically.

"I know isn't it?" Gerard said, he stood and looked at Mikey, "And our first order of business-" he and Mikey carried me out of the room by my ankles and wrists.

"What in the world!?" Donna asked

"Donna! They're being mean!" I said

"No we're not we're being nice" Gerard said innocently

"They're going to eat me! They're cannibles!" I said

"No Ang you're blowing our cover you might as well tell her about the giant fire we've got set up!"

"OH LORD! It's going to be like in Pirates of the Caribbean Dead man's Chest and I'm Jack!" I said

"Okay you 3 I'm going to be busy, you think you can leave the house?"

"And do what?" Mikey asked

"Anything get to know eachother maybe"

"Alrighty Mum" said Gerard in a horrible British accent

"Psh nothing like Daniel Radcliffe" I said shaking my head

"That name sounds familiar"

"Harry Potter" I said, "Beside I can do a much better accent" I added in a much better accent,

"Alright let's go"

"EY! Put me down! If you haven't realized I still need a shower and get dressed" I said, they put me down. I took a quick shower and got dressed, and was slipping on my shoes and Jacket and we were out. I pulled out my iPod and started dancing as we walked.

"Nooo stop you're embaressing us!" Gerard said

"Ha! I'm embaressing you? What about Mikey, I mean he's related to you" I said nodding at Mikey who was skipping.

"God save me" said Gerard,

"What's there to do on Thanksgiving anyway?" I asked

"Come on" he said leading us into the park. He sat me down on the bench and handed me his phone, "You know who you need to call" he said. I bit my lip and dialed the number I had memorized living in the Hell House.

"Hello?" came my little sister's voice

"Hey Amanda it's me" I said, I heard barking in the background and I knew it was my dog

/"Angela? Are you okay where are you?" she asked/

"I'm okay, and I'm here in New Jersey"

"Who are you with? Angela tell me"

"I think it's best I don't tell me. Just don't worry about me. I'm safe and I like where I am. I just wanted to say Happy Thanksgiving"

"Tell me" Amanda pleaded

"No you wouldn't believe me if I did" I said, "Tell everyone I love them, I'm safe, and they don't need to worry about me. Play with Happy for me, love you bye" I hung up and closed my eyes

"Who'd you call?" Mikey asked, Gerard gave him a look

"My sister" I said sighing

"You have a sister?" Gerard looked at him

"Do you listen?"

"Yeah" he said

"No matter how much she annoyed me I miss her" I said

"Same with me and Mikey" Gerard said as he and Mikey sat on either side of me

"Hey do you guys know where this place is" I asked pulling out a folded peice of paper.

"Yeah it's close why?"

"Well my half brother and my non-related brother lives there" I said

"Wanna go see them?" Mikey asked,

"Yeah if it's not too much trouble" I asked,

"Of course not, we got like 8 hours to kill" said Mikey, I grabbed his wrist and looked at his watch

"It's only 9! Why the fuck did you guys wake me up so early!?" they just shrugged,

"Come on" I said shaking my head, we went back to the house and Gerard got the car keys and I got in the backseat. It wasn't a long ride but I took a deep breath, Chris and Joey wouldn't know dad died. Chris is my half brother and Joey isn't even related to me. My dad was just the only dad he ever had. I knocked on the door and a woman answered the door.

"Yes?" she said

"Hi Kristen is it? I'm sure you probably don't remember me but I'm Angela"

"That name sounds familiar" she said

"Um can I talk to Joey and Chris?" I asked timidly

"Yeah come on in" I looked back at the car and gave them a thumbs up and they nodded. She led me into a room where two guys were sitting and talking. "Um this is Angela" they just stared at me for a minute and smiled.

"Our little sister Angela?" Joey asked smiling, I smirked slightly. No matter how old I was I'd still always be shy.

"Yes well um I don't know if you heard but I just thought I'd come to tell you dad is dead" I bit my lip. Their faces fell

"What about Birte?" asked Chris

"She's gone too" I said, "Look I'm really sorry for telling you guys now but I just recently found your address-"

"No no umm where's Amanda?" Joey asked

"In California with Uncle Rick"

"What are you doing out here in New Jersey?" They asked, I told them my whole situation. "They granted custody to Sam and Vinny?" I nodded.

"You're not there anymore are you?" Joey asked, I shook my head,

"No umm a woman helped me out, I should probably go her sons are waiting for me in the car." I said, "Nice seeing you guys again bye" I left and got in the backseat

"How'd it go?" Mikey asked

"Good" I said

"Are you sure?" Gerard asked looking at me from the rearview mirror as he drove down the road

"Yeah just fine for someone who saw her brother's for the first time in almost 8 years" I said,

"Hey Gee are any sushi places open?" Mikey asked

"How the fuck should I know?" Gerard replied,

"Come on Gerard, I really want sushi" said Mikey, he turned and looked at me, "You like sushi right Ang?"

"Yeah the vegetable one!" I said, I kinda got a sinking feeling, sushi reminded me of Ashley.

"See Ang wants sushi too!" said Mikey

"No you asked if she liked it and she said yes" said Gerard

"Come on big bwuver pwease!?" Mikey asked in a baby voice

"Alright alright there's gotta be some place that sells sushi in this place." well Gerard must have magical powers or something because he found a sushi place open. "What do you two knuckle heads want?" he asked

"Oh nice, I'm not a knucklehead either-"

"Ang shut it" Gerard smirked,

"Atleast my name's not funny" I said

"Yeah yeah Angela isn't funny" he said sarcastically

"How is it funny?" I asked

"Well you're name doesn't fit you does it"

"Ahhhh screw you, I want veggie sushi" I said

"I want sushi with eel" Mikey said

"Oh Mikey how could you" I asked


"Out of all the sushi you choose eel, that's Ashley's favorite" I said

"Wow weirddddd" he said. We got our sushi

"Thank you Gee!" me and Mikey said

"Yeah yeah eat your sushi and shut up" he said.

"You know Ang you are like a little sister I never had" said Mikey, hugging me

"Yeah and you're like brothers to me! Since my real ones were barely in my life" I said smiling

"Well the three of us are alike, we all had unpleasent shit going on with our lives"

"Heh, Well I haven't been following my own advice: Remember the good times" I said

"True" they both agreed.

"So back in Virginia did you ever have a boyfriend?" Mikey asked

"Psh hell no, I've never had a boyfriend or a kiss"

"Oh wow goody goody"


"Well you are. I bet you were the pushover girl who let 'friends' cheat off your test because you couldn't say no" said Gerard

"Dude how the hell did you know?" I asked

"I was right? Hot damn I'm good"

"Ugh well fine, I'm a pushover except when I'm steamed then I talk the truth about people behind their back" I said

"Oh really. Coward much?" Mikey said

"Ugh Bayside High was hell!"

"Well Belleville isn't much better is it"

"No at least I haven't got any enemies"

"Yet" they both said in unison.

"You think I can't make it without making an enemy?" I asked

"Heh chances are if they find out who your guardian is they'll know who said guardians sons are and if they hate us you're fucked, if they like us you'll have abunch of people wanting to be your friend, who won't have anything to do with you they'll just want to get to us" I narrowed my eyes

"So you're telling me I won't have any friends what-so-ever"

"Nahhh you might have a friend or two but hey what do I know, things have probably changed"
A/N:Okay, I don't know if any of you are interested so I'm asking for a little feedback. I also don't know if I'm going to continue I'm Not Royalty because no ones giving me any ideas! I've got 2 ideas and the rest is all blah. So if you want me to continue THIS stroy gimme feedback. Just so you know, not all of this is fiction. Yes the whole MCR this is fake but as for me having drug addict brother and sister that's true. So yeah. Please review. Oh yeah and no my parents aren't dead so yeah thought I'd clear that up xD
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