Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Slip into the Tragedy


by my_famous_last_words 0 reviews

I like writing this story REVIEW!

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama, Humor - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Published: 2007-07-14 - Updated: 2007-07-15 - 561 words

A/N: Okay you know how in that one interview Gerard said he was a jacket slut? Well I'm a review slut/addict. GIMME SOME GOSH DANG REVIEW PEOPLE! I'M BEGGING YOU!

After Thanksgiving Mikey and Gerard had to go back on tour and I had to go back to school. I sighed and walked to class.
"Hey I'm Jill" said a girl who was in my Geometry class, I'd seen her the whole time I was in that school and she always gave me dirty looks across the classroom.

"Um hi?"

"Angela right? I hear you know Gerard and Mikey Way" she inquired. Oh great

"Actually I don't" I said walking into the Geometry classroom, I took my seat and Jill took the seat next to me. She wasn't going to leave me alone was she?

"Come on you can tell me, I wanna be friends"

"Look Jill is it, I don't me to be rude, but I really don't want to be friends. I mean you're probably a nice person but I really don't feel comfortable here"

"Well maybe if you had friends-"

"I have friends thank you" I said she looked determined and I knew she wasn't going to give up.

She bugged me for two weeks straight and it was really starting to tick me off.

"You know I'm a nice person-"

"No Jill you aren't. And if you wanted to be my friend you would have asked what I was doing in New Jersey. Which I would respond with my parents died. But you want to be friends to use me to meet Gerard and Mikey so I want to be left alone please"

"Oh so tragic, bitch" she huffed walking off. I sighed wondering what it was like back in Virginia. I was homesick. I was even missing my enemy Christina! who'da thunk it. I laughed slightly as I went to my locker. When I opened it a note fell out, I opened it and read it:

I know you have no idea who I am. I'll tell you this, I'm 15 and in 10th grade. I heard about your story and it made me cry, I've never had a friend before. I know you haven't had much luck in New Jersey. I've also heard you live with Donna Way, then again Rumors fly around this school all the time. I'd really like to be friends.
xoxo Jamie

"Wow that seems promising" I muttered to myself

"Hi" a soft voice said behind me so I jumped and banged my head on my locker, "Oh my I'm so sorry!" I turned rubbing my head. I saw a girl with shoulder length brown hair, nose ring, dark make up and dressed in all black.

"It's okay" I said

"I'm Jamie" the girl said

"Angela" I replied

"Did you get my note?"

"Yeah, I'd like to be your friend too" she smiled

"Want to walk home together?" she asked

"Sure" I said. For the first time since I came here I actually felt understood, I only ever felt this way when I was with Ash but she wasn't here now. Me and Jamie soon became friends.

A/N: Okay just a little filler. But Yeah, like I said I'm a Review Slut so reviewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww and I'll definitly continue this because this is much easier for me to write
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