Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Slip into the Tragedy


by my_famous_last_words 0 reviews


Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama, Humor - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Published: 2007-07-15 - Updated: 2007-07-15 - 1937 words

It was a week before Christmas and me and Jamie were in Gerard's old room just doing whatever took out interest when there was a racket upstairs, I looked up questioningly. It couldn't possibly-
"Gerard!" I said happily as he walked in the room. I hugged him.

"Is this Jamie?" he asked, I nodded

"Jamie, Gerard. Gerard, Jamie" I said, "Who else is up there?"

"The band, they wanna meet you" said Gerard, beckoning me and Jamie to come up with him. Thank God I wasn't alone Jamie was just as nervous as I was.

"So who's Angela?" Frank asked, me and Jamie pointed at eachother,

"Last time I checked my name was Jamie" Jamie muttered

"Hey wait a minute your that girl who ran against Gerard" said Bob,

"Yeah and that's Angela" Mikey said

"And this is her friend Jamie" Gerard said

"I'm no one important" Jamie said quickly

"Neither am I" I said

"Come on Ang, don't be shy" Mikey said

"Yeah weren't you like this in August you've already met us" said Frank hugging me, "Tell Ashley I want a rematch" I smiled

"Yeah yeah whatever Frank" I said,

"Well well, Mr. Iero got Ang out of the shell"

"You know now that I see you like this, you guys aren't cool at all. You're just dork" I laughed.

"Hey! We're very cool" said Ray

"Yeah sure" I said

"Gee and Mikey said you were nice!" said Bob

"I am nice" I said looking innocent

"Yeah she's an Angel" said Jamie

"Yeah and I'm the queen of England" said Bob, me and Jamie gasped and bowed

"Oh your highness how could we be so rude!? Welcome!" I said, they all laughed

"YOU'RE the dork" Ray said

"Yeah but I'm an awesome dork, hence my myspace URL." I said

"Yeah I'm not even going to ask about it" said Ray

"Smart move" Bob muttered

"Jamie your mom just called, you need to hurry and get home" said Donna

"Alright, thanks, bye everyone" she left. Gerard and Mikey had an evil look on their faces.

"Oh no" I moaned

"Hey Mom, can Ang hang out with us?" Gerard asked

"Yeah just keep an eye on her" Donna said

"Why do I suddenly feel like I'm five" Frank grabbed my wrist and dragged me to a van.


"Shut up no we're not" said Gerard, as Bob blindfolded me

"Oh really sure feels like you are" I said

"Just chill out sissy" said Mikey

"Well where are you taking me?"

"We'll be gone a few days, hey did you get the bag of her clothes that Mom packed?" I heard Gerard say

"Yeah" I heard Ray reply

"Why do I have to be blindfolded?"

"So you can't see where we're going." Frank replied, as he buckled me in

"I feel like a fucking infant that can't do shit"

"Yeah well you're going to love us for this" Mikey said

"I already love you guys" I said smiling

"Well you'll love us more" said Gerard

"Aha" I said, Christmas music blasted as the van started

"Come on Ang sing with us!" Gerard said, since he and Frank were the only ones singing along to the radio

"Ha! You're on your own Mr. I-can-sing" I said

"See Gerard, no one wants to sing with you because you embaress us with your voice. It makes us sound 100 times worse than we do" said Mikey

"Ugh well Frank's singing" said Gerard

"Cuz Frank ate a hella lot of skittles" said Ray

"So tell me why you guys are going back on the road right after you get home?"

"Cuz we're doing something special for you"

"Well I can't see anything, and I'm fucking cold."

"Wha-FRANK!" Gerard yelled, "Where's her coat?"

"Oops" Frank said

"I brought it" Mikey said, I felt the jacket be thrown over me and I snuggled with it.

"Ahhhh warmth" I said, "Next time you guys do a show in December you should preform Christmas songs"

"Hmmm there's something to think about" I heard Bob say

"Like Rudolph. Who knows what you can do with that song" I said. I eventually fell asleep and I felt myself being unbuckled and someone picked me up and carried me somewhere.

I woke up in a bed and I looked around we were in a hotel somewhere. I crawled onto a bench and looked out the window, it was overlooking an ocean. There was quite a bit of snow on the ground. All of a sudden someone walked in. I looked at the door and Gerard was leaning against the wall

"So have you figured out where we are?" he asked

"No" I said, he smirked,

"Get ready and we'll get going, we'll be waiting in the lobby" he said leaving. I took a quick shower and got dressed and I put on my converse and then my jacket. I raced down to the lobby where the band was waiting.

"You seriously don't know where we are?" Mikey asked

"No, should I?" I asked

"Well we don't-" Bob started and stopped, "You'll know where we are soon." we got back into the van and I pulled out my iPod and Harry Potter book. I had no idea where they took me and I had no intention of looking,

"If you look to the right you'll see something" I looked and saw Bayside High,

"Ugh I see that place all-OH MY GOD!" I said realization hitting me, they all smiled, "Are you serious!?"

"No shit, How the hell do you think you'd be seeing Bayside" Gerard said, I watched all my old schools as we passed and finally they stopped at a house. "Why don't you get Ashley and we'll have a fuck load of fun today"

"Alright, come with me Bob!" I said, happily getting out of the van.

"Alright" Bob followed and I rang the doorbell and Ashley answered,

"ANGELA!?" she practically screamed, I hugged her

"I finally got you Bob for Christmas" I whispered in her ear, she looked at him and her eyes grew wide and her mouth dropped.

"OH MY GOD BOB BRYAR IS HERE!" she screamed, jumping.

"Come on can you hang with us today?" I asked, Ashley ran told her parents grabbed her jacket and we got in the van

"Holy shit y-you're with MCR!?" she said shocked

"Hi Ashley, I want a rematch" Frank said

"You remember?" she asked shocked

"Duh, and I want a rematch" Frank joked. Me and Ashley caught up a lot and I explained everything to her.

"Wow, so how's school up there?" Ash asked

"Not much different" I shrugged.

"We're here" Gerard said, I looked and we were at a hall. I looked at Ashley and she was just as confused, the band beckoned me and Ashley out of the van and me and Ashley walked into the hall and I stood there weak at my knees, tears of joy filled my eyes. All my friends were there, ALL of them. I just stared at them and they stared at me. "Merry Christmas Angela"

"You did all this?"

"Yeah, it was easy once we got your e-mail and password." Frank hopped up on the stage and grabbed the mic

"OKAY KIDS! I'M FRANK IERO!" everyone's attention turned to him

"Well as you know my friend Angela hasn't been back in Virginia for a few months now and she didn't see all of you guys and she's really missed you all. So uh yeah HAVE FUN!" Frank turned on some music. I ran to all the friends I hadn't seen in months. I was talking to everyone and having a nice time but it started getting late and everyone went home and we dopped Ash back off at her place.

"There's still one more place" Mikey said

"Really? Where's that" I asked yawning. We were driving for a few hours and I realized where we were going. They pulled up into the driveway of the small house on the corner of the street. Ray handed me a house key and I got out of the van, my hand shook slightly as I turned the key and walked inside. It was empty, but when I looked around it seemed like all the furniture and mess that used to be in the house came back. Even the memories of where my parents used to be, mom would be lying on the couch and dad would be on the other couch or in the kitchen. I walked into the master bedroom and memories flooded my mind, as soon as I got to the spare bedroom guilt hit me. This is where I spent most of my time. All those times where my parents wanted me to go to stores with them, and stuff I denied. I continued on into me and Amanda's old bedroom. I touched the walls with the old doodles she did and I saw something that I swore I took down off of the wall. My poster. Not just a random poster my favorite poster. The Black Parade poster, yes it was ripped and taped back up but this was the poster I loved so much, I took it down and screamed. When the band came running I was in the corner,

"What's wrong!?" Mikey asked, I pointed at the poster

"A poster of us? Well then again it's kinda dark so I guess it is kinda creepy" said Ray

"No!" I said, "I remember taking down that poster when the social worker told me and Amanda to pack! I remember putting it in a box. I REMEMBER THERE WAS NOTHING WRITTEN ON THE BACK!" Mikey turned over the poster,

"I can't read this" he mutterd pulling out a flashlight, we all gathered around the poster,

Our Dearest Angela,
We are dead and it was not an accident. IT WAS MURDER!
It has to do with Kathy and Sam and Vinny, probably having to do with money. We now know you're safe and we are glad to see you are happy. Please keep in touch with your sister and know that we never wanted you to end up with those awful people. The money is on the floor below the wall where you found this poster. We love you and your sister both
Love Mom and Dad

"Money? What money?" Frank asked confused

"Ugh this is obiously some kind of sick joke" said Mikey

"Mikey that's my mom's handwriting no one can fake it that well! And this poster came with me to New Jersey how the hell did it end up in Virginia?"

"S-someone bought a new one" he was trying to be logical as possible.

"Mikey this poster ripped in the exact same spot and it was taped the exact same way!" I crawled back over to the wall where I found the poster I felt around. "Shine the light over here" I said, the light shone on the floor where I was crouching. Nothing. I guess it was a hoax

"Under the carpet" a voice whispered in my ear,

"What'd you say?" I asked

"Ang we didn't say anything" said Frank, I gulped and lifted the carpet that was already coming off he floor, stuck my hand in the whole and pulled out what had to be atleast 100 thousand dollars.

"WHOA! HOW'D YOU DO THAT!?" Frank asked

"A voice in my head told me" I said oddly

"Okay well uh let's get back to the hotel we have to leave early tomorrow" said Bob
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