Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Slip into the Tragedy


by my_famous_last_words 0 reviews


Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama, Humor - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Published: 2007-07-22 - Updated: 2007-07-22 - 1404 words

We set off back to New Jersey around 5 in the morning and I wasn't scared I was just apprehensive. When they got back Donna was talking to a young woman, I recognized at once.
"Ang this is my wife Alicia" Mikey said, Alicia smiled, "Alicia this is my sister Angela"

"Aw you really consider me a sister?"

"No shit! We both do" said Mikey

"I feel special, thank you all" I said

"You look tired sweetie why don't you take a nap" Donna suggested

"Alright" I couldn't sleep I was so apprehensive and it was showing, I went into the bedroom but had the door cracked open a little and I listened to everyword they said.

"What happened? She seemed a" I heard Donna say

"Well last night we took her to her old house and uh some freaky stuff went on" said Gerard

"Like what?" Alicia asked

"Like a poster she took down and brought up here mysteriously being put back up on the wall in a home in virginia then when she takes down the poster there's a message on the back and it sats there's money and she finds a shit load of money under the carpet" Gerard explained. There was a gasp, Gerard must have shown them the cash, "She gave it to me for who knows what reason, she said she didn't care what I did with as long half went to her sister, what I'm trying to say is that, this is your problem mom I don't want the cash"

"Ugh all this money talk! It's a simple thing to do, send half to her sister and put the rest in the bank for a college fund for Angela"

"Wow that was simple" said Mikey, I rolled my eyes and collapsed on the bed. I had no intention of going to college. I was going to go somewhere far away and live in a little cottage, yeah, this is my future. I fell asleep dreaming about me living in Alaska in a little hut, ice fishing.

"Ang wake up" Gerard whispered shaking me, I opened my eyes and looked at my clock, whiich read: 12:00 a.m.

"What?" I asked yawning.

"Are you tired?" he asked

"Well I was sleeping so no I'm not tired" I said sarcastically,

"Get your laptop and follow me" he said, I yawned and grabbed my laptop and followed him into the kitchen and collpased into a chair and my head hit the table and I was out. Gerard slammed a glass of milk infront of me and some splattered on me.

"Wha-huh? I'm up" I said looking around

"Password?" he asked

"boymeetsworld" I said yawning, he gave me a look.

"What it's a good show!" I said nibbling on a Christmas cookie

"Oh my God you've got to be kidding me you've got Boy meets world episodes saved on here!?" Gerard said

"Quit going through my files jerkwad" I said, "Because that show is AWESOME!"


"Just do what you woke me up to do."

"Your parents were murdered" he started, I groaned, "Well I'm going to try and find out who murdered them"

"You've got to be kidding me" I said

"No because this is really fucked up"

"Seriously it doesn't matter it's been four months now" I said

"You and I both know that's not true" I stared out the window and watched the snow fall. As Gerard typed away on the computer,

"What's this going to change? I mean we've got no lead"

"Wrong there is a lead, your half sister and brother and your dad's ex"

"Well it wasn't them because the set up was good for cops not to think of murder"

"You're right, if they're high all the time then there would have been evidence, they might have hired a professional"

"Do you think they'd have the money to do that? Because they'll spend it on alcohol and drugs"

"Okay so it had to be someone they knew who would help them out with something big like this"

"It was a car accident Gerard, any one could have done it!" I said

"Yes but the message on the back of the poster siad Kathy, Vinny and Sam so-"

"Gerard I don't know! Just stop please I don't wanna think about this at all"

"Ang you aren't going to rest easy until you know"

"No I don't think you'll rest easy, why are you doing all this for me anyway? I don't mean to sound unappreciative but I wanna know why"

"It's because I feel like you deserve to know the truth and the fact that you don't I don't know it just makes me feel like you're going to do some things I don't know" I sighed,

"I have something that might help" I said, I went downstairs and got my diary and unlocked, I went back to the kitchen and handed it to him. My head hit the table and I closed my eyes, I heard Gerard snicker, "What?"

"Gerard Way is so hot! And his band makes awesome music" he read

"And soon that band won't have a singer" I threatened, he flipped through the pages

"Ohh talking about people" said Gerard

"What the hell are you just looking to see what I think of people?" I asked

"No no" he lied


"I've lost my obsession with Gerard Way, he's too old anyways and he's changed a lot, in other news Christina=bitch that's it with that. And apparently Kathy is trying to get money from my dad-"

"WAIT!" I said my head shooting up

"I know you called me old!" he said

"No! That part about Kathy! It was a while ago during the summer! She was going after my dad's money and they said that she had to pay tax so she'd only get 100 bucks but my parents stopped her from getting that much so yeah." I said

"What are you two doing in here?" Donna's voice asked, me and Gerard lifted our heads up. Apparently we had fallen asleep,

"Research" Gerard muttered sleepily.

"Well you should go back to bed" she said, we got up and Gerard couldn't make it to the couch he fell to the floor sound asleep, I made it slightly farther but I was wiped out and passed out on the other side of the room.

"Are they alive?" I heard a voice ask

"Angela and Gerard murdered" another voice said

"Shut upppppp" I heard Gerard growl

"Gerard's alive but what about Ang?" I felt some get close to me

"Touch me and I'll push you down the stairs"

"Whoa how'd you know I was going to poke you?" I opened my eyes and saw Frank over me

"I've got a sixth sense"

"cool what do you see in my future?" he asked

"A beautiful wife and kids" I said boredly

"OH WOW!" said Frank, I rolled my eyes

"You do know she was lying?" said Ray

"Angela!?" Frank said looking at me

"Sorry Frankie, but chances are my prediction will come true" I said shrugging, Gerard started laughing,

"What?" I asked

"You're hair" he laughed and I realized my hair was it's natural wavy-curly.

"Awww man" I said, Frank and Ray noticed and started laughing, "You shouldn't be laughing Ray" I put my hair up and two locks of hair fell on either side of my face.

"Aww you're so adorable" said Gerard sarcastically

"I'm going to shoot you" I said

"Yeah right"

"Dang I've got no gun" I said

"Ha" said Gerard

"I can still tackle you"

"Oh yeah I'm scared" he said his words dripping in sarcasm

"Careful Gerard" Ray said, I smiled sweetly

"Angela I'm going to have to re-schedule your orthodontist appointment because I can't take you-" Donna said

"I'll do it" Gerard volunteered

"NO!" I said

"Alright pick her up from school on the 3rd" said Donna

"Okay" Gerard said

"I'm DEAD!" I said

"Angela I'm sorry but I have to tell you, you are going to die" Ray said

"Yeah knowing Gerard he'll bump into someone, lose his sunglasses people recognize him and everyone will wonder who you are."

"I got some tricks up my sleeve" I said

"Okay you guys make it sound like I screw up all the time"

"You do! Wearing sunglasses to interviews everyone knows what you look like with them on!"

"Alright, alright"
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