Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > More than a Teacher


by shedrinksacid 4 reviews

Veronica loves Gerard, whose also her art teacher, whose also way out of reach...or is he?

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Humor, Romance - Characters: Frank Iero, Gerard Way - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2007-07-15 - Updated: 2007-07-15 - 885 words

"Do it!" "No." "Do it!" I shook my head again. "DO IT OR I WILL TELL GERARD THAT YOU HAVE A CRUSH ON HIM!" My jaw dropped, "You wouldn't dare." I said grabbing Frankie's arm. He smirked, "GERARD!" He called, I blushed. "Frank stop!" I dug my nails into his arm. "GERARD!" He cried again. I pushed him onto his back and covered his mouth with my hand. His teeth nipped at my palm, I pulled away. "Ow, asshole." I said tending to my sore. I heard his footsteps then nearing the room me and Frank were in. "I hate you." I repeated over and over in Frank's direction. The door opened, "Hm?" I turned around, he was smiling at us. "Gerard come play this game with us." Frank waved him over; Gerard sat on the floor next to me. "What's the game?" He asked, "Truth or Dare." I murmured. "What?" He lowered his head and looked up at me under the corner of his eye. "Truth or Dare." I said a little louder. "Ok, I'm in." The smile, if I looked at it long enough I think it'd melt.

Hours passed, I really didn't believe this game was capable of being played that long. "Ok my turn." Frank said. I shot him a mean glare, every time it was his turn he always made me and Gerard do something. He started off with a kiss on the cheek, then a kiss on the lips, I knew what was coming next. "Gerard, truth or dare?" Gerard looked at me, "Dare." This is what happens when the alcohol is flowing, everyone knows the next move. Frank giggled, "I dare you to shove your tongue down Veronica's throat." Frank laughed harder; he fell onto his back sipping his beer. Gerard scooted closer to me, his fingers grazed my cheek. His lips attached to mine, his pointed tongue pried my lips apart. I wished this was happening for real, by for real I mean minus the alcohol and the fact we were playing a game. Also minus the fact this whole thing was a dream.

"Wake up." Frank nudged my arm and rolled over to his side. "You ruined my dream." I sighed and sat up against the headboard. I guess when you've been best friends with someone since you were 5 it's ok to sleep in the same bed. "Were you dreaming of him?" Frank asked. "Yeah, it's unfortunate. I'm the most pathetic person in the world." "Hey I didn't say it." Frank yawned and rubbed his eyes, "Good morning." He looked up at me; he looked like a little kid who just woke up from an afternoon nap. "Why don't you just suck your thumb?" I said sarcastically. "I just broke that habit remember?" Frank was the only person who understood my humor, it's probably one of the reasons we got along so well. "FRANK, VERONICA BREAKFAST!" Mrs. Iero called from downstairs. "School ruins lives." Frank said crawling from under the sheets. "No shit."

Catholic School really doesn't exist, the only thing that separates it from public schools is uniforms and nuns. The students still cut class, fight, smoke in the bathrooms or outside, and make out in the hallways. "At least I get to wear pants." Frank whispered. "Shut up." I growled. The bus dropped us off in front of the decrepit building, it was "historical", or that's what they told us on the first day. Apparently someone really important got shot there, sounds like a perfect place to teach God eh? Frank went our separate ways once we got everything out of our shared locker. We lied to the locker assignment person by telling her that if we didn't have a locker together, our mothers would be very upset, call the school, and have her sent somewhere bad. She was a student so she naively believed us, it was so easy. "See you in espanol." Frank called from the end of the hallway. I shot him a peace sign and walked to art class.

There were 2 reasons why I never dared to cut art, 1. I love art with a passion & 2. Gerard's the teacher. Yes you heard me right, teacher. He had just graduated from art school when they offered him the job. I remember walking in the first day and remembering him from Frank's first practice with My Chemical Romance the night before. In my opinion, I don't think the band will go anywhere. They're amazing but kids don't get them and I highly doubt that adults will get them either. "Hey." He said when I walked into the room. "Hey." I waved and took my seat in the back by the window. The bell rang and more students flew into the room hoping Gerard wouldn't notice that they were late. "Ok guys, life drawings today." He said as he passed back assignments from last week. "Veronica, this is excellent." He said smiling down at me. "Thanks." I said, my eyes didn't move from staring outside. If I would've made eye contact with him, I would've turned to moosh and my words would be considered gibberish. "Can you stay after class today? I'd like to talk to you." Now I had to make eye contact, my ability to form words was gone so I nodded.
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