Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Secrets don't make friends.

Part two - Off the Hook, baby.

by lclutebark 6 reviews

Everything seems to be perfect but some people never change.

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: R - Genres: Drama, Romance - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2007-07-16 - Updated: 2007-07-17 - 2625 words

I guess this story was posted twice, but somehow i got re views in the other post but i can't find it in the 'edit story' section, Weird.
I hope you guys like it.

Off the hook.

Once we got out of the car, Pete decided to take me back home, to make sure my father wouldn't want him dead, or something. Actually dad didn't really like Pete, he never did, so I was probably in for an earful.

"Where were you two?" my dad said from the front porch as he and mom waited as we approached the house.

"We went to look from Hill but she wasn't in the mall, we were looking for her...then Pete decided to eat at Mac Donald's...we were just going to go back on searching when you bipped, dad." I explained, feeling my palms sweating, I have never been good lying so I was taking a huge risk lying to my dad in that situation.

"I'm sorry we didn't call, Mr. Krissler, we should have kept contact...sorry." Said Pete, looking at me then finishing "I guess everything is settled so, I'll be heading to my house, have a good night" he said smiling my way and nodding his head towards my parents politely.

As we made our way in my dad made a comment that I should have kept close to my heart.

" I'd be a dead man having that guy as my son in law. Jeez he is a freak...Seriously I don't understand why Peter wasn't more rigid with his education..." he said as he made his way towards the living room and I made my escape up to my room.

Once safe by the protection of the warm 4 walls of my room, I run and dropped my body in my bed, what I day it had been, I'd never guess it'd end up like that, and until this day I keep in my memory the sweetness in which he kissed me, making a point on saying out loud that it was my first kiss, like I didn't know that, the only thing that bothered me that day was the fact that Hillary shamelessly used me, I gathered that the class was having a party and my presence was not wanted, my only question was why would Hill keep that from me? Wasn't she my best friend? I wondered what had changed so suddenly...

One week later, it'd be my first day on vacation; I passed with flying colors while Hilary would have to attend some classes for the next 10 days.
Sometimes being a nerd pays off.

I woke up around noon, a first for me, since I never stayed up too late or never missed class for that matter; actually I never liked to stay on bed for the extra 5 minutes people love so much, so I woke up feeling a little out of place and still tired.
I went downstairs to find myself all alone in the house, going to the stereo I felt like doing something I was never allowed, listen to loud music...and I mean LOUD.
I popped in my favorite cd as I made m y breakfast, as I was singing along I couldn't hear that someone was actually knocking on the door, let's just say that whoever was knocking was very persistent, but they soon grew tired of knocking on the front door and but It was too bad they also were not easily dismissed. I almost peed my pants when I saw a shadow by the screen door on my kitchen, by the height and posture I knew who it was: Pete.
But the greater question was: WTF is he doing here? I looked down at my sleeping shorts and shirt and had to think twice before deciding to let him in, actually I could have gone to my room to change but his impatience made me rethink that.

"What are you doing here?" I asked holding my glass of milk with my left hand.
"Good morning too." He said and leaned to kiss my cheeks, making me blush.

"Eh good morning... what exactly are you doing here, Pete? My parents are not home, maybe you could come other time..." I said still holding the kitchen door open, so he could take the hint.

"I'm not leaving so you might as well close the door" he said walking to the kitchen table and making himself comfortable.
I rolled my eyes heavenward closed the door and took my sit back on the table.
"You are obnoxiously irritating, know that?" I said finishing my breakfast, having lost my appetite.
His answer was a half assed grin towards me.
"Seriously..." I couldn't help but laugh, he shrugged, before I could finish. "What are you doing here?" I got up before he could answer to put the stuff back on the fridge.

"I don't know... I haven't seen you for a week, and well we never really had time to talk since that day and well, actually I was bored out of my mind back at home and Andrew was bugging me, so I heard you were awake by the music coming from here I am."

"We don't have anything to talk about..." he rolled his eyes at me and I shrugged.

"Really? Okay let's talk about my sister..." he said I felt a little sad, my friendship with Hills was definitely not the same and it hurt me, really hurt me.

"What about her life? I don't want to talk about it" I said trying to change his mind.

"She is dating that guy, Freddy now... he came over last night to ask my dad...I don't like him..." Pete said, I could sense that he wanted me to look at him, but I was much too interested in the milk on the bottom of my glass.

"Cool, that's great for her..." I said really not caring for it anymore. Hilary made sure to make a point that my friendship was not wanted anymore when she left me out of what was really going on, so I was not going to act like the best friend anymore.

"Are you that bitter because of that party?" he asked suddenly, making me look up and him in surprise.

"It's not that I'm bitter, it's just that, I was really embarrassed when I got there and all of the kids from my class were there, and on top of everything my so called best friend had lied to me...I wouldn't care if I wasn't invited but I'd never expect her to be so sneaky."

"She messed up, I have to agree, but she is just caught up with this stereotypes and I think she just doesn't know what to say to you... I know s he misses you..." he said reaching for my hand from across the table.

"Did she send you here to tell me this?" he shook his head.
"I've told you... I just came one sent me here." he pulled my hand to him.

"Wanna go out with me tonight?" he asked with a goofy voice.

"What do you mean with 'go out'?" my stomach was in knots.

"I mean... go out eat something, maybe go to the park and then make out...what do you think?" I was sure my cheeks were a bright shade of pink.

"I don't know...I'm not sure my dad will let me...go out with you..."

"But they don't have to know I'm going to be with you..." he said smiling wickedly.
"I'm not good at lying to them Pete. You know I suck at it..." he smirked and laughed at my expense.

"Just say you are going to the movies with one of your 'friends' from the school."
With that he got up pulling me up by my hand.
"I'll be waiting for you at the mall, by 5 pm. Close to the cinema complex, okay?" then he pulled me towards him, kissing my lips lightly, the kind of kiss that left a lingering promise of more.
I just nodded my head, my eyes still closed as he started to make his way out of my house...blowing a kiss on his way out.

That was not happening to me, suddenly I was afraid this was a really cheap teen movie plot or's common right? I wondered if he was just playing with my feelings, maybe he found out about my crush and wanted to prank me. In my head a compilation of all the moments he made me feel like crap over the years, but then a recap of the moments he had made up for all of his previous behavior.
My thoughts were leaning toward the line that I should enjoy this as long as it lasted but not get attached, what I doubted would be possible since Pete would be going to college soon , very soon.

Somehow I made up a very convincible story and right on time I sat by one of the benches on the cine complex waiting for Pete to arrival.
I was already nervous, since he was 15 minutes late when I felt a pair of hands closing in around my eyes, as I felt his breathy voice in my ear.
"Guess who?"
"OMG! It's Kurt Cobain?" I joked.
"Why would you guess that?" he kept playing.
"By the awfully cold hands I guess..." I smirked as he let go and made his way around to face me.
"You are no fun..." he gave me peak in the lips and I panicked what if people saw us together?
"No Pete...not here!!" I pushed him off and got back from the bench looking around for any familiar face.
"Stop stressing, I should be the one concerned about that..." he said quietly.
"What do you mean?" I looked at him rising an eyebrow.

"It's nothing's just what if I'm caught hanging out with an underage?" he said shrugging; I didn't really give much thought to it thinking It was unnecessary.

The movie was probably 3 hours long or 1 minute, I don't even know, it didn't really matter once the lights went down Pete wanted to make out, and being inexperienced in this kind of stuff I was eager to go for it, and it was really an enlightening experience.
When he'd kiss m y neck I'd almost forget how to breathe, we talked quietly to each other, almost whispering as we would take breaks to talk a bout random stuff, funny thing is that Pete was actually a pretty up to date with stuff, I mean news and general stuff, so it was refreshing top talk about things that were not really related to boys, clothes and extra pounds.
When the lights came on, I was the one kissing Pete's neck as his hand rested in my belly inside my hoddie, not really touching my stomach but my undershirt, what was fine by me.
We went towards the exit holding hands, but when we got outside he let go of my hands and pulled his hand inside his jeans pockets.

"Can we go home, now?" I asked as we went towards the mall.
"It's still early, what do you think we grab some food and go to the park?" he asked as we headed for the Subway (the sandwich store).

And hour late our sandwiches finished for a long time as we made out in the park bench, by dim light, made me wonder If Pete was really using me maybe he didn't want to expose me or something, because he always made sure that we were out of the sight of curious eyes.
Pulling out of an ardent kiss, I put my head in his shoulder.

"I guess we better go..." I said hurriedly as I tried to catch my breath.

" I wish we didn't...but you are right...we better not push our luck here..." he said getting up and adjusting himself a bit making me blush, guys are really an special kind.
We headed home in silence; we were trained to say that he had met me at the mall and gave me a ride back home. Simple as that, we just hoped people would fall for it.

For three weeks we have developed a pretty interesting relationship, we were a secret deal, and I was cool with that, the best part was that Pete differently from what I thought was being super cute with me, he'd even call me cute names sometimes, and he always called me in the morning when the parents were not home.
One afternoon he came over and I taught him a little of piano, and he surprised me when he said he knew a little bit how to play, that day we had made out in the piano bench, what quickly turned in our first heated make out session, the kind where you somehow end up shirtless, completely out of breath and unconsciously grinding each other, but thanks for my mom we stopped before things could get out of hand.

In my head I was sure that I was falling in love with him, deeply.

One night I gotta a visit from Hilary, she took me by surprise and even apologized for her behavior and tried to explain herself and all that, being the good heart that I am, I forgave her, and truth to be told, I missed my friend like hell.
What caught me even more off guard was the fact that she confessed that she was aware of my relationship with Pete, she said she couldn't be happier for me, but told me about her concern that Pete would be living in a few days for College and stuff, but I just shrugged it off saying that I was aware of what I was getting myself into.
After this, things seemed to be getting back on track, until the day of our last date, Pete decided to take me out again, this time bowling, I guess that now that I was thinner he had no problem being seen with me.

"Pete, you are so stupid, and you will look even more stupid when I kick your ass at the bowling alley..." I mocked him as we made our way towards our destination.

"Ha, let's see about that, Miss Nerdy." He shoved me playfully.

An hour in the game, I was kicking his ass, literally, at first he had been sweet but a little into the game he started to call me some not so endearing names...I shivered when he shoved me out of the way when I made a strike.

"What's wrong with you Pete? I didn't know you were such a sore loser" I said playfully trying to lighten the mood.

"That's because you don't know all." He said throwing the bowling ball my way, it went up past my head and fell on the ground with a loud thud, making people turn towards us.

"Omg, I'm so leaving you here, you are embarrassing yourself." I said going to get my stuff.

"You are right...I'm embarrassing myself...because I'm here with you..." he said after a little hesitation.
I just stared at him, until my vision started to blur and my throat felt like I was chocking.

"See you in hell Pete, but while we don't make it down there, I wish you a happy yet miserable life..." I stared into his eyes; they looked cold, but still sad.

I walked away and I guess he didn't have a wit comeback for me for once.
And I was glad.
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